Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Poroshenko regime, U.S. are no match for Russia's military leviathan

According to analysts, the Ukrainian military dare not attack heroic defenders of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics for fear of the retaliatory strike that could be made by Russia. The Ukrainian army would have long launched a major offensive on the republics if it were not for the deployment of Russian armed forces on borders with Ukraine.

Additionally, Russia conducts ongoing military exercises on its west and south-west borders with Ukraine to prevent any attack against the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. In the meantime, President Vladimir Putin has brought in the bill into the State Duma, Russia's parliament, which will allow Moscow to put air defenses on Byelorussia's borders with Ukraine.

Paul Craig Roberts, chairman of the Institute for Political Economy, wrote that it was Washington that enabled Ukraine's attack on its former provinces with large Russian populations. Some of the crazed neoconservatives erroneously believe Russia is not sufficiently well-armed to respond to U.S. aggression, but the fact of the matter is that Russia's strategic weapons are superior and more powerful than those of the United States.

Critics say Ukraine's attack on the Donbas region is mindless. It shows Washington's puppets, who still sit in Kiev, totally devoid of all intelligence. Even a fool understands that violence creates growing resistance, and the Poroshenko regime has not even the intelligence of fools. In the event of non-fulfillment of the Minsk agreements, Kiev will have to bear a great expenditure on a civil war in Donbas, borrow from international financial institutions and submit to the loss of a part of territory.

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