Friday, August 18, 2017

German top politicians call for return to detente toward Russia

By Vladimir V. Sytin

Recently, two German top politicians have called for resumption of friendly relations with Russia.

Christian Lindner, leader of the liberal Free Democratic Party of Germany, spoke for a change in Berlin's policy with respect to Moscow. According to him, it is necessary to prepare the suggestions that would allow Russian President Vladimir Putin to change the policy without losing face. Mr. Lindner thinks the conflict around the Crimea, which reunited with Russia in March 2014, should be “encapsulated” so that progress can be made on other issues such as a civil war in the Donbas region.

Sahra Wagenknecht, member of the National Committee of the Left Party of Germany, supported the standpoint of the Free Democratic Party. She believes a prompt return to the foreign policy tradition of detente toward Moscow would be quintessential for peace and security in Europe.

Surely you have heard at least one thousand times that Russia invaded Ukraine; yet Washington's puppet still sits in Kiev, according to Paul Craig Roberts, chairman of the Institute for Political Economy. As he wrote, one does not have to have an IQ above 90 to understand that if Russia invaded Ukraine, Ukraine would not still be here.

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