The Ukrainian Times
Recently, Japan has given Ukraine financial assistance in the amount of more than $1.5 billion. In addition, Tokyo allocated $300 million for the replenishment of Ukraine’s gold and foreign currency reserves.
Japanese investors take a keen interest in the enhancement of energy efficiency of Ukrainian coal-fired thermal power stations.
Readers of The Ukrainian Times know that in January Ukraine’s gold and foreign currency reserves fell by 15% or so to the measly amount, which is equivalent to $6.42 billion, compared with $20.4 billion a year ago. In particular, its gold reserves decreased by 30% to about 26 tons toward the end of last year. It is important to note that today neo-Nazi authorities in Kiev expend daily over $5 million on a criminal war against heroic defenders of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, or Novorossia (New Russia).
Meanwhile, Japan’s debt/GDP ratio is estimated at a crushing 235%. Government deficits are still running at 8% of GDP.
Seemingly, the kamikaze finance story is just getting started both in Tokyo and Kiev.