Sunday, May 31, 2015


Учёные Отделения физики и астрономии Национальной академии наук Украины (НАНУ) в прошлом году проводили исследования, в которых принимали участие 18 учреждений Отделения, а также высшие учебные заведения. Согласно основным направлениям деятельности Отделения исследования были сосредоточены на проблемах, среди которых значительное внимание уделялось нанофизике и наноэлектронике, а также привлечению результатов на практике.

В частности, исследования в области физики твёрдого тела касались технологии изготовления сенсоров инфракрасного излучения (ИК) и разработки способа получения литейного сплава никеля с карбидом кремния, применение которого почти на порядок повышает его износостойкость, а значит – рабочий ресурс авиационных двигателей.

Исследования в области астрономии, астрофизики и радиоастрономии были направлены на определение содержания первичного гелия в галактиках, измерение ИК-спектров галактик с низкой металличностью, а также на внедрение методик синхронных радиоастрономических наблюдений с использованием отечественных и зарубежных инструментов. Ионосферные процессы изучались в совместных с норвежскими специалистами экспериментах.

Engineering developments, research in nanotechnologies and nanomaterials remain priority lines of NASU activity

By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times

Last year institutions of the National Academy of Sciences (NASU) fulfilled the state special-purpose program Nanotechnologies & Nanomaterials
as well as the comprehensive program of fundamental research, which was entitled “Fundamental problems of nanostructural systems, nanomaterials,
nanotechnologies”. According to NASU vice-president Anton Naumovets, implementators of the projects that were supported within the framework
of the above programs have achieved the striking results of a fundamental character, serving as a basis for the development of new nanomaterials, nanodevices and nanotechnologies.

A part of the results of research and engineering developments was introduced into production.

In particular, a start-up company was formed at the Frantsevich Institute of Materials Technology. The company has a capacity to produce up to 350 tons of nanopowders per year.

The Kurdyumov Institute of Metal Physics, together with the limited liability company Melta, organized production of the nanocrystalline magnetic-tape cores that were used for manufacturing about one million highly efficient transformers and chokes.

The Institute of Gas has made a pilot plant to produce the highly efficient, nanolayer petrosorbent that is used for eliminating an oil slick.

The technology of putting superhard coatings on fuel equipment designed for aircraft was developed at the Kharkov Physicotechnical Institute and applied in the engineering plant FED.

Mr. Naumovets pointed out that engineering developments and research in nanotechnologies and nanomaterials would remain one of the priority lines of NASU activity. More than 40 physicotechnical, chemical and biological institutions have been enlisted to do this research. The work will continue within the framework of the NASU special-purpose program entitled “Fundamental problems of the creation of new nanomaterials and nanotechnologies”, which is scheduled for the period ending in 2019.

Saturday, May 30, 2015


В июне в Одессе начнёт работать морской трамвай – катера, которые будут курсировать между портопунктами в пределах города. Этот вид транспорта, привычный для одесситов в советские времена, не работал все годы так называемой «независимости».

Заявку на возрождение морского трамвая подало научно-производственное объединение «Стапель». Её руководитель Игорь Карпенко сообщил, что причалы на понтонах будут выставлены 15 июня, и уже готовы несколько катеров.

Морской трамвай будет курсировать от Морского вокзала до 16-й станции Большого Фонтана через Аркадию. По словам начальника Управления морехозяйственного комплекса, транспорта и связи Одесской областной государственной администрации Александра Илько, внутриодесский маршрут – это первый шаг. Несколько компаний планируют установить сообщение между Одессой и Белгород-Днестровским, а также Измаилом и Вилково.

Serbs, Croats commemorate the 123rd anniversary of Tito’s birth

More than 6,000 people gathered in the Croatian town of Kumrovec on May 23 to commemorate the 123rd anniversary of Tito’s birth. Kumrovec is the birthplace of Yugoslav Marshal Josip Broz Tito.

The Serbs and Croats laid flowers at the bronze monument to Marshal Tito, which had been built in 1948. Together with their grandchildren, they visited a memorial museum opened in 1953 in the house in which the Yugoslav Communist party leader spent his childhood.

It is worth remembering that in World War II, Tito (a pseudonym he adopted about 1935) proved the effective leader of Yugoslav Partisans. Josip Broz Tito was prime minister (1945-53) and president (1953-80) of Yugoslavia.

Friday, May 29, 2015


В прошлом году учреждения Национальной академии наук Украины (НАНУ) завершили выполнение Государственной целевой научно-технической программы «Нанотехнологии и наноматериалы», а также целевой комплексной программы фундаментальных исследований НАНУ «Фундаментальные проблемы наноструктурных систем, наноматериалов, нанотехнологий».

Исполнители проектов, поддержанных в рамках этих программ, получили, по словам вице-президента Академии Антона Наумовца, весомые фундаментальные научные результаты, которые являются основой для разработки новых наноматериалов, наноприборов и нанотехнологий. Часть результатов исследований и разработок уже внедрена в производство.

В частности, в Институте проблем материаловедения имени И.Н. Францевича создана старт-ап компания для производства нанопорошков до 350 тонн ежегодно. Институт металлофизики им. Г.В. Курдюмова совместно с ООО «Мелта» наладил производство нанокристаллических ленточных магнитопроводов, с использованием которых уже изготовлено около одного миллиона единиц высокоэкономичных трансформаторов и дросселей. Институтом газа изготовлена опытно-промышленная установка получения высокоэффективного нанослоистого нефтесорбента, который используется для ликвидации разливов нефти и нефтепродуктов. На машиностроительном заводе «ФЭД» внедрена разработанная в Харьковском физико-технологическом институте технология нанесения сверхтвёрдых покрытий на топливную аппаратуру для самолётов.

Антон Наумовец отметил, что исследования и разработки в области нанотехнологий и наноматериалов и в дальнейшем останутся одним из приоритетных направлений деятельности НАНУ. К их проведению привлечены более 40 научных учреждений физико-технического, а также химического и биологического профиля. Работы по этой тематике будут продолжены в рамках целевой программы НАНУ «Фундаментальные проблемы создания новых наноматериалов и нанотехнологий», рассчитанной на 2015-2019 годы.

Original substances developed at Kharkov chemical reagents plant

By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times

The manufacture of drug preparations is preceded by development of the substances that can serve as a basis for further production of medicines. Using one and the same substance as a base, dozens of drugs can be made.

The Kharkov-based chemical reagents plant of the scientific and technological complex under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine has established all conditions for full cycle of the manufacture of generics and original drugs.

One of the achievements of plant specialists is the obtainment of thiotriazoline, which has passed all stages of production – from the development of a molecular formula to the creation of the substance. Currently, five large pharmaceutical companies of Ukraine are making about 15 salable drugs from thiotriazoline.

In addition to thiotriazoline, specialists of the chemical reagents plant developed some 30 original substances. The Kharkov enterprise also manufactures the drugs including validol and oxoline that have stood the test of time.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Производству медицинских препаратов предшествует разработка субстанций, которые являются основой для дальнейшего изготовления лекарственных форм. Одна и та же субстанция может служить основой для десятков лекарственных препаратов.

На харьковском заводе химических реактивов Научно-технологического комплекса Академии наук Украины созданы все условия для обеспечения полного цикла производства как дженериков, так и оригинальных препаратов. По словам директора завода Т. Винниченко, достижением специалистов предприятия является получение тиотриазолина, который прошёл все стадии производства – от разработки формулы молекулы до создания субстанции. В настоящее время пять крупных украинских фармацевтических компаний изготавливают из тиотриазолина порядка 15 лекарственных препаратов, пользующихся большим спросом.

Кроме тиотриазолина, сотрудники завода химических реактивов разработали около 30 оригинальных субстанций. На харьковском предприятии изготавливают также проверенные временем препараты, в частности, валидол и оксолин.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

NASU institutions present 600 advanced developments at Festival of Science

By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times

During the Festival of Science, which took place in late May, 48 institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) showcased 600 advanced developments in the sphere of public health services, information technologies, machine building, power engineering, agriculture, housing facilities and public utilities. Some innovations are unique in world practice.

Ukrainian scientists presented the cost-efficient electrodynamic treatment of parts that solves the problem of deterioration of bridges, pipelines, ships and nuclear reactors.

For the first time, students of lycees participated in the festival. The students demonstrated their capabilities to authorities, or, to be precise, only one official representative of the Ukrainian state who did not spurn their invitation. According to NASU vice-president Anton Naumovets, this year the authorities showed no interest in the Festival of Science.

At the same time, the Embassy of France in Ukraine, which supports the festival every year, has organized several interesting events. In particular, it showed popular-science films designed for different age groups.

A scientific attache said active participation of the French in the festival was aimed at cooperation and integration of scientific schools of the two countries. Remarkably, it was Igor Dotsenko, alumnus of the Kiev State University, who represented the French school in Ukraine. He has delivered the lecture entitled “How to Harness Photon” at the festival. Currently, Mr. Dotsenko is working in a Paris-based group of researchers led by Serge Haroche, winner of the 2012 Nobel prize in physics.

Overall, a thousand events or so took place in large cities within the framework of the Festival of Science. Importantly, the festival showed that however the so-called authorities wish it, Ukrainian science is not finished and its specter has been raised so as to haunt Europe at the least.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Prices of drugs stabilize in Russia

Reportedly, prices of medicines rose by a mere 0.9% in Russia in April, compared with March. In particular, the prices of analgin, aspirin, taurine and validol increased by 2.6-6.1%. At the same time, glycine and some analgesics have become 1-2% cheaper in the Russian Federation.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Donbas moves amendments to Ukraine’s constitution

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

Representatives of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics have submitted amendments in terms of special status of the Donbas region to Vladimir Groisman, the so-called speaker of Ukraine’s parliament, and participants in a contact group for consideration. In particular, the amendments provide for non-bloc status of Ukraine, making Russian the second national language and a special economic regime in Donbas.

Incidentally, data from the Kiev-based International Institute of Sociology show that 71% of citizens of Ukraine think Russian should have status of the second national language in this country. In everyday life Ukrainians are mainly speaking Russian or the so-called “surzhik” (Russian words and phrases adopted into the Ukrainian dialect).

For instance, stroll about one of the Kiev parks filled with picnickers on weekends or holidays and you could hear Russian speech everywhere.

According to Western observers, after 1991 Ukrainian leaders made the profound mistake of imposing Ukrainian ethnicity upon a large Russian population. This was in stark contrast to Byelorussia and Kazakhstan, where the government made Russian the second official language.

They think the West should encourage Kiev to establish a federation, ideally, or at least a confederation. Citizens of Ukraine would benefit from living in a federated or confederated state. In the south and east portions of Ukraine (also known as Novorossia) the arrangement could provide a home base for Russian self-expression, which is currently stifled by the Ukrainian neo-Nazi junta.

And it is worth recalling that the U.S. and West European attempts to brazenly interfere in the internal affairs of Ukraine have been a failure. The ‘Euromaidan’ overthrow of democratically elected president Viktor Yanukovich (also known as the CIA-perpetrated fascist coup) provided the context for the recent reunification of Crimea with Russia and de facto departure of Donbas.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Crimean fleet may fish for Black Sea anchovies near Abkhazia

Russian authorities have permitted the Crimean fleet to fish for Black Sea anchovies, or khamsa, near the Republic of Abkhazia. In particular, Moscow and Sukhumi have agreed that the Crimean fishing fleet may bring in 15% of a total potential catch of khamsa. The agreement will allow the Crimean fishing fleet to participate in the winter season for khamsa near Abkhazia next year.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Singapore company to invest $48 million in Khmelnitskiy region

A company of Singapore has offered authorities of the Khmelnitskiy region the investment project of building the electric power plant, which will operate by biomass. Reportedly, the project is estimated at $48 million.

According to Singapore investors, in Ukraine they are ready to build several plants producing electric power from biomass.

Incidentally, the news and investor relations agency Ukrainian Times is ready to help investors find promising partners in any industry in Ukraine. In particular, the country has viable investment projects in the sphere of high technologies, nanotechnologies and the pharmaceutical industry.

To give an order for a search for a partner, email

The agency has been established on the basis of the English-language business publication Ukrainian Times, which was founded by Vladimir V. Sytin and Svetlana Sytina in Kiev in 1993.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Russian authorities sentence Ukrainian extremist to four years for atrocities

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

In the Crimean city of Simferopol Russian authorities have sentenced Alexander Kostenko, one of the Ukrainian extremists of the so-called Euromaidan in Kiev, to four years and two months. He is accused of the brutalities towards officers of the Crimean special-task police force Berkut (Golden Eagle) during the U.S.-sponsored riots, which the neo-Nazi organizations Right Sector and Svoboda triggered in the mother of Russian cities at the end of 2013.

The Ukrainian extremist will serve the sentence in a penal colony.

Many observers say Russian President Vladimir Putin is correct when he describes U.S. backing for various extremists from Islamic fundamentalists in the Middle East and Central Asia to the neo-Nazis in Ukraine.

In fall 2013 National Endowment for Democracy president Carl Gershman, Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, and assistant secretary of state for European affairs Victoria Nuland began arranging a coup d’etat in Kiev. The coup makers collaborated with the neo-Nazi extremists, which were organized in western Ukraine and dispatched to Euromaidan. These schemers – who believe they can improve the world with the help of extremists – are a constant threat to human happiness and progress.

It is a shame that the quack politicians and meddlers from the American evil empire are not subject to penalty. Could not some suitable stick be laid on the above world-improvers, too?

Sunday, May 17, 2015


Украинский город Могилёв-Подольский и итальянский город Каврилия много лет объединяет память о советском герое Великой Отечественной войны Николае Буянове. Во время войны с фашистами он попал в плен и был депортирован в Италию, где смог присоединиться к партизанам гарибальдийской бригады.

Николай Буянов погиб в июне 1944 года, защищая своих товарищей от фашистского плена. За этот подвиг он удостоен высшей награды Италии, золотой медали «За воинскую доблесть», и является героем страны.

Недавно по приглашению мэра Каврилии глава Могилёва-Подольского посетил город-побратим, где принял участие в торжественных мероприятиях
в честь национального праздника Италии – освобождения страны от фашистской диктатуры. Мэры городов, представители власти, делегации учеников средних школ, а также итальянские партизаны, которые участвовали в антифашистском движении сопротивления, возложили цветы к памятнику погибшим.

NASU physicotechnical and mathematical section gets good results

By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times

Over the last five years the physicotechnical and mathematical section of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) has got good results.

According to Anton Naumovets, head of the section and NASU vice-president, the participation of Ukrainian scientists in experiments
on the Large Hadron Collider of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) allowed them to become co-authors of the establishment
of the existence of the Higgs boson that confirmed the standard model of particle physics. The results of theoretical investigations
of the new material graphene, which NASU researchers conducted in this country, have been proved by experiments performed by Nobel Prize winners Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov. Also, Mr. Naumovets pointed out achievements of institutions of the section in applied research: first of all, advanced developments designed for power engineering, medicine, aircraft construction, the space-rocket industry, mining and smelting complex.

In recent years scientists of the section have expanded activity aimed to develop and introduce nanotechnologies and nanomaterials into production. A part of receipts from the contracts, which were carried out by institutions of the section, accounted for 11% of the total financing last year. Anton Naumovets thinks it is possible to increase substantially this figure.

Speaking about short-range plans, the head of the NASU physicotechnical and mathematical section outlined the two directions: an improvement in work to draw youth into scientific research and ensuring of the extensive participation of section’s institutions in Horizon 2020, the EU framework program for research and innovation.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

EU agricultural producers forge documents, attempting to enter Russian market

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

Russia has put an embargo on re-export of agricultural produce from Bulgaria. The reason behind this decision was the forgery of phytosanitary documents.

According to the documents, producing countries were allegedly Brazil and Morocco. In actual fact, the consignment of goods was made in Poland.

As is known, Russia placed the embargo on import of goods from Poland in retaliation for sanctions imposed by the European Union.

Recently, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that sanctions used by the decadent West in connection with a civil war in Ukraine helped the government of Russia develop domestic industries and agriculture in particular. Moscow has to accelerate rates of the implementation of a program for the replacement of imports.
Specifically, the government should carry out the task of replacing agricultural imports at priority rates. After Russia had entered the World Trade Organization, the domestic agricultural market was seized by foreign companies. “At present, we have cleared them from our market,” Mr. Putin said.

As geopolitical analyst William Engdahl put it, the United States has been attempting to isolate Russia by imposing sanctions. However, the American evil empire and its allies in the EU have only produced the opposite effect and brought Russia closer to China and other BRICS countries.

Many observers think Washington is very strong in stupidity in its foreign policy. The U.S. created a military coup d’etat in Kiev and brought Ukrainian neo-Nazis to power that is illegitimate.

U.S. politologist Paul Craig Roberts believes the Nazi coup in Ukraine is Washington’s attempt to thrust a dagger in Russia’s heart. The recklessness of such a criminal act has been covered up by constructing a false reality of the so-called people’s revolution against a corrupt government. The world should be stunned, from Mr. Roberts’ point of view, that “bringing democracy” has become Washington’s cover-up for resurrecting the Nazi state in Europe, which borders Russia.

Ultimately the West’s mask has been torn off, revealing its “democracy” as at best unsubstantial, overrated and at worst duplicitous.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Prices of vegetables reduced by half in Kherson region

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

Although price formation data may not be the sexiest topic under the sun, that will not stop farm produce prices having a huge influence on people’s living conditions in Ukraine.

Recently, prices of hothouse plants have been reduced by half in the Kherson region. For instance, the price of radish fell from 40-42 to 20 grivnas per kilogram and that of cabbage from 35 to 20 grn a kilo.

A substantial reduction in the prices can be explained by a poor demand for vegetables. In the past dealers bought them wholesale in the Kherson oblast and delivered farm produce to eastern Ukraine or exported to Russia.

Thanks to the Ukro-fascist junta, which is waging a criminal war against a large Russian population in the Donbas region, it is impossible for dealers to carry on trade there today.


Секция физико-технических и математических наук Национальной академии наук Украины (НАНУ) достигла значительных результатов за последние пять лет. По
словам главы Секции академика Антона Наумовца (на снимке), участие в подготовке и проведении экспериментов на Большом адронном коллайдере Европейского центра
ядерных исследований позволило учёным НАНУ стать соавторами установления существующего бозона Хиггса, что подтвердило Стандартную Модель физики элементарных частиц.

Результаты теоретических исследований украинских учёных  нового материала графена были подтверждены в экспериментальных работах Нобелевских лауреатов А. Гейма и К. Новосёлова.

А. Наумовец отметил также достижения учреждений Секции в сфере прикладных исследований. Это, в первую очередь, разработки для энергетики, в том числе ядерной, для горно-металлургического комплекса, авиастроения, ракетно-космической отрасли и медицины.

За последние годы учёные Секции расширили деятельность по разработке и внедрению нанотехнологий и наноматериалов. Часть поступлений от выполнения хозяйственных договоров учреждениями Секции в прошлом году составила около 11% от общего объёма финансирования. По мнению Антона Наумовца, этот показатель можно существенно увеличить.

Говоря о задачах на ближайшее время, глава Секции выделил два направления: улучшение работы по привлечению молодёжи к научным исследованиям и обеспечение широкого участия учреждений Секции в Рамочной программе ЕС «Горизонт-2020».

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Prospects for application of nanotechnologies in medicine discussed

By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times

During a recent meeting of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) Vasily Chekhun, director of the R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology, made a report on the state and prospects for the application of nanotechnologies in biology and medicine. Representatives of institutes of the NASU and the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine took part in a discussion of the report.

In recent years Ukrainian scientists have achieved the striking results of a fundamental and applied character, which are aimed to create new nanomaterials and develop targeted vector systems for biology and medicine. In particular, the researchers obtained nanoparticles with controlled optical and magnetic properties as well as developed systems of the targeted delivery of drug preparations to malignant tumors.

Among their successes is the novel antitumor drug Ferroplat that contains nanoparticles of magnetic liquid and cis-platin. Ferroplat has pharmacological advantages over the free form of a cytostatic.

In addition, the Ukrainian scientists developed computer software to estimate the efficacy of a magnetic field: the programs enable simulation of the delivery of magnetic nanocomposites to tumors.

However, it is necessary to bring the above advanced developments to a logical conclusion, or their application in actual practice.

As far as the follow-up of the report is concerned, the NASU Presidium has approved the draft resolution, which underlines a need to determine the most worthwhile trends of research forming the basis of innovation technologies in biology and medicine.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Visa-free sojourn of Chinese tourists in Russia extended to 21 days

The Russian tourist office RosTourizm put forward the initiative to extend the visa-free sojourn of Chinese tourist groups in Russia from 15 to 21 days. In addition, RosTourizm has proposed to reduce the number of travelers in the group, which is entitled to enter Russia without visas, from five to three persons. Last year a total of 1.125 million Chinese tourists visited the Russian Federation.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

70 лет Великой Победе

На европейском фронте самым важным событием прошедшего года, без
сомнения, стало сокрушительное контрнаступление великой русской армии
против мощной германской группировки. Русские войска уничтожили - и
продолжают уничтожать - больше живой силы, самолетов, танков и пушек
нашего общего неприятеля, чем все остальные Объединенные Нации вместе
70 лет Великой Победе — Профессионалы.ru

Ukraine faced with galloping inflation, impoverishment of population

Inflation rose to the whopping 60.9% in Ukraine in April, compared with the same period last year. This can be explained by the fact that prices of natural gas increased ninefold while foodstuffs grew 39.5-75.6% dearer.

According to parliamentary opposition leader Yuri Boiko, impoverishment of the population and social plundering of pensioners continue in this country while unemployment is going through the roof. A fall in Ukraine’s GDP accounted for 15% in the first quarter and prices of utilities increased sevenfold.

As Mr. Boiko put it, the puppet government of Ukraine has become a mere appendage to the International Monetary Fund. He thinks the IMF shock therapy mafia is destroying the real sector of the economy, small and mid-sized businesses. Negative news is coming in like drone attacks and the neo-Nazi junta in Kiev shifts all its failures to a civil war in the Donbas region with a large Russian population.

Saturday, May 9, 2015


В селе Маяки Славянского района Донецкой области прошёл митинг-реквием и перезахоронение останков воинов Красной Армии, которые погибли здесь в годы Великой Отечественной войны. Во время траурной церемонии с надлежащими воинскими почестями были перезахоронены останки 44 неизвестных солдат.

Поисковикам из общественной организации «Плацдарм» удалось установить только принадлежность погибших к войсковым частям. В разные периоды Великой
Отечественной войны Славянск и окружающие сёла обороняли и освобождали от фашистских оккупантов бойцы 6-ой и 12-ой армий, а также 3-ей и 8-ой Гвардейских
армий. За прошедшие годы на этой территории были найдены и перезахоронены более тысячи погибших, а установить удалось чуть больше сотни фамилий советских солдат и офицеров.

70 лет Великой Победе

70 лет Великой Победе — Профессионалы.ru

Уинстон Черчилль,
О войне:

Ни одно правительство не устояло бы перед такими страшными жестокими
ранами, которые нанёс Гитлер России. Но Советы не только выстояли и
оправились от этих ран, но и нанесли германской армии удар такой мощи,
какой не могла бы нанести ей ни одна другая армия в мире...

Key indicators of Russia’s economic development on the rise as Americans continue to lose ground

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

According to Russian President Vladimir Putin (pictured), industrial output and agricultural production increased by 1.7% and 3.7% respectively in Russia last year. The country produced the record 525 million tons of oil and harvested the record 105.3 million tons of grain.

Last year Russian banks increased assets to 77 trillion rubles. The unemployment rate accounts for about 5.3% in Russia today, compared with 7.8% at the start of 2011. Natural growth of the Russian population amounted to 37,100.

By comparison, Americans have continued to lose ground since the 18-month recession ended in June 2009. U.S. Census Bureau data show that a median household income fell by 3.9% to $51,939 in 2013, compared with 2009 when Obama took office. The poorest fifth fared even worse, with incomes dropping 5.9% to $20,900.

At present, the U.S. federal debt exceeds $212 trillion. American observers say federal government deficits are supposed to stay over $500 billion per year until 2020.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Kazakh delegation pays visit to PoltavaMash

By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times

Recently, the official delegation of the North Kazakhstan region has visited the Poltava-based engineering plant PoltavaMash. Manufacturing 200 kinds of products, PoltavaMash maintains close economic relations with post-Soviet republics.

The engineering plant exports 90% of its products to many countries. According to PoltavaMash chairman Alexander Grigorenko, a main source of plant’s incomes is production of the parts of power equipment and vanes of heat turbines in particular. Over the course of three years, the Poltava enterprise has organized production of 120 varieties of vanes for heat turbines. It is important to note that products trademarked “PoltavaMash” are 10 times cheaper than their counterparts made in West Europe.

Alexei Ivanischev, deputy head of the department of industrial and innovation development of the North Kazakhstan oblast, said the delegation visited the Poltava region to organize deliveries of goods and establish joint enterprises. For instance, the Ukrainian enterprise KhmelnikSelMash and the farm machinery plant, which is based in the Kazakh city of Petropavlovsk, have already established cooperation in production. That is why the Kazakh delegation included heads of agricultural enterprises.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Most citizens of Ukraine think Russian should be the second national language

By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times

Data from the Kiev-based International Institute of Sociology show that 71% of citizens of Ukraine think Russian should have status of the second national language in this country. In everyday life Ukrainians are mainly speaking Russian or the so-called “surzhik” (Russian words and phrases adopted into the Ukrainian dialect).

For instance, stroll about one of the Kiev parks filled with picnickers on weekends or holidays and you could hear Russian speech everywhere.

According to Western observers, after 1991 Ukrainian leaders made the profound mistake of imposing Ukrainian ethnicity upon a large Russian population. This was in stark contrast to Byelorussia and Kazakhstan, where the government made Russian the second official language.

They think the West should encourage Kiev to establish a federation, ideally, or at least a confederation. Citizens of Ukraine would benefit from living in a federated or confederated state. In the south and east portions of Ukraine (also known as Novorossia) the arrangement could provide a home base for Russian self-expression, which is currently stifled by the Ukrainian neo-Nazi junta.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


По данным Киевского международного института социологии 71% граждан Украины считают, что русскому языку необходимо предоставить статус второго государственного языка. В быту украинское население общается в основном на русском языке или на суржике.

Например, в киевском парке на Оболонской набережной яблоку негде упасть от любителей покушать на природе. Прогуляйтесь вдоль этого шашлычного рая, и вы услышите, что во всех многочисленных компаниях говорят именно так.

Ukrainians withdraw deposits from banks

Citizens of Ukraine withdrew 51% of deposits from banks last year. In the first quarter of this year the amount of deposits in Ukrainian banks decreased by 26.6%.

To date, 48 banks have become insolvent in this country. The two large banks, namely Delta Bank and Nadra, are 20.5 billion grivnas in debt to depositors.

Seemingly, the kamikaze finance story is just getting started in Ukraine.


На очередном заседании Президиума Национальной академии наук Украины (НАНУ) 29 апреля с научным докладом «Состояние и перспективы внедрения нанотехнологий в биологии и медицине» выступил директор Института экспериментальной патологии, онкологии и радиобиологии имени Р.Е. Кавецкого академик Василий Чехун. В обсуждении доклада приняли участие представители институтов НАНУ, а также Национальной академии медицинских наук Украины.

За последние годы украинскими учёными получен ряд весомых результатов фундаментального и прикладного характера, направленных на создание новых наноматериалов и разработку векторных систем целевого назначения для биологии и медицины.

В частности, получены наночастицы с управляемыми оптическими и магнитными характеристиками. Разработаны системы целевой доставки лекарственных препаратов к злокачественным опухолям.

Новый украинский противоопухолевый препарат «Фероплат», который содержит наночастицы магнитной жидкости и цисплатин, имеет фармакологические преимущества перед свободной формой лекарственного цитостатика. Кроме того, созданы компьютерные программы для оценки эффективности магнитного поля, позволяющие моделировать процессы доставки магнитных нанокомпозитов к опухолям.

Однако все эти разработки необходимо довести до логического завершения, т.е. до практического внедрения.

Президиум НАНУ одобрил проект постановления, в котором отмечается необходимость определения наиболее перспективных направлений дальнейшего развития исследований, которые уже в ближайшем будущем могут стать основой инновационных технологий в биологии и медицине.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Most Russians keep their savings in rubles

According to a recent opinion poll, 88% of Russians keep their savings in rubles. Only 7% of respondents have dollars on deposit. At the same time, a mere 3% of the citizens of Russia keep their savings in euros.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Sanctions help Russia develop domestic industries, says Putin

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, sanctions used by the decadent West in connection with a civil war in Ukraine help the government of Russia develop domestic industries and agriculture in particular. Moscow has to accelerate rates of the implementation of a program for the replacement of imports.

Specifically, the government should carry out the task of replacing agricultural imports at priority rates. After Russia had entered the World Trade Organization, the domestic agricultural market was seized by foreign companies. “At present, we have cleared them from our market,” Mr. Putin said.

As geopolitical analyst William Engdahl put it, the United States has been attempting to isolate Russia by imposing sanctions. However, the American evil empire and its allies in the European Union have only produced the opposite effect and brought Russia closer to China and other BRICS countries.

Many observers think Washington is very strong in stupidity in its foreign policy. The U.S. created a military coup d’etat in Kiev and brought Ukrainian neo-Nazis to power that is illegitimate.

U.S. politologist Paul Craig Roberts believes the Nazi coup in Ukraine is Washington’s attempt to thrust a dagger in Russia’s heart. The recklessness of such a criminal act has been covered up by constructing a false reality of the so-called people’s revolution against a corrupt government. The world should be stunned, from Mr. Roberts’ point of view, that “bringing democracy” has become Washington’s cover-up for resurrecting the Nazi state in Europe, which borders Russia.

Ultimately the West’s mask has been torn off, revealing its “democracy” as at best unsubstantial, overrated and at worst duplicitous.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

68% of Russians consider their country great power

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

The poll, which surveyed residents of Russia, found (among other things) that 68% of them consider the Russian Federation the great power. About 49% of respondents think Russia remains the country with the high standard of living.

Data from the Levada-Center show that 57% of those polled believe Russia plays a very important role in the settlement of international problems. However, 63% are concerned that some states adopt an unfriendly attitude towards the Russian Federation.
According to geopolitical analyst William Engdahl, the United States has been attempting to isolate Russia by imposing sanctions. Funnily enough, the American evil empire and its allies in the European Union have only produced the opposite effect and brought Russia closer to China and other BRICS countries.

Many observers maintain that Washington is very strong in stupidity in its foreign policy. The U.S. created a military coup d’etat in Kiev and brought Ukrainian neo-Nazis to power that is illegitimate.

As U.S. filmmaker Oliver Stone put it, the West has maintained the dominant narrative of ‘Russia in Crimea’, whereas the narrative is ‘U.S.A. in Ukraine’. The truth is not being aired in the West. It is a surreal perversion of history that is going on once again, as in the Bush pre-Iraq ‘WMD’ campaign.

American politologist Paul Craig Roberts wrote that the Western media created a fictional account of events in Ukraine. The Nazi coup organized by the Obama regime that overthrew the democratically elected Azarov government is never mentioned. Ukrainian militants decked out in Nazi symbols are ignored. These thugs, he reckons, are the principal source of violence that has been inflicted on the Russian populations, resulting in the formation of the breakaway Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics. Instead of reporting this fact, the corrupt Western media delivers Washington’s propaganda that Russia is allegedly annexing eastern Ukraine.

European politicians parrot Washington’s lies. The Western media is complicit in many war crimes covered up with lies, from Mr. Roberts’ point of view, but the false story that the Western media has woven of Ukraine is the most audacious collection of lies yet. There is no respect for truth in any Western capital.

Ultimately the West’s mask has been torn off, revealing its ‘democracy’ as at best unsubstantial, overrated and at worst duplicitous.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

$500 million to be invested in Crimea’s free economic zone

The international economic forum entitled “Crimea is the territory of new solutions” has been held near the Russian seaport of Yalta of late. In addition to representatives of Russian engineering, metallurgical, IT and telecommunication companies, more than 30 foreign businessmen participated in the event.

According to Andrei Nazarov, co-chairman of the organizing committee of the forum, volume of investments to be made by interested businessmen is expected to reach about $500 million within the next 12 months. The forum resulted in signing of five agreements. Plans are in hand to attract investments in a Crimea’s free economic zone.

Friday, May 1, 2015

New techniques of early diagnosis developed at Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics

By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times

The problem of modern diagnostics in the sphere of public health services is vital to all countries and Ukraine in particular. Unfortunately, this country still lacks a program for the early diagnosis of such serious cases as diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular and oncologic diseases.

The existent, relatively reliable techniques of the diagnosis, for example, tomography, are either harmful to a living organism or too expensive for wide-scale application. Moreover, these techniques cannot locate pathology in cells.

However, scientists of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine have developed the new techniques of the early diagnosis. Although this is fundamental research, the results enable development of monoclonal antibodies to detect proteins, which are used in diagnostic test systems. Analyzing blood of a patient, even now it is possible to detect pathology even so there is only one damaged cell.