Sunday, January 31, 2016

European companies seal gas pipe deal with Gazprom

Like it or not, five energy companies from Germany, Austria, Britain, the Netherlands and France signed a contract with the Russian gas group Gazprom to build the Nord Stream-2 pipeline on the Baltic seabed. Incidentally, the Czech Republic imports Russian natural gas from the Nord Stream-1 pipeline via Gazela and OPAL pipelines.

According to forecasts, prices of natural gas exported by Russia to Western Europe will average $200 a thousand cubic meters this year, compared with $238 a thousand cubic meters in 2015.

Readers of The Ukrainian Times know that Gazprom controls 15% of the world’s known natural-gas reserves. The Russian group is going to be passing along gas for a long, long time. Like a coiled spring, Gazprom stocks are cheap to start with. Not having any idea of what would happen, some Western investors think the cheap bird in their hands is a better bet than the expensive birds somewhere in the future bush.


Борьба с онкологическими заболеваниями является актуальной проблемой на Украине. Для решения этой проблемы была сформирована рабочая группа, в которую вошли учёные Института биохимии, Института экспериментальной патологии, онкологии и радиобиологии Национальной академии наук Украины, а также партнёры из Института макромолекулярной химии Академии наук Чешской республики.

Цель совместного проекта заключается в изучении биологической активности наноразмерных структур оксида железа с модифицированной поверхностью. Осуществление этого проекта позволит создавать новые высокоэффективные и малотоксичные противоопухолевые лекарственные средства.

Дополнительная информация:

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Representatives of Donetsk, Lugansk People’s Republics propose their version of amendments to constitution of Ukraine

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

During recent talks about a peaceful settlement of the situation in the Donbas region, representatives of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics proposed their version of amendments to the constitution of Ukraine.

In particular, the compromise proposal provides for a right to agree all bills passed by the Supreme Council of Ukraine and the right of veto on Kiev’s decisions in the sphere of foreign policy. The Donbas region shall have a right to trade with Russia, as well as elect its parliament, government and president.

Importantly, Donbas shall enjoy cultural autonomy in order to protect the Russian language. In addition, the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics shall form police, security services, judicial bodies and border troops, among others.

According to many observers, a civil war in Donbas with large Russian populations earns real profits for the war industry, but only an ersatz glory for Ukrainian neo-Nazi militants. Real soldiers take no pride in it. Instead, to a real hero, the U.S.-sponsored fratricidal war is a source of shame and embarrassment.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Deliveries of goods to Russia from Vinnitsa region account for 8.5%

Enterprises of the Vinnitsa region have exported products worth $602 million in January-October 2015, whereas imports amounted to only $229.4 million. Importantly, deliveries of goods to Russia accounted for 8.5%. Overall, enterprises of the Vinnitsa oblast exported their products to 116 countries last year.

American puppet government continues to destroy economic potential of Ukraine

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

According to Yuri Boiko, leader of the Opposition Bloc, the state budget of Ukraine for this year does not propose backing for the coal industry, whereas the American puppet government plans to shut down 22 out of 35 operating mines. As a result, 80,000 workers will lose their job. “This is a senseless policy, as it will entail full foreign dependence of Ukraine,” he said.

Criticizing a new taxation code, Mr. Boiko pointed out that the revocation of tax privileges with respect to agricultural producers would lead to the additional tax burden on farmers, which is estimated at from 1,500 to 2,000 grivnas per hectare.

As he put it, the Yatsenyuk government continues to struggle against the real sector of the economy, destroying the economic potential of Ukraine. The leader of the Opposition Bloc compared the so-called government to a committee on closure of plants and mines.

Not surprisingly, recent opinion polls show that only 5% of Ukrainians approve of activity of the American puppet government, which came to power owing to the bloody neo-Nazi coup.

The above facts prove beyond any doubt that the Yatsenyuk government is the worst enterprise that has ever existed in this country.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Free trade area with Israel to be established by this year-end but…

By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times

The Ambassador of Israel to Ukraine told the press that a free trade area between the two countries would be established by this year-end. Importantly, he stated that Israel did not support anti-Russian sanctions imposed by the United States and its European vassals in connection with a civil war in the Donbas region with large Russian populations because Israel and Russia have vital mutual interests.

In addition, the ambassador pointed out that Israeli authorities could not influence private companies and natural persons doing business in Crimea, which reunified with Russia after the U.S.-sponsored neo-Nazi coup in Kiev.

Readers of The Ukrainian Times know that establishing the free trade area with the European Union, Ukraine has been deprived of preferences in terms of trade with Russia. According to Alexander Okhrimenko, president of the Ukrainian Analytical Center, without the free trade area with the Russian Federation, Ukraine’s machine-building and chemical industries will suffer heavily. He forecast that such enterprises as Motor Sich (UX: MSICH), Turboatom and Aviant would go belly up this year. “YuzhMash is virtually standing idle,” Mr. Okhrimenko added.

Alexei Pushkov, member of the State Duma (Russia’s parliament), said losses of Ukraine may well amount to $30-40 billion. In particular, a cut in the export of Ukrainian goods to the Eurasian Customs Union is estimated at $15 billion.

Many analysts think that the EU needs this country as a trade appendage to the West. By modest computation, losses of the state budget will account for 10% of Ukraine’s GDP after the establishment of the so-called free trade area with the EU.

As geopolitical analyst William Engdahl once put it, the U.S. has been attempting to isolate Russia by imposing the sanctions. However, the American
evil empire and its European vassals produced the opposite effect and brought Russia closer to Israel, China and other BRICS countries.

Monday, January 25, 2016

ABII seen as alternative to World Bank, IMF

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

Recently, the Asian Bank for Infrastructure of Investments (ABII) has opened in Beijing. It is seen by many analysts as a viable alternative to the World Bank and the faulty IMF (or International Monetary Fiasco, as the joke has it).

Good news is that 57 countries participated in its establishment and capitalization amounting to $100 billion. Among the largest shareholders of the ABII are China, India, Russia and Germany.

As expected, the bank will improve the possibilities for developing the infrastructure and contribute to economic integration of the countries.

Importantly, China is ready to allocate $50 million for the establishment of a special fund in order to help less developed countries implement infrastructure projects.

Incidentally, observers maintain that if the IMF allows the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime to abrogate its commitment on its Russian bond payment in the amount of $3 billion, the consequences could be drastic. As economist Michael Hudson notes, it will then become clear that “the IMF no longer applies international law to Russia” giving Russia and other BRICS countries “little reason to remain in the IMF and the World Bank”.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Blue-chip companies slated for sale in 2016 as foreign investors shun Ukrainian shares

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

Reportedly, about 20 companies take a keen interest in the acquisition of the Odessa port chemical plant. Among possible investors are Chinese, Moroccan, Russian and European companies including Yara of Norway.

Although a competition to sell the Odessa enterprise will be held in February, experts say large-scale privatization could start in October, at the earliest, in order to obey the letter of the law. The initial bidding price of 94.5% of plant’s shares ranges between $500 million and $620 million, albeit the enterprise is estimated at from $1.2 billion to $1.5 billion.

In addition, the plan for privatization of state-owned enterprises in 2016 envisages the sale of such blue-chip companies as CentrEnergo (UX: CEEN), SumyKhimProm and ZaporozhyeOblEnergo.

Sadly for the American puppet government of Ukraine, losses of the largest state companies totaled 9.7 billion grivnas in the first quarter last year. However, receipts from privatization in the amount of 17.1 billion grn are provided for in the state budget for this year.

Understandably, foreign investors are shunning Ukrainian shares and unwilling to cough up funds. They are highly averse to economic and political uncertainty and will keep away from this country until the situation improves. Under the circumstances, analysts say possible bidders will be mainly Ukrainian oligarchs who will try to buy the above blue chips for a song.

Saturday, January 23, 2016


Зона свободной торговли между Украиной и Израилем может начать работать уже до конца текущего года, сообщил посол Израиля Элиав Белоцерковский. По его словам, Израиль не присоединился к антироссийским санкциям, т.к. Израиль и Россия имеют очень важные общие интересы. Кроме того, посол отметил, что власти Израиля не могут влиять на частные компании и физические лица, ведущие бизнес в Крыму.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Greece accuses Turkey of doing nothing to stop flocks of refugees from Washington’s wars

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

Recently, the President of Greece has reproached Turkish authorities, saying that they do nothing to stop refugees from Washington’s wars in the Middle East, who are knocking on Europe’s door. He accused personnel of Turkey’s ports of helping illegal traffickers carry refugees to Greek islands.

As a consequence of European Union’s subservience to the United States, European countries are being overrun by refugees. Over the course of only one day 19,400 citizens of Syria and Iraq crossed illegally the Slovenia’s border. The high number of refugees came to Macedonia, and the EU did not give any financial assistance to the former Yugoslav republic.

Many hundred thousand people migrated to Hungary from North Africa and the Middle East. According to local volunteers, the American and British military unleashed a devastating war in Iraq, the Italian and French military conducted air bombardment in Libya and all of them trained extreme jihadist forces in Syria, whereas Hungary has to bear the burden of this chaos created by the U.S. and its European vassals.

Speaking at the 70th UN General Assembly, Russian President Vladimir Putin laid special emphasis on the slaughter, destruction and chaos that Washington has brought to the Middle East, North Africa and Ukraine, and the extreme jihadist and Ukrainian neo-Nazi forces, which have been unleashed. He asked the American evil empire: “Do you realize what you have done?”

Meanwhile, the tragedy continues.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

New power plant comes into operation in Crimea

The first power plant that produces electricity from landfill gas has been built in the Crimean village of Turgenevo near the town of Belogorsk. Plans are in hand to increase its capacity from the present 60 kilowatts to 0.5 megawatt an hour.

Today Crimea is supplied with more than 800 megawatts, including about 470 megawatts produced by local electric power plants and 410 megawatts passed through the “energy bridge” from the Krasnodar Territory.

Readers of The Ukrainian Times know that a bunch of Tatars living in Ukraine and terrorists of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi organization Right Sector attempted to impose an energy blockade on Crimea at the end of last year. According to many analysts, the Tatar and Right Sector extremists are very strong in their stupidity in this blockade as they play into the hands of Russian authorities. Attempting to impose a blackout on the Russian peninsula, the Tatars and Ukrainian neo-Nazis of Right Sector (or khokhlonaziki, to use the term they apparently hate) have only produced the opposite effect and stimulated Russia to accelerate the construction of new power plants and laying of power supply cables from the Krasnodar Territory to Crimea.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Ukrainian researchers are ready to offer novel smoke sensors to air companies

By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times

A fire alarm system falls under a number of systems of the highest category in consideration of the criteria of responsibility for safety both of the object in which the system is installed and people in it. For instance, the flight of aircraft is cancelled if the fire alarm system is out of order, or the flight is interrupted if the system goes off.

Data from international air companies show that a fire alarm turned out to be false in nine out of 10 cases when signaling devices went off. And the broken flights cost a pretty penny. That is why the modernization of signaling devices of the fire alarm system is the urgent task that faces aviation on a world-wide scale.

The results of research done by a group of scientists led by Prof. Vladimir Maslov of the Institute of Semiconductor Physics under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine allowed them to establish that the phenomenon of surface plasmon resonance enables discrimination between smoke and dust. It is the dust that produces the same physical effect as smoke, causing the false activation of signaling devices of the fire alarm system.

If there is the requisite financing, novel multichannel intelligent smoke sensors will have been developed by the above group of researchers on completion of this project. They believe these sensors will be widely used in modern life.

Additional information:

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Агрофирма «Ольвия» специализируется на растениеводстве и животноводстве в Запорожской области. По словам руководителя «Ольвии» Анатолия Тиховода, больше всего зерна предприятие поставляет потребителям в Луганскую, Днепропетровскую и Херсонскую области.

На ферме по выращиванию крупного рогатого скота используют технологию беспривязного содержания. Телята подрастают с коровами в природных условиях.

Недавно «Ольвия» сделала подарок родному селу Чкалово, оборудовав там новый стадион. В целом, на благоустройство села агрофирма потратила более четверти миллиона гривен в прошлом году.

Monday, January 18, 2016


Система пожарной сигнализации (СПС) относится к числу систем высшей категории по критериям ответственности за безопасность как объекта, на котором она установлена, так и людей, находящихся в нём. Например, в авиации полёт отменяется, если СПС неисправна, и прерывается, если она срабатывает.

По данным международных авиакомпаний, из 10 случаев срабатывания сигнализаторов пожарной безопасности девять являются ложными, и прерванные полёты обходятся недёшево. Поэтому модернизация существующих сигнализаторов является актуальной задачей мирового уровня для авиации.

В Институте физики полупроводников Национальной академии наук Украины в результате проведённых исследований группой учёных под руководством профессора Владимира Петровича Маслова (на снимке) было установлено, что явление поверхностного плазмонного резонанса позволяет различать наличие дыма или пыли (ведь именно из-за пыли, которая вносит такой же физический эффект, как и дым, ложно срабатывают сигнализаторы пожарной безопасности). При необходимом финансировании после завершения этого проекта будут разработаны многоканальные интеллектуальные сенсоры задымлённости нового типа, для которых в нашей жизни существует довольно-таки широкий спектр применения.

Дополнительная информация:

Ukraine’s machine-building, chemical industries to go belly up without free trade area with Russia

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

Establishing a free trade area with the European Union, Ukraine has been deprived of preferences in terms of trade with Russia. According to Alexander Okhrimenko, president of the Ukrainian Analytical Center, without the free trade area with the Russian Federation, Ukraine’s machine-building and chemical industries will suffer heavily.

Mr. Okhrimenko forecast that such enterprises as Motor Sich (UX: MSICH), Turboatom and Aviant would go belly up this year. “YuzhMash is virtually standing idle,” he added.

Alexei Pushkov, member of the State Duma (Russia’s parliament) said losses of Ukraine may well amount to $30-40 billion. In particular, a cut in the export of Ukrainian goods to the Eurasian Customs Union is estimated at $15 billion.

It is clear that the enslaving Association Agreement is more advantageous to the EU with its double standards than Ukraine. Under the EU imposed document, European goods get free access to the Ukrainian market.

Many analysts think that the EU needs this country as a trade appendage to the West. By modest computation, losses of the state budget will account for 10% of Ukraine’s GDP after the establishment of the so-called free trade area with the EU.

Critics agree that acceding to the EU Association Agreement is like getting a job as a galley slave. You get chained to the oar and row until you drop dead. The doleful first line of the Ukrainian national anthem “Ukraine has not yet died” is a sadly appropriate lyric for the latest developments in this country mismanaged by the American puppet government.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

NATO must bear responsibility for war crimes in Middle East, North Africa

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

As a consequence of European Union’s subservience to the United States, European countries are being overrun by refugees from the Washington’s wars, which Europe so mindlessly enabled. After terrorist attacks in Paris, it has become clear that Europe pays dearly for the war crimes of the American evil empire in Iraq, Yemen, Syria and Libya.

It is worth recalling that after the start of intestine strife in Libya on February 15, 2011, NATO bombs killed 50,000 civilians. Today the city
of Surt is occupied by the Islamic State and other Islamists have dug in Tripoli.

According to Iranian politologist Hussein Kanani Moghadam, the U.S. and its European vassals lay Middle-East countries in ruins with 500,000 graves and created the monster of terrorism, namely ISIS. “Al Qaeda is a little girl with bows, compared to Daesh,” he said, adding that the American evil empire and the EU were strongly backing the so-called freedom fighters with both money and weapons, who turned out to be cutthroats and bandits.

U.S. politologist Paul Craig Roberts wrote that in the beginning of the 21st century, hundreds of thousands of Muslims in seven countries had already been murdered and millions displaced in order to extend Washington’s hegemony. He thinks if the NATO continues to exist, the Western alliance, together with the neoconservative ideology of American hegemony, will make a nuclear war inevitable.

As the Chairman of the State Duma (Russia’s parliament), Sergey Naryshkin once put it, NATO is the malignant tumor of the all European continent. “It would be better if this organization disbands,” he stated.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Most citizens of the Netherlands to vote against ratification of Association Agreement between EU and Ukraine

On April 6, the Netherlands will hold a referendum on whether it will support the Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine. Dutch municipal councils have allocated 30 million euros for the organization of the referendum.

Sadly for Ukrainian neo-Nazi authorities, the Eenvandag TV poll shows that 75% of citizens of the Netherlands will vote against ratification of the agreement. More than 50% of Dutch respondents said they would take part in the referendum.

Commenting on activity of the U.S.-sponsored puppet government of Ukraine that came to power owing to the bloody neo-Nazi coup, Nikolai Skorik of the Opposition Bloc said the agreement helped the Ukrainian economy nothing. In fact, export to the EU fell by 28.4% in January-October 2015, compared with the same period of 2014.

Ukrainian currency depreciates 48.7% owing to capital outflow, war in Donbas

Devaluation of the grivna accounted for 48.7% last year owing to a decrease in an export turnover, capital outflow and civil war in the Donbas region.

At the same time, the Byelorussian ruble and the Kazakh tenge depreciated by 54.3% and 85.2% respectively because it was necessary to even balances of trade with Russia. In addition, a 33% decrease in the price of Brent crude made the central bank of Kazakhstan to go over to the floating rate of exchange in August 2015.

According to forecasts by Western analysts, oil will remain in a range of $50-60 per barrel (with occasional overshoots for technical reasons) until 2017. That is how long will take to destroy frackers, particularly in Canada and the United States.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Only 5% of Ukrainians approve of activity of Yatsenyuk government

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

Commenting on activity of the U.S.-sponsored puppet government of Ukraine that came to power owing to the bloody neo-Nazi coup, Nikolai Skorik of the Opposition Bloc said the association agreement with the European Union helped the Ukrainian economy nothing. At the same time, citizens of this country are doomed to extinction.

Not surprisingly, recent opinion polls show that only 5% of Ukrainians approve of activity of the Yatsenyuk government.

Mikhail Papiev of the Opposition Bloc pointed out that the rate of inflation accounted for 75% by the end of November 2015. Opinion polls found that 53% of Ukrainian households feel the pinch and cannot afford to pay utility bills because of exorbitant prices. In fact, prices of natural gas and electric power rose by the whopping 273% and 66% respectively.

According to plan of the so-called government, in a year a minimum wage will be 40% less than the present minimum of subsistence. In other words, the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime robbed the people, reducing them to poverty. As Vladimir Oleynik, former member of the Supreme Council of Ukraine, put it, today 80% of Ukrainians live below the official poverty level.

Many observers think the Opposition Bloc led by Yuri Boiko represents the Ukrainian people better than does the Popular Front party of prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Washington’s puppet.

Monday, January 11, 2016

IPIR farsightedly signs cooperation agreement with Chinese partners

By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times

Recently, the Institute of Problems of Information Registration (IPIR) under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine has signed an agreement with Chinese partners on scientific and production cooperation in the field of the application of prismatic elements and structures to diagnose and correct strabismus. In accordance with the agreement, the IPIR will do the high-tech part of production while lenses and eyeglasses are to be made in China. Besides, Chinese ophthalmologists will train with Ukrainian specialists.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Kryukovskiy plant goes off the track as it loses Russian market

The Kremenchug-based firm KremTex, which was founded on the basis of a clothing factory, increased output by 38.6% in 2015, compared with 2014. At the same time, the local confectionary and dairy stepped up production by some 37% and 19% respectively. Unfortunately, the Kryukovskiy railroad car building plant has reduced output by the whopping 84.9% over the course of 10 months of 2015 because it lost the Russian market.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

NATO must disband to avoid nuclear war

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

According to Sergey Naryshkin, Chairman of the State Duma (Russia’s parliament), the NATO is the malignant tumor of the all European continent. “It would be better if this organization disbands,” he stated.

Politologist Paul Craig Roberts wrote that to perpetuate American hegemony, power-crazed fanatical neoconservatives threw away the guarantees, which Washington gave Moscow, that NATO would not move one inch to the East. As NATO (essentially the United States) has no prospect of defeating Russia in a conventional war, much less defeating the alliance of Russia and China, the war will be nuclear, from Mr. Roberts’ point of view.

What is worrying is that some European governments, especially Germany and Britain, are complicit in the move toward the nuclear war. One of the ways to avoid it is for an independent leader in Germany, the United Kingdom, or France to rise to office and withdraw from NATO. That would begin a stampede to leave the Western alliance, which is Washington’s prime tool for causing a conflict with Russia and, thereby, is the most dangerous to the entire world.

Analysts think if the Western alliance continues to exit, NATO, together with the neoconservative ideology of American hegemony, will make the nuclear war inevitable. The crazies in Washington could use nuclear weapons against their enemies if they did not mind being exterminated themselves.

Readers of The Ukrainian Times know that since the early 1990s, Western aims have been to draw countries out of the Soviet sphere of influence and into the aggressive NATO. Ukraine has always been seen as the ultimate test as to where the balance lies.

It is understandable for Russia to want to save the southeast Ukraine, as a buffer against the next invasion from the West since 1941 (read: Nazi Germany). As Russian President Vladimir Putin once put it, Moscow has nonstandard solutions up her sleeve and no one will succeed in winning military superiority over Russia.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

NASU institutes apply research findings in production

By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times

In recent years researchers of institutes under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) have been introducing their engineering developments into production.

For instance, the power plants that produce electricity from landfill gas have been put into operation. Ukrainian scientists created the varieties of wheat whose yield capacity exceeds 100 centners per hectare, compared with the average wheat yield of 35-38 centners per hectare in this country. Also, the scientists developed novel stoves with the built-in thermoelectric generators whereby to charge gadgets.

Additional information:

Monday, January 4, 2016

Chinese corporation to build thermal power plant in Cherkassy region

By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times

Plans are in hand to build a thermal power plant with a capacity of 30 megawatts near the town of Yekaterinopol, Cherkassy region. To this end, the Cherkassy regional administration, the Energy Investment Company (EIC) and the Runh Power Corporation of China have signed a memorandum of late.

According to Chinese partners, the plant will be completed in 18 months. They say a construction site is appropriate to the project because it is situated at the brown coal deposit, which the EIC has been developing since 2014.

EIC director-general Vasiliy Tereschenko pointed out that the thermal power plant would employ about 500 workers.

In this context, it is interesting to note that China has pledged to boost its share of renewable energy from the current 8% to 20% in 2030. The country is the world’s top renewable investor, doubling its solar capacity year by year. In addition, it is the world leader in hydropower and wind power capacity.

Friday, January 1, 2016


На протяжении последних лет, включая и прошлый год, учёные институтов Национальной академии наук Украины (НАНУ) внедряли свои новые разработки.
Например, сданы в эксплуатацию электростанции, работающие на газе, выделяемом свалками; выведены такие сорта пшеницы, которые дают урожайность свыше 100 центнеров с гектара, тогда как средняя урожайность на Украине 35-38 центнеров с гектара.

Кроме того, украинскими учёными были разработаны печи новой конструкции. В них встроены термоэлектрогенераторы, с помощью которых заряжаются мобильные телефоны, т.е. электричество вырабатывается от тепла, исходящего от печи.