Thursday, December 27, 2018

Poroshenko regime to require $7.7bn to repay public debt

Reportedly, Ukraine is far from being the nation with the world's greatest debt. According to the World Bank, the Poroshenko regime will need some $7.7 billion (5.8% of GDP) in 2019 to repay public debt.

Experts say global debt hit a record $184 trillion in 2017, equivalent to over $86,000 per person that is more than double the average per capita income. The amount of worldwide public and private debt in 190 countries totals about 225% of gross domestic product. Borrowing is led by Japan, the United States and China.

Brian Maher of The Daily Reckoning notes that U.S. elected officials are colossal rogues who amassed a $21.6 trillion debt in full defiance of the thrifty American voter. It is also worth noting too that China has a larger and more powerful industrial and manufacturing based economy than the U.S., and China's potential domestic consumer market is four times larger than that of the U.S.

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