Sunday, May 3, 2015

68% of Russians consider their country great power

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

The poll, which surveyed residents of Russia, found (among other things) that 68% of them consider the Russian Federation the great power. About 49% of respondents think Russia remains the country with the high standard of living.

Data from the Levada-Center show that 57% of those polled believe Russia plays a very important role in the settlement of international problems. However, 63% are concerned that some states adopt an unfriendly attitude towards the Russian Federation.
According to geopolitical analyst William Engdahl, the United States has been attempting to isolate Russia by imposing sanctions. Funnily enough, the American evil empire and its allies in the European Union have only produced the opposite effect and brought Russia closer to China and other BRICS countries.

Many observers maintain that Washington is very strong in stupidity in its foreign policy. The U.S. created a military coup d’etat in Kiev and brought Ukrainian neo-Nazis to power that is illegitimate.

As U.S. filmmaker Oliver Stone put it, the West has maintained the dominant narrative of ‘Russia in Crimea’, whereas the narrative is ‘U.S.A. in Ukraine’. The truth is not being aired in the West. It is a surreal perversion of history that is going on once again, as in the Bush pre-Iraq ‘WMD’ campaign.

American politologist Paul Craig Roberts wrote that the Western media created a fictional account of events in Ukraine. The Nazi coup organized by the Obama regime that overthrew the democratically elected Azarov government is never mentioned. Ukrainian militants decked out in Nazi symbols are ignored. These thugs, he reckons, are the principal source of violence that has been inflicted on the Russian populations, resulting in the formation of the breakaway Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics. Instead of reporting this fact, the corrupt Western media delivers Washington’s propaganda that Russia is allegedly annexing eastern Ukraine.

European politicians parrot Washington’s lies. The Western media is complicit in many war crimes covered up with lies, from Mr. Roberts’ point of view, but the false story that the Western media has woven of Ukraine is the most audacious collection of lies yet. There is no respect for truth in any Western capital.

Ultimately the West’s mask has been torn off, revealing its ‘democracy’ as at best unsubstantial, overrated and at worst duplicitous.

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