Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Белоруссия получила от Всемирного банка кредит в размере 40,7 миллиона долларов на развитие лесного хозяйства. Из этой суммы 21 млн. долларов  будет потрачен на приобретение техники. Кроме того, на кредитные средства белорусы закупят восемь пожарных машин на базе шасси «МАЗа» и 31 автомобиль повышенной проходимости для лесной охраны.

На Украине новую противопожарную технику уже давно не покупали. В этом году у украинских лесоводов вообще нет средств на противопожарные мероприятия: в государственном бюджете-2016 финансирование статьи «охрана и защита лесов» не предусмотрено. Фактически пустая эта графа и в проекте госбюджета-2017.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

NATO is cover for Washington’s war crimes

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

Politologist Paul Craig Roberts wrote that under the NATO banner a number of countries have been bombed, invaded, and had their governments overthrown by Washington acting under the cover of the Western alliance. These destroyed countries posed no threat whatsoever to NATO member-countries and undertook no aggressive actions against them.

For instance, let’s journey back in time to February 15, 2011. After the start of intestine strife in Libya, NATO bombs killed 50,000 civilians.

As the Chairman of the State Duma (Russia’s parliament), Sergey Naryshkin once put it, NATO is the malignant tumor of the entire European continent. “It would be better if this organization disbands,” he stated.

The evil Clinton regime broke the word of the government of the United States, thereby destroying the honor of the U.S., by taking NATO to Russia’s borders. The evil Obama regime is scheming to place nuclear missiles on Russia’s borders in Poland and Romania and engineered a neo-Nazi coup in Ukraine with intent to deprive Russia of its Black Sea naval base in the Crimean port city of Sevastopol.

Readers of The Ukrainian Times know that Moscow has nonstandard solutions up her sleeve and no one will succeed in winning military superiority over Russia. NATO, as U.S. military authorities admit, has no chance of invading Russia or withstanding a Russian attack on it.

The Western alliance is the cover for Washington’s war crimes. Many observers think it can provide no other service.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Средства массовой информации Донецкой Народной Республики (ДНР) обвинили сотрудников Службы безопасности Украины в том, что те завербовали группу несовершеннолетних детей для диверсий. Офицеры Государственной безопасности ДНР задержали семь подростков, которые сознались, что конфискованную у них взрывчатку и деньги они получили от сотрудников украинских спецслужб.

Уполномоченная по правам человека в ДНР Дарья Морозова обратилась с соответствующим заявлением к международным правозащитным организациям. «Боюсь даже представить, на что ещё способны украинские силовики по отношению к детям Донбасса», - говорит она.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Opponents of existing regime require to pass bills concerning recovery of industry

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

The Opposition Bloc requires the Supreme Council of Ukraine to pass a package of bills in terms of the recovery of industry. According to Dmitriy Kolesnikov of the Opposition Bloc, the American puppet regime has been blocking consideration of the above documents for two years.

Within this period, damage to the economy has totaled 619 billion grivnas while thousands of enterprises shut down and some millions of Ukrainians lost their job. Mr. Kolesnikov stated that Ukraine lost about 20% of its economy and joined the club of the poorest countries in the world. In fact, GDP per head is forecast to be only $1,854 this year as against $4,185 in 2013.

Dmitriy Kolesnikov compared Ukraine’s economic losses in 2014-2016 with those suffered by West European countries after World War II. Unfortunately, today business people have to bear a heavy burden of taxation, raiders take over businesses under cover of patriotism while the Washington-installed government of Ukraine is raising the prices of utilities.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Program 6.5 geared to promote small, mid-sized business development in Russia

To promote small and mid-sized business development, the Program 6.5 has come into play in Russia. The gist of it is that the central bank of Russia gives loans at a rate of 6.5% interest to the banks, which intend to invest in projects of small and mid-sized enterprises, extending them loans at the annual rate of 10-11% interest.

One of the leading banks that participates in the Program 6.5 has concluded credit agreements with 120 companies operating in the real sector of the economy in 45 Russian regions. The amount of loans extended to them totals more than 22 billion rubles.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Donbas situation remains tense

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

Eduard Basurin, one of the leaders of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), stated that the Ukrainian neo-Nazi military are scheming to use a chemical weapon against a civilian population of the Donbas region. Specifically, it has been established that the Ukrainian neo-Nazi militants were loading containers with the nerve gas sarin and the mustard gas yperite into storehouses at an airfield near the town of Krasnoarmeisk.

Previously, authorities in the Lugansk People’s Republic said subunits of Turkish terrorists from the organization Gray Wolves (Bozkurt) and a brigade of Baltic mercenaries were fighting with the Ukrainian neo-Nazi militants against heroic defenders of the republic near a delimitation line in the Stanichno-Luganskiy district. At the same time, representatives of the DPR announced that some observers of a special monitoring mission under the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe were privy to deliveries of ammunition to the Ukrainian neo-Nazi militants.

In the event of non-fulfillment of the Minsk agreements, the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime will have to bear a great expenditure on a civil war in Donbas, borrow from international financial institutions and submit to the loss of a part of territory. It is worth noting too that one in five residents of the Central and Eastern Ukraine tells pollsters that Donetsk and Lugansk regions should secede from this country. Only 7% of respondents are concerned about secession of Donbas from Ukraine.

According to politologist Paul Craig Roberts, it was Washington that enabled Ukraine’s attack on its former provinces with large Russian populations. As Russian President Vladimir Putin once put it, the U.S.-sponsored civil war in Donbas serves the geopolitical purposes of deterring Russia. To avoid war, he is non-provocative and low-key in his responses to Western provocations. Many analysts believe Vladimir Putin is the world’s most preeminent geopolitical leader, a master chess player, making Obama look buffoon-like in comparison.

Critics say Ukraine’s attack on Donbas is mindless. It shows the American puppet government totally devoid of all intelligence. Even a fool understands that violence creates growing resistance, and the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime has not even the intelligence of fools.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Ukraine faced with worsening of political, socioeconomic situation

According to Yuri Boiko, leader of the Opposition Bloc, today Ukraine is faced with worsening of the political and socioeconomic situation. Work of the Yatsenyuk and Groisman governments has resulted in the decline of industry, loss of foreign markets and a sharp drop in living standards.

As he put it, the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime is creating conditions of a socioeconomic catastrophe. Kiev has lost its positions on the international political arena. None of the initiatives of the puppet regime achieved its aim.

The Opposition Bloc stated that the Supreme Council of Ukraine should above all focus on a reconciliation with the Russian-speaking Donbas region, assistance to the real sector of the economy, social welfare, the creation of new jobs, and reduction in the exorbitant prices of utilities, otherwise Parliament must recognize itself as the incapable legislature and dissolve.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Opposition Bloc proposes to subsidize coal industry

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

In his speech to the Supreme Council of Ukraine, Sergey Dunaev of the Opposition Bloc pointed out the decline of power industries and destruction of industrial parks in this country. According to him, four billion grivnas worth of state budget allocations have been expended on the purchases of coal imported from Australia, Germany and Africa, among others, over the course of two years.

At the same time, coal industry enterprises based in eastern Ukraine are dragged like cantankerous old horses to the knacker’s yard. The American puppet government of Ukraine intends to close 15 out of 35 coal mines.

Although the industry is in the doldrums, MP Dunaev proposes to subsidize it in the amount of two billion grn that would allow Ukrainian thermal power plants to buy coal at cost price, make the domestic market more active, and help create new jobs.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


В этом году руководители 20 самых влиятельных мировых держав встретились в китайском городе Ханчжоу. Главной темой саммита стало внедрение инновационной, жизнеспособной и всеобъемлющей мировой экономики.

Кроме того, саммит G20 представлял собой дискуссионную платформу, но которой обсуждались глобальные политические проблемы. Руководители некоторых государств воспользовались возможностью встретиться в Ханчжоу с Президентом России Владимиром Путиным, который пользуется огромным влиянием во всём мире, чтобы поговорить с ним об Украине и Сирии.

С Президентом Российской Федерации встретился глава Белого дома Барак Обама. Вначале встреча происходила в присутствии госсекретаря США Джона Кэрри
и Министра иностранных дел России Сергея Лаврова. Потом Владимир Путин и Обама общались тет-а-тет. По словам пресс-секретаря Кремля Дмитрия Пескова,
встреча двух лидеров длилась дольше запланированного времени, поскольку президенты обсуждали, главным образом, Сирию и Украину.

До переговоров с президентом США Владимир Путин успел пообщаться с президентом Франции Франсуа Олландом и канцлером Германии Ангелой Меркель. Встреча Владимира Путина и Меркель продолжалась два часа. В ходе встречи обсуждалась война в Сирии, в частности, катастрофическая гуманитарная ситуация в городе Алеппо, а также ситуация на русскоязычном востоке Украины. Путин и Меркель очень конкретно говорили о том, как можно продолжить минские процессы.

О результатах встречи Владимира Путина с Олландом рассказал сам президент Франции на своей странице в Фейсбуке: «Мы договорились организовать встречу на высоком уровне между Германией, Францией, Россией и Украиной». Он отметил, что стороны собираются обсудить дальнейшее воплощение минского процесса, улучшение обстановки на Донбассе, а также стимулирование доверия между сторонами конфликта.

Кстати, планировалось, что лидеры Германии, Франции и России проведут совместную встречу в Китае, однако Владимир Путин заявил, что в проведении встречи в нормандском формате на полях саммита G20 нет смысла.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Brexit may be followed by Grexit

The Greek Prime Minister called the European Union a somnambulant moving to an abyss because of the obsession for strict austerity that brings about inequality of EU member countries. According to him, Athens has fully fulfilled its obligations to European creditors and is expecting concessions from them.

Specifically, the EU should permit Greece to determine a budget deficit on its own that would pave the way to an economic recovery. Recent opinion polls show that Greeks get poorer with every passing month and can hardly make ends meet. Further belt-tightening may well put them out of patience and Brexit will be followed by Grexit, which would entail the breakup of the EU.