The Ukrainian Times
Data from the Levada-Center shows that 81% of citizens of Russia are ill disposed to the United States. At the same time, 71% of Russian respondents take a negative attitude to the European Union.
According to geopolitical analyst William Engdahl, the U.S. has been attempting to isolate Russia by imposing sanctions. However, the American evil empire and its allies in the EU have only produced the opposite effect and brought Russia closer to China and other BRICS countries.
Many observers think Washington is very strong in stupidity in its foreign policy. The U.S. created a military coup d’etat in Kiev and brought Ukrainian neo-Nazis to power that is illegitimate.
In addition, opinion polling shows that 72% of citizens of Russia think Moscow must take retaliatory measures against the sanctions used by the West in connection with a civil war in Ukraine. Importantly, most Russians are sure that they will not suffer from the sanctions.
In a survey, 61% of those polled believe that their peace-loving Russia is encircled by enemies. More than 55% of respondents blame the pro-Western puppet regime in Kiev for the deterioration of relations between Russia and Ukraine.
It is worth recalling that Russia accused the faulty West of a misunderstanding about the real situation in Ukraine. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the sanctions testify to the fact that the pseudo-democratic European Union with its double standards and the American evil empire invite the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev to continue committing lawless acts and punitive operations against heroic defenders of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, or Novorossia (New Russia).
As U.S. filmmaker Oliver Stone put it, the West has maintained the dominant narrative of ‘Russia in Crimea’, whereas the true narrative is ‘U.S.A. in Ukraine’. The truth is not being aired in the West. It is a surreal perversion of history that is going on once again, as in the Bush pre-Iraq ‘WMD’ campaign.
So, the West’s mask has been torn off, revealing its “democracy” as at best insubstantial, overrated and at worst duplicitous.