Monday, July 27, 2015

70 billion rubles earmarked for socioeconomic development of Kuril Islands

Recently, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev held a meeting of the government to consider a federal special-purpose program for socioeconomic development of the Kuril Islands for the period ending in 2025. The document was drawn up on the instructions of President Vladimir Putin.

In particular, participants in the meeting discussed reconstruction of the defense infrastructure on the Kuril Islands. Plans are in hand to spend 70 billion rubles on socioeconomic development of the Kuril Islands.

It should be mentioned that Japan is still in a de jure state of war with Russia because of the Kurils problem.

Readers of The Ukrainian Times know that the Southern Kurils are the integral part of Russia’s territory on a legal basis in accordance with the results of World War II. Japan, which was the ally of Nazi Germany during WWII, shall strictly respect relevant accords and the U.N. Charter. Like Germany, Japan must bear responsibility for war crimes not only towards Russia but also all former Soviet republics and the anti-Hitlerite coalition.

Finally, it is worth remembering that the Kurils were originally settled by the Russians in the 17th-18th centuries. Japan seized the southern islands and in 1875 obtained the entire chain. After WWII they were legally ceded to the Soviet Union, and the Japanese population was repatriated.

And so, did Japan not learn any lessons from its criminal alliance with Nazi Germany?

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