Сборная Украины по биатлону заняла второе место на чемпионате мира среди юниоров (до 19 лет), который проходил в Белоруссии. Лидировали в эстафете россияне, преодолев дистанцию за один час четыре минуты и 1,2 секунды.
Украинцы отстали на 37,7 секунд, а представители Норвегии – на две минуты 2,5 секунды. Нынешнее «серебро» является пока наивысшим достижением украинских юниоров в эстафетах на чемпионатах мира по биатлону.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Western technologies hold instigation of domestic disorders in store for disobedient states
The Ukrainian Times
Speaking at a recent meeting of the UN Security Council, Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov (pictured) stated that attempts to dominate world affairs would entail contravention of international principles, and concentrated pressure on sovereign states. Western technologies hold the instigation of domestic disorders, and replacement of regimes, in store for disobedient states.

Mr. Lavrov pointed out overt encouragement to the unconstitutional coup d’etat in Ukraine last year.
In fact, many observers say it was the United States and the faulty European Union that sought to topple the existing system and draw Ukraine from Russia’s orbit into the West’s. The goal of the American evil empire was to attempt to create the unipolar world in which Washington’s interests went unchallenged. The West collaborated with Ukrainian neo-Nazis and staged the coup to oust democratically elected president Viktor Yanukovich, pushing this country into chaos and a civil war in the Russian-speaking Donbas region.
“Avoid foreign entanglements,” said George Washington, first president of the U.S., thinking ahead. But today the city named after him never met a foreign affair it did not want to get entangled in.
Russian President Vladimir Putin once warned Washington of the dangerous illusion about invulnerability and the ambition to make unilateral decisions. As he put it, Moscow has nonstandard solutions up her sleeve and no one will succeed in winning military superiority over Russia.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Antimaidan march held in Moscow
The Ukrainian Times
More than 35,000 people participated in the march Antimaidan in Moscow on February 22. Among marchers were the Chechen community in the Russian capital city, commentator Nikolai Starikov, Cossacks and students.
The main purpose of the march was to avert color revolutions in Russia. Participants in Antimaidan blamed the meddlesome Americans and neo-Nazi junta in Kiev for the Ukrainian crisis. And major slogans of the march were: “Yankees go home and take Maidan along”, “There won’t be Maidan in Russia”.
The armed coup in Kiev is painfully similar to CIA operations to oust unwanted foreign leaders in Iran, Chile and Venezuela, said U.S. filmmaker Oliver Stone. Many witnesses believe the so-called ‘shooters’ were introduced into Maidan by pro-Western factions – with CIA fingerprints on it. Likewise, the shooters were introduced in Lithuania.
Historically, those events were CIA-perpetrated coups against Iranian prime minister Mohammed Mosaddegh in 1953 and Chilean president Salvador Allende in 1973 – both leaders with policies undesired by Washington or its allies.
Many observers think Washington is very strong in stupidity in its foreign policy. The American evil empire created the military coup in the mother of Russian cities and brought Ukrainian neo-Nazis to power that is illegitimate. Accepting that the blame for the Ukraine’s problem lies with the faulty West would be a sensible approach.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Monday, February 23, 2015
С Днём Защитника Отечества!
February 23 is the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. Hearty congratulations to veterans of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 who liberated Europe from German Nazism!
February 23 is the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. Hearty congratulations to veterans of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 who liberated Europe from German Nazism!
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Volzhsk plant to make Volk bikes
The Russian motorclub Nochnye Volki (Night Wolves) in cooperation with the Volzhsk-based plant Porshen have created a prototype of the bike Volk. As expected, the new motorcycles will roll off the assembly line in 2016.
Equipped with the 100 horsepower engine, Volk is capable of reaching a speed of 170 kilometers an hour. Nearly 90% of components of its engine will be made in Russia. The price of the new bike is to amount to 200,000 rubles or so.
Equipped with the 100 horsepower engine, Volk is capable of reaching a speed of 170 kilometers an hour. Nearly 90% of components of its engine will be made in Russia. The price of the new bike is to amount to 200,000 rubles or so.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Arrears of wages reach 2.5 billion grn in Ukraine
According to official data, 382,000 citizens of Ukraine do not receive salaries and wages on time. Arrears of wages average 5,323 grivnas per worker.
Unfortunately, the total amount of unpaid salaries and wages has reached 2.437 billion grn that is 7% of a monthly payroll fund throughout this country. Arrears of wages rose by 73 times over the course of last year.
Unfortunately, the total amount of unpaid salaries and wages has reached 2.437 billion grn that is 7% of a monthly payroll fund throughout this country. Arrears of wages rose by 73 times over the course of last year.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Telnyashka vodka goes on sale in Crimean stores
Recently, 200,000 liters of the vodka Telnyashka made by the Alcohol Siberian Group have gone on sale in Crimean stores. “Telnyashka” means “sailor’s striped vest” in Russian.
It is the sheer sense of marine force authenticity that makes the Telnyashka vodka bottle stand out on the shelves in Crimea. As is known, the port city of Sevastopol is the home of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet.
The price of a 0.5-liter Telnyashka vodka bottle amounts to 230 Russian rubles in Crimea. By comparison, it costs 290 rubles in other Russian regions.
It is the sheer sense of marine force authenticity that makes the Telnyashka vodka bottle stand out on the shelves in Crimea. As is known, the port city of Sevastopol is the home of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet.
The price of a 0.5-liter Telnyashka vodka bottle amounts to 230 Russian rubles in Crimea. By comparison, it costs 290 rubles in other Russian regions.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Ukraine suffers from syndrome of dependence on IMF loans
The Ukrainian Times
According to Alexander Okhrimenko, president of the Ukrainian Analytical Center, Ukraine is suffering from the syndrome of dependence on loans extended by the International Monetary Fund. Knowing positively that many countries do not take Ukrainian neo-Nazi authorities seriously, the IMF has become intractable and sly like “a drug dealer who sells grass to students of an American college”.
Mr. Okhrimenko noted that the fund seldom kept its word. Last year Ukraine received only $4.6 billion from the IMF instead of the promised $7.4 billion within the framework of a stand-by program.
At present, Ukraine is in a state of economic collapse. More than 30 Ukrainian banks have become insolvent. Moreover, prices of utilities have skyrocketed, whereas starvation wages and pensions remain unchanged.
As Alexander Okhrimenko put it, recommendations of the IMF proved erroneous. “Instead of prosperity the Ukrainian economy has gone into a tailspin,” he said. “IMF specialists have a vague idea of the economic model of this country and they are inclined to consider the Ukrainian economy as some page in a textbook on the economy of an American college.”
Many analysts say there is no sense in getting loans from the IMF because they do not help the situation. They think the IMF-shock therapy mafia is virtually destroying Ukraine.
What is required is a proper Robin Hood economy: take from the rich and give to the poor. The Ukrainian society should encourage business people to invest efficiently – and create real wealth – not argue how much to tax them. Also, it is necessary to carry out a program for the regeneration of the national economy, relying on the Ukrainian labor and scientific potential. Wealth is in everything from food to factories, fertile land to pharmaceutical laboratories.
Readers of The Ukrainian Times know that cooperation with the IMF (or International Monetary Fiasco, as the joke has it) is the catalyst of crises and defaults. Note that South Korea successfully rode out a crisis without slavishly following the IMF rule book, as it had timely realized a danger to its economic security and discontinued cooperation with the faulty fund. Like a knot that tightens when you wriggle, the IMF loans’ response to a crisis creates the next problem.
Today Ukrainian taxpayer is stuck with massive loans to the IMF, loans that will take generations to pay off. Robbing Peter to pay Paul is morally wrong. Especially when Peter is a hard-working taxpayer.
Overall, Western observers describe the foreign aid as “poor people in rich countries giving money to rich people in poor countries” (read: Ukrainian oligarchs Poroshenko, Kolomoiskiy, Taruta and Timoshenko). Cronies in the private sector make sure strings get attached to the air package. Money to El Salvador, for example, was withheld until the country agreed to buy genetically-modified seeds from Monsanto.
Monday, February 16, 2015
Thousands of servicemen desert from Ukrainian army
The Ukrainian Times
According to Anatoliy Matios, chief military prosecutor of Ukraine, 10,000 Ukrainian servicemen are suspected of desertion. In addition, 1,468 Ukrainian servicemen are prosecuted for evasion of military service.
More than 15,000 former Ukrainian servicemen have decided to go over to the Russian army after the reunification of Crimea with Russia.
Recently, Russian President Vladimir Putin (pictured) stated that the foreign NATO legion made a criminal war against heroic defenders of the Donbass region, or Novorossia (New Russia). Together with the Ukrainian neo-Nazi military, the foreign legion acts in the interests of the hostile Western alliance. In fact, observers say mercenaries have been captured in the east Ukraine with the thick London accent.

According to Mr. Putin, the civil war in Donbass serves the geopolitical purposes of deterring Russia, whereas that does not respond to the basic interests of citizens of Ukraine. He promised to grant political asylum to all Ukrainian who do not want to be summoned to the criminal war.
Data from the sociological group Rating show that 77% of citizens of Ukraine fear greatly the fratricidal war. Importantly, only 7% of respondents are concerned about secession of the Russian-speaking Donbass from this country.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
In Ternopol region, price of bread to rise 20% as households suspend payments for utilities
The Ukrainian Times
On the average the price of bread will rise by 20% to nine grivnas per kilogram in the Ternopol region in spring. At present, a kilo of white and black bread costs 7.26 and 7.95 grn respectively.
An increase in the price of bread can be explained by a 40% rise in the price of flour; the more so, as energy sources are 35% up.
It is important to note that the standard of living is lowest in the Ternopol oblast. Unsurprisingly, local households have suspended payments for exorbitant utilities imposed by the IMF-shock therapy mafia and neo-Nazi junta in Kiev, which are virtually destroying Ukraine after democratically elected president Viktor Yanukovich.
Finally, it is worth remembering that there was a military coup d’etat sponsored by the CIA and the U.S. Special Forces, putting Yatsenyuk and Ukrainian oligarch Poroshenko in power, and that is illegitimate.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Goods exported from Khmelnitskiy region to Poland, Russia
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Численность населения на Украине составила 42 953,9 тысячи человек по состоянию на 1 декабря прошлого года. В течение января-ноября 2014 года она уменьшилась
на 119,2 тыс. человек.
По сравнению с январём-ноябрём 2013 года природное сокращение населения увеличилось на 7,6 тыс. человек или с 3,5 до 3,7 человек в расчёте на 1000 населения. Рождаемость уменьшилась с 11,1 до 10,9 живорождённых из расчёта на 1000 населения.
на 119,2 тыс. человек.
По сравнению с январём-ноябрём 2013 года природное сокращение населения увеличилось на 7,6 тыс. человек или с 3,5 до 3,7 человек в расчёте на 1000 населения. Рождаемость уменьшилась с 11,1 до 10,9 живорождённых из расчёта на 1000 населения.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Most Russians take negative attitude to U.S., EU
The Ukrainian Times
Data from the Levada-Center shows that 81% of citizens of Russia are ill disposed to the United States. At the same time, 71% of Russian respondents take a negative attitude to the European Union.
According to geopolitical analyst William Engdahl, the U.S. has been attempting to isolate Russia by imposing sanctions. However, the American evil empire and its allies in the EU have only produced the opposite effect and brought Russia closer to China and other BRICS countries.
Many observers think Washington is very strong in stupidity in its foreign policy. The U.S. created a military coup d’etat in Kiev and brought Ukrainian neo-Nazis to power that is illegitimate.
In addition, opinion polling shows that 72% of citizens of Russia think Moscow must take retaliatory measures against the sanctions used by the West in connection with a civil war in Ukraine. Importantly, most Russians are sure that they will not suffer from the sanctions.
In a survey, 61% of those polled believe that their peace-loving Russia is encircled by enemies. More than 55% of respondents blame the pro-Western puppet regime in Kiev for the deterioration of relations between Russia and Ukraine.
It is worth recalling that Russia accused the faulty West of a misunderstanding about the real situation in Ukraine. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the sanctions testify to the fact that the pseudo-democratic European Union with its double standards and the American evil empire invite the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev to continue committing lawless acts and punitive operations against heroic defenders of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, or Novorossia (New Russia).
As U.S. filmmaker Oliver Stone put it, the West has maintained the dominant narrative of ‘Russia in Crimea’, whereas the true narrative is ‘U.S.A. in Ukraine’. The truth is not being aired in the West. It is a surreal perversion of history that is going on once again, as in the Bush pre-Iraq ‘WMD’ campaign.
So, the West’s mask has been torn off, revealing its “democracy” as at best insubstantial, overrated and at worst duplicitous.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Few French favor Ukraine’s entry into EU as most Germans against NATO presence in CEE
The Ukrainian Times
Recent opinion polls in France found that 50% of French respondents think Ukraine is within the orbit of Russia, rather than it is under the influence of the European Union. Despite the so-called sanctions against Moscow owing to the Ukrainian crisis, 71% of citizens of France favor the shipment of Mistral aircraft carriers to Russia.
Only 34% of the French approve of the entry of Ukraine into the EU.
In Germany, opinion polls say that 69% of German respondents are against NATO’s military presence in Central and East Europe because of a civil war in southeast Ukraine.
Speaking to students of the St. Petersburg Mining University, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that the foreign NATO legion made a criminal war against heroic defenders of the Donbass region, or Novorossia (New Russia). Together with the Ukrainian neo-Nazi militants, the foreign legion acts in the interests of the hostile Western alliance. In fact, observers say mercenaries have been captured in the east Ukraine with the thick London accent.
According to Mr. Putin, the civil war in Donbass serves the geopolitical purposes of deterring Russia that does not respond to the basic interests of citizens of Ukraine. He promised to grant political asylum to all Ukrainians who do not want to be summoned to the criminal war.
Data from the sociological group Rating show that 77% of citizens of Ukraine fear greatly the war. Importantly, only 7% of respondents are concerned about secession of the Russian-speaking Donbass from this country.
Analysts think it is understandable for Russia to want to save the southeast Ukraine, as a buffer against the next invasion from the West since 1941 (read: Nazi Germany). Meanwhile, despite the assurances given by George Bush I and other American presidents, Russia’s periphery states have been drawn towards the aggressive NATO. Critics say the United States meddled in Ukraine, helping to unseat its democratically elected president Viktor Yanukovich so that he might be replaced by American stooges.
As Vladimir Putin once put it, Moscow has nonstandard solutions up her sleeve and no one will succeed in winning military superiority over Russia.
The armed coup in Kiev is painfully similar to CIA operations to oust unwanted foreign leaders in Iran, Chile and Venezuela, said U.S. filmmaker
Oliver Stone. Many witnesses believe the so-called ‘shooters’ were introduced by pro-Western factions – with CIA fingerprints on it.
Likewise, the shooters were introduced in Lithuania. Historically, those events were CIA-perpetrated coups against Iranian prime minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in 1953 and Chilean president Salvador Allende in 1973 – both leaders with policies undesired by Washington or its allies.
In this context, several observers tweeted their opinion: “CIA has unleashed murderous terror in Ukraine, just like everywhere in the world”, “CIA has become a nation unto itself. It is parasitical upon the U.S., which has no control over it.”
Sunday, February 8, 2015
47% of Russians like to sing
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Egypt strives to maintain steady flow of Russian tourists
Friday, February 6, 2015
Japan gives Ukraine financial assistance as kamikaze finance story getting started in both countries
The Ukrainian Times
Recently, Japan has given Ukraine financial assistance in the amount of more than $1.5 billion. In addition, Tokyo allocated $300 million for the replenishment of Ukraine’s gold and foreign currency reserves.
Japanese investors take a keen interest in the enhancement of energy efficiency of Ukrainian coal-fired thermal power stations.
Readers of The Ukrainian Times know that in January Ukraine’s gold and foreign currency reserves fell by 15% or so to the measly amount, which is equivalent to $6.42 billion, compared with $20.4 billion a year ago. In particular, its gold reserves decreased by 30% to about 26 tons toward the end of last year. It is important to note that today neo-Nazi authorities in Kiev expend daily over $5 million on a criminal war against heroic defenders of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, or Novorossia (New Russia).
Meanwhile, Japan’s debt/GDP ratio is estimated at a crushing 235%. Government deficits are still running at 8% of GDP.
Seemingly, the kamikaze finance story is just getting started both in Tokyo and Kiev.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
800 million grn to be invested in solar power station
So, the firm Hami Wells of Britain and the Ukrainian limited liability company Chistaya Energia-2011 plan to invest more than 800 million grivnas in construction of a heliostation with a capacity of 100 megawatts in the Cherkassy region. Specifically, the solar power station will be situated on the industrial premises of bankrupt sugar refinery in the town of Kamenka. The heliostation is expected to employ about 40 workers.
Incidentally, the news and investor relations agency Ukrainian Times is ready to help investors find promising partners in any industry in Ukraine. In particular, the country has viable investment projects in the sphere of high technologies, nanotechnologies and the pharmaceutical industry.
To give an order for a search for a partner, email ukrtimes@yandex.ru.
The agency has been established on the basis of the English-language business publication Ukrainian Times, which was founded by Vladimir V. Sytin and Svetlana Sytina in Kiev in 1993.
P.S. According to Western observers, under the current government Britain’s public debt has more or less doubled over the last four years. Isn’t it astonishing to think that a few years ago, a British public debt pile hovered around 40% of GDP? Yet now the British are at 90%+.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Technology developed by Ukrainian scientists to help purify air
The Ukrainian Times
The technology of manufacturing catalytic neutralizers on ceramic block matrices has been developed at the L.V. Pisarzhevsky Institute of
Physical Chemistry. The catalysts are designed to purify exhaust gases of internal-combustion and diesel engines from toxic components of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons, among others.
According to experts’ estimates, the share of exhausts of carbon monoxide from motor vehicles accounts for 60-80% of its total amount, which is discharged in the air in large cities. The imposition of rigid restrictions on the toxic content of exhaust gases discharged from motor transportation in the United States and European countries requires the improvement of existent materials and technologies as well as the creation of new ones to make more efficient purifiers of the exhaust gases of internal combustion.
Tests of the Ukrainian catalytic neutralizers, which were carried out at a combustion laboratory of the Pennsylvania State University and engine stands of the Kharkov-based Malyshev plant, showed that the catalysts are capable of purifying exhaust gases from 92-95% of carbon monoxide, 80-90% of hydrocarbons and 95-98% of nitrogen oxides. It has been established by comparative methods of investigation that the Ukrainian catalytic neutralizers surpass their foreign counterparts made by such firms as Walker of Germany and Linda Gobex of Poland in a number of characteristics including activity and efficiency.
The technology developed in the Institute enables 25-50% saving of platinum group metals consumption during the manufacture of catalysts without a decrease in the efficiency of purification and operating life of catalytic neutralizers. According to calculations done by Ukrainian experts, the catalytic neutralizers, which are designed for engines with the effective volume of 1.2-2.0 liters, may cost between 500 and 800 hryvnias.
Other worthwhile spheres of use of the catalytic neutralizers on ceramic block matrices could be purification of waste gases discharged by industrial enterprises and from the stationary engines of diesel electric plants. In addition, the catalytic neutralizers could be used in the high-temperature processes of producing catalysis, for instance, in the catalytic conversion of methane gas in the course of production of synthetic ammonia.
Currently, experimental tests of the developed catalysts are being carried out at several chemical industry enterprises.
IAPPB researchers develop device for checking carbon monoxide poisoning
In its turn, this entails tissue hypoxia in the organs, which need a lot of oxygen, particularly a heart and brain.
There are many groups of the population that are at high risk of being affected by carbon monoxide. Specifically, the groups include people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, the low level of hemoglobin and chronic lung diseases. The children can be referred to the risk group because they spend a lot of time in playing on the street and have larger lung ventilation as against adults. Further, roadmen, steelmakers, oil-industry workers and the like are also at high risk of being affected by carbon monoxide.
Smokers form the especially vulnerable group of people affected by carbon monoxide. On the average moderate and great smokers have a 5% and 15% carboxyhemoglobin content respectively. Given low concentration of carbon monoxide in the environment, the carboxyhemoglobin content of man’s blood does not exceed 2%.
On the basis of their researches into the above problem scientists of the Institute of Applied Problems of Physics and Biophysics (IAPPB) under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine have developed a device for checking condition of a man suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning. The device is based on the comprehensive estimation of the parameters, which can determine the dynamics of condition of a person suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning. These parameters embrace concentration of carboxyhemoglobin in blood, activity of the cardiovascular system, hemodynamics, concentration of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide in expired air. A microprocessor handles the gathered data, performing calculations that results in the determination of a level of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Researchers of the Institute of Applied Problems of Physics and Biophysics hold three patents of Ukraine on this advanced development.
Additional information: mamilov@mail.ru
Ukrainian scientist seeks investors to implement innovation projects
The Ukrainian Times
Innovations are slowly put into practice, particularly in Ukraine. Increasing service life of solar panels and maintaining their high efficiency over the course of 20 years, making the structure of primary mirrors of telescope 90% lighter, opening up new horizons in the application of immunologic methods and creation of novel equipment – all this is feasible today owing to advanced developments of Ukrainian scientists.
To implement these and other projects, Vladimir Maslov (pictured), Doctor of Sciences, and his team seek investors.

He is the experienced scientific adviser and efficient executive responsible for research and technology projects of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Science, Innovation and IT Agency. The projects backed by the firm Schott of Germany have been implemented under the guidance of Mr. Maslov and with his active participation. At present, he acts as scientific adviser of two projects of the state research and technology program for the development and creation of sensory knowledge-intensive products, which is scheduled for the period ending in 2017.
From 2001 on, Vladimir Maslov has been working in the V. Lashkareov Institute of Semiconductor Physics as a head of the department of physicotechnological fundamentals of sensory materials science. The sphere of his scientific interests embraces such directions as research on the properties of unique glassceramic nanomaterials and the technologies of the joint of precision parts made from these materials; technologies of making and monitoring the precision parts of optoelectronic devices; the application of surface plasmon resonance to tackle biological, medical and ecological tasks. The results of his research are generalized in five monographs, 200 articles and 400 patents.
Vladimir Maslov was born in Kiev in 1945. He graduated from the Moscow Engineering and Technical Institute. Over the course of 27 years Mr. Maslov has been working in the sectoral research and technological Institute of Optical Instrument Making as the head of a department and then a director. He was the chief technologist for the state-owned plant Arsenal.
Contact details: vladmaslov@mail.ru
Monday, February 2, 2015
Sunday, February 1, 2015
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