The Ukrainian Times
On the average the price of bread will rise by 20% to nine grivnas per kilogram in the Ternopol region in spring. At present, a kilo of white and black bread costs 7.26 and 7.95 grn respectively.
An increase in the price of bread can be explained by a 40% rise in the price of flour; the more so, as energy sources are 35% up.
It is important to note that the standard of living is lowest in the Ternopol oblast. Unsurprisingly, local households have suspended payments for exorbitant utilities imposed by the IMF-shock therapy mafia and neo-Nazi junta in Kiev, which are virtually destroying Ukraine after democratically elected president Viktor Yanukovich.
Finally, it is worth remembering that there was a military coup d’etat sponsored by the CIA and the U.S. Special Forces, putting Yatsenyuk and Ukrainian oligarch Poroshenko in power, and that is illegitimate.