Monday, November 7, 2016

Turkey threatens EU with withdrawal from migration deal

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

Omer Chelik, Turkish minister for EU affairs, stated that Ankara would withdraw from an agreement on migrants if the European Union fails to provide a visa-free regime for citizens of Turkey by this year-end. According to him, it is not enough that the EU violated terms of the migration deal, but Brussels attempts to impose on Ankara a policy alien to its interests.

Turkish authorities are discontented with EU’s demand that a state of emergency instituted after an attempt to stage a coup should be lifted. They warned the EU that Turkey would open a gate for refugees who flee to Europe.

Readers of The Ukrainian Times know that the American state murderous rampage through the Middle East and North Africa was enabled by the Europeans who provided diplomatic and military cover for Washington’s war crimes. Today the Europeans are suffering the consequences as they are overrun by refugees.

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