The Ukrainian Times
Innovations are slowly put into practice, particularly in Ukraine. Increasing service life of solar panels and maintaining their high efficiency over the course of 20 years, making the structure of primary mirrors of telescope 90% lighter, opening up new horizons in the application of immunologic methods and creation of novel equipment – all this is feasible today owing to advanced developments of Ukrainian scientists.
To implement these and other projects, Vladimir Maslov (pictured), Doctor of Sciences, and his team seek investors.

He is the experienced scientific adviser and efficient executive responsible for research and technology projects of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Science, Innovation and IT Agency. The projects backed by the firm Schott of Germany have been implemented under the guidance of Mr. Maslov and with his active participation. At present, he acts as scientific adviser of two projects of the state research and technology program for the development and creation of sensory knowledge-intensive products, which is scheduled for the period ending in 2017.
From 2001 on, Vladimir Maslov has been working in the V. Lashkareov Institute of Semiconductor Physics as a head of the department of physicotechnological fundamentals of sensory materials science. The sphere of his scientific interests embraces such directions as research on the properties of unique glassceramic nanomaterials and the technologies of the joint of precision parts made from these materials; technologies of making and monitoring the precision parts of optoelectronic devices; the application of surface plasmon resonance to tackle biological, medical and ecological tasks. The results of his research are generalized in five monographs, 200 articles and 400 patents.
Vladimir Maslov was born in Kiev in 1945. He graduated from the Moscow Engineering and Technical Institute. Over the course of 27 years Mr. Maslov has been working in the sectoral research and technological Institute of Optical Instrument Making as the head of a department and then a director. He was the chief technologist for the state-owned plant Arsenal.
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