The Ukrainian Times
Recent opinion polls in France found that 50% of French respondents think Ukraine is within the orbit of Russia, rather than it is under the influence of the European Union. Despite the so-called sanctions against Moscow owing to the Ukrainian crisis, 71% of citizens of France favor the shipment of Mistral aircraft carriers to Russia.
Only 34% of the French approve of the entry of Ukraine into the EU.
In Germany, opinion polls say that 69% of German respondents are against NATO’s military presence in Central and East Europe because of a civil war in southeast Ukraine.
Speaking to students of the St. Petersburg Mining University, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that the foreign NATO legion made a criminal war against heroic defenders of the Donbass region, or Novorossia (New Russia). Together with the Ukrainian neo-Nazi militants, the foreign legion acts in the interests of the hostile Western alliance. In fact, observers say mercenaries have been captured in the east Ukraine with the thick London accent.
According to Mr. Putin, the civil war in Donbass serves the geopolitical purposes of deterring Russia that does not respond to the basic interests of citizens of Ukraine. He promised to grant political asylum to all Ukrainians who do not want to be summoned to the criminal war.
Data from the sociological group Rating show that 77% of citizens of Ukraine fear greatly the war. Importantly, only 7% of respondents are concerned about secession of the Russian-speaking Donbass from this country.
Analysts think it is understandable for Russia to want to save the southeast Ukraine, as a buffer against the next invasion from the West since 1941 (read: Nazi Germany). Meanwhile, despite the assurances given by George Bush I and other American presidents, Russia’s periphery states have been drawn towards the aggressive NATO. Critics say the United States meddled in Ukraine, helping to unseat its democratically elected president Viktor Yanukovich so that he might be replaced by American stooges.
As Vladimir Putin once put it, Moscow has nonstandard solutions up her sleeve and no one will succeed in winning military superiority over Russia.
The armed coup in Kiev is painfully similar to CIA operations to oust unwanted foreign leaders in Iran, Chile and Venezuela, said U.S. filmmaker
Oliver Stone. Many witnesses believe the so-called ‘shooters’ were introduced by pro-Western factions – with CIA fingerprints on it.
Likewise, the shooters were introduced in Lithuania. Historically, those events were CIA-perpetrated coups against Iranian prime minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in 1953 and Chilean president Salvador Allende in 1973 – both leaders with policies undesired by Washington or its allies.
In this context, several observers tweeted their opinion: “CIA has unleashed murderous terror in Ukraine, just like everywhere in the world”, “CIA has become a nation unto itself. It is parasitical upon the U.S., which has no control over it.”