Киевский политехнический институт имени Игоря Сикорского (КПИ) вновь занял первое место в рейтинге uniRank.
Веб-портал uniRank, который представляет неакадемический рейтинг высших учебных заведений мира, исходя из популярности их официальных веб-сайтов, обнародовал рейтинг за 2018 год. Несмотря на смену алгоритма, КПИ и в текущем году остался лидером рейтинга среди украинских университетов.
Ранжирование осуществляется с 2005 года на основе вебометрических данных. Целью uniRank University является представить рейтинг популярности мировых университетов и колледжей, основанный на популярности их веб-сайтов с точки зрения трафика, доверия и качества ссылочной популярности. Это должно помочь иностранным студентам и научным сотрудникам понять, насколько популярен конкретный университет или колледж.
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Russian, Ukrainian banks offer high deposit rates
The most profitable deposits are offered in the CIS countries, particularly Russia and Byelorussia, as well as in Ukraine, where domestic and foreign currency deposit rates account for 12-18% and 8-12% per annum respectively. These are followed by high deposit rates in Iran, Vietnam, Mongolia and Argentina. Although foreign currency deposit rates are constantly changing in these countries, they remain persistently high, making up about 10-12%.
Assessing the dynamics of deposit rates and comparing it with the current state of the country's economy, some financial analysts found that colossally high rates are often observed before a crisis. For example, it happened in Ukraine at the end of 2012, and households could deposit their money with banks at the 27% and 15% annual interest rates in grivnas and dollars respectively.
In fact, the grivna fell 40% at the start of 2014 and this collapse shocked the financial system. It was like being a passenger on a plane that was crashing, but you had no way out of the plane.
By comparison, deposit interest rates in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom are 1.05%, 2% and 1-2% respectively. As a rule, 3% is the interest rate ceiling for all banks in the U.S. and developed countries of Western Europe where the deposit is seen not as a means of enrichment, but the most available method of safekeeping cash. At the same time, Serbia's banks offer the highest deposit rates in Europe reaching 10%.
Not surprisingly, rich Europeans keep money in banks, despite the low rates. This is the reliable method because many financial institutions have been operating there for over 150 years.
Assessing the dynamics of deposit rates and comparing it with the current state of the country's economy, some financial analysts found that colossally high rates are often observed before a crisis. For example, it happened in Ukraine at the end of 2012, and households could deposit their money with banks at the 27% and 15% annual interest rates in grivnas and dollars respectively.
In fact, the grivna fell 40% at the start of 2014 and this collapse shocked the financial system. It was like being a passenger on a plane that was crashing, but you had no way out of the plane.
By comparison, deposit interest rates in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom are 1.05%, 2% and 1-2% respectively. As a rule, 3% is the interest rate ceiling for all banks in the U.S. and developed countries of Western Europe where the deposit is seen not as a means of enrichment, but the most available method of safekeeping cash. At the same time, Serbia's banks offer the highest deposit rates in Europe reaching 10%.
Not surprisingly, rich Europeans keep money in banks, despite the low rates. This is the reliable method because many financial institutions have been operating there for over 150 years.
Monday, September 24, 2018
A7 CONFERENCES anchors its hopes of green energy investment
EnergyCruise'18: EnergyInvestNight, organized by A7 CONFERENCES, took place on the Rosa Victoria liner in Kiev on September 14. The main purpose of the event was to attract funding for energy projects of Ukrainian companies.
The pressing issues of the energy sector were covered at Energycruise: recent legislative initiatives, their impact on the investment climate in Ukraine, and the financial capabilities of the energy sector. The event was held under the Chatham House Rule that provides for anonymity while experts were free to share their thoughts.
According to A7 CAPITAL president Maria Barabash, EnergyInvestNight has become a platform to exchange views among the leaders of the energy sector of Ukraine and the first forum within Ukrainian Energy Week'18, which will be held at the sports complex Olimpiyskiy on November 19-21.
Sergey Savchuk, chairman of the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine (SAEE), spoke on the state of development of renewable energy, legislative initiatives and prospects for investing in this area. He said: "Today Ukraine has a renewable energy market that is further confirmed by more than 1.1 billion euros worth of green investments attracted over the last three years. At the same time, new investors, particularly from Norway, Turkey and China, continue to enter this sector. Now is the time to make the production of clean energy more sustainable and cheaper. Therefore, in consideration of world practice Ukraine introduces the system of auctions."
Ukraine's intentions to go over to holding auctions are also supported by such reputable international organizations as IRENA and the EBRD. The main concept involves the introduction of auctions starting 2020 with a 20-year maintenance period designed for solar farms and windfarms whose capacities do not exceed 10 and 20 megawatts respectively.
Konstantin Gura, advisor to the SAEE chairman, told about sources of financing green projects: "Thanks to close cooperation of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, NEFCO and SAEE, the Finland-Ukraine Trust Fund was established. The key objective of the Fund is to help both municipalities and developers make a feasibility study for energy efficiency and clean energy projects."
The main focus of the forum is to attract investments in Ukrainian projects. To explore the list of investment projects of A7 CAPITAL, visit invest.in.ua
The pressing issues of the energy sector were covered at Energycruise: recent legislative initiatives, their impact on the investment climate in Ukraine, and the financial capabilities of the energy sector. The event was held under the Chatham House Rule that provides for anonymity while experts were free to share their thoughts.
According to A7 CAPITAL president Maria Barabash, EnergyInvestNight has become a platform to exchange views among the leaders of the energy sector of Ukraine and the first forum within Ukrainian Energy Week'18, which will be held at the sports complex Olimpiyskiy on November 19-21.
Sergey Savchuk, chairman of the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine (SAEE), spoke on the state of development of renewable energy, legislative initiatives and prospects for investing in this area. He said: "Today Ukraine has a renewable energy market that is further confirmed by more than 1.1 billion euros worth of green investments attracted over the last three years. At the same time, new investors, particularly from Norway, Turkey and China, continue to enter this sector. Now is the time to make the production of clean energy more sustainable and cheaper. Therefore, in consideration of world practice Ukraine introduces the system of auctions."
Ukraine's intentions to go over to holding auctions are also supported by such reputable international organizations as IRENA and the EBRD. The main concept involves the introduction of auctions starting 2020 with a 20-year maintenance period designed for solar farms and windfarms whose capacities do not exceed 10 and 20 megawatts respectively.
Konstantin Gura, advisor to the SAEE chairman, told about sources of financing green projects: "Thanks to close cooperation of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, NEFCO and SAEE, the Finland-Ukraine Trust Fund was established. The key objective of the Fund is to help both municipalities and developers make a feasibility study for energy efficiency and clean energy projects."
The main focus of the forum is to attract investments in Ukrainian projects. To explore the list of investment projects of A7 CAPITAL, visit invest.in.ua
Monday, September 17, 2018
Half Ukrainian labor migrants work in Russia
Unofficial data shows that eight million people have gone abroad since Ukraine's independence. About half the labor migrants work in Russia, 1.2 million in Canada and Poland, 940,000 in the United States, 500,000 in Brazil, 231,000 in Italy, and 230,000 in Germany.
Some of them are illicitly working without a permit, therefore it is difficult to determine their status. Some Ukrainians leave this country forever. Last year alone 22,000 people fled Ukraine.
Some of them are illicitly working without a permit, therefore it is difficult to determine their status. Some Ukrainians leave this country forever. Last year alone 22,000 people fled Ukraine.
Thursday, September 13, 2018
День Японии университет ждал целых пять лет. Впервые такой день был организован в 2014 году во Львове, затем он прошёл в Одессе, Днепропетровске и Виннице. И вот наконец очередь дошла и до Киева. Правда, нельзя утверждать, что все эти пять лет Киевская политехника была вообще лишена возможности знакомиться, изучать и участвовать в научно-интеллектуальных и художественных достижениях дальневосточной страны. Ведь именно здесь находится главный на Украине центр развития культурного сотрудничества и взаимопонимания между народами Украины и Японии. Он так и называется - Украинско-Японский центр КПИ им. Игоря Сикорского и на протяжении всех лет существования проводит огромную работу, а также в тесном сотрудничестве с Посольством Японии организует множество различных мероприятий, направленных на углубление отношений между двумя странами.
Украинско-Японский центр КПИ выступил главным организатором Дня Японии.
«Отношения между Японией и Украиной очень хорошие, между нашими странами есть тесная связь. Я думаю, что связи в политической и других сферах будут развиваться и в дальнейшем. Также очень важны связи на уровне граждан, - сказал на церемонии открытия праздника в КПИ им. Игоря Сикорского Чрезвычайный и Полномочный Посол Японии в Украине Шигэки Суми. - Поэтому очень важно проводить такие мероприятия. Прошлый год был Годом Японии на Украине, и он дал очень мощный старт дальнейшему развитию наших отношений, развитием которых стал и нынешний День Японии».
В этом году в программу Дня Японии вошли выставка медиа-искусств молодой, но уже известной художницы и фотографа Канакава Маюко; фотовыставка японского и украинского фотохудожников Хироши Танака и Ольги Хоменко «Украина и Япония: встречи»; выставка кимоно; мастер-класс по осибана (создание картин из природных материалов - листьев, цветов, пуха, чешуи и т.д.); занятия по японской каллиграфии; мастер-классы по искусству аранжировки цветов икебана, игры в го и многое другое.
В Государственном политехническом музее при КПИ открылась выставка Японского фонда «100 предметов современного японского дизайна». В университетском арт-пространстве «Колизей» проходила демонстрация японской чайной церемонии при поддержке чайной школы Урасэнкэ. Там же любители восточной музыки смогли послушать магические звуки японской бамбуковой флейты и шякухачи: перед ними выступил известный мастер Ан Рэи.

Завершились мероприятия Дня Японии концертом группы барабанщиков DENKYO Taiko и демонстрацией фильма «Спасибо» - художественно-документальной ленты об Украине глазами японца.
Возможность окунуться в культурную атмосферу Страны Восходящего Солнца желающие смогли, также посетив выставки фотографии и медиа-искусств, мастер-класс по икебане, лекцию Елены Капрановой «Магия японской осени». 8 сентября состоялась беседа «Японский импрессионизм», которую провела искусствовед и популярная писательница Анна Владимирская.
14.3 million foreigners visited Ukraine last year
According to calculations, 14.3 million foreigners visited Ukraine last year. In particular, 88,900 people came to this country to do business and 38,600 made a visit to Ukraine as tourists.
During last year 13.7 million foreign citizens made private trips to Ukraine, 4,500 and 2,600 came here to study and find work respectively. Moldavia (4.4m), Byelorussia (2.7m), Russia (1.5m), Poland (1.14m) and Hungary (1.06m) were the top five countries of residence for international travellers visiting Ukraine last year.
During last year 13.7 million foreign citizens made private trips to Ukraine, 4,500 and 2,600 came here to study and find work respectively. Moldavia (4.4m), Byelorussia (2.7m), Russia (1.5m), Poland (1.14m) and Hungary (1.06m) were the top five countries of residence for international travellers visiting Ukraine last year.
Monday, September 10, 2018
Finland to allocate EUR6 million for Ukrainian school reform
Reportedly, the governments of Ukraine and Finland signed an agreement on Finland's support for Ukrainian school reform. In accordance with this document the Finnish signatory will allocate six million euros for the reform.
Additionally, Finnish professionals will help Ukrainian teachers master new training standards for a period of four years, as well as promote an education and learning environment.
According to education minister Lilia Grinevich, the signed agreement provides that Finnish partners should support those areas in which Finland is highly successful. Regarding their own education reform, the Finns relied on a teacher that produced phenomenal results, as Finland's comprehensive school system is one of the most successful in the world.
Additionally, Finnish professionals will help Ukrainian teachers master new training standards for a period of four years, as well as promote an education and learning environment.
According to education minister Lilia Grinevich, the signed agreement provides that Finnish partners should support those areas in which Finland is highly successful. Regarding their own education reform, the Finns relied on a teacher that produced phenomenal results, as Finland's comprehensive school system is one of the most successful in the world.
Friday, September 7, 2018
Monument to Confucius unveiled at KPI
The remarkable event, namely the inauguration of a monument to Confucius, outstanding Chinese philosopher, teacher and political theorist who lived in the VI-V centuries BC, was held at Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute (KPI) on August 31. Mikhail Zgurovsky, Rector of Igor Sikorsky KPI, Du Wei, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to Ukraine, and other honorary guests took part in the opening ceremony of the monument to Confucius.
The authors of the bronze statue are Ukrainian sculptors Nikolai Znoba and Veronika Diriv. The statue was erected on the Square of Knowledge, facing building No. 7 that houses departments of philosophy and sociology. No other place can be so symbolically designed to teach. Confucius put the greatest emphasis on the importance of the training of the noble and wise man. That is why his words "He who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger" are carved into the pedestal of the monument.
To mark fruitful cooperation of China with Igor Sikorsky KPI, the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Ukraine presented the University with the monument to Confucius.
Speaking at the unveiling of the monument, Ambassador Du Wei commended highly the significance of KPI's activities not only in Ukraine but also other countries. "I am very honored to be invited to today's inauguration of the monument to Confucius," he said. "For over two years since my appointment, I have often participated in such events, witnessed with my own eyes how Chinese culture gradually enters into Ukraine and personally felt how hearts of the peoples of the two countries are coming closer together day by day."
"Love and respect of the Ukrainian people for Confucius is not accidental. Be it the spirit of humanism - "Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself" or the concept of acquiring knowledge - "Walking among three people, I find my teacher among them" or a path to hospitality - "When you have friends coming from afar, isn't that a great pleasure" - all this is the quintessence of Confucianism, which is reflected in the history, culture and value system of our two nations. Therefore, I once said that China is the Asian Ukraine, and Ukraine is the European China.
"I am grateful to Nikolai Znoba for creating such a realistic sculpture and even more grateful to the Kiev Polytechnic Institute for allotting a wonderful place for it. Igor Sikorsky KPI is the world-renowned education institution. For 120 years since its foundation, the University has trained a large number of professionals working in all corners of the world. Students from China have also been studying and are currently studying at the University. In recent years Igor Sikorsky KPI has been closely cooperating with Chinese research institutions and enterprises. I wish the University great achievements, and I wish that bilateral cooperation will continue to thrive," the ambassador stressed.
The expansion of cooperation with Chinese scientific circles is one of the development priorities of international collaboration, which are determined by Igor Sikorsky KPI.
The authors of the bronze statue are Ukrainian sculptors Nikolai Znoba and Veronika Diriv. The statue was erected on the Square of Knowledge, facing building No. 7 that houses departments of philosophy and sociology. No other place can be so symbolically designed to teach. Confucius put the greatest emphasis on the importance of the training of the noble and wise man. That is why his words "He who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger" are carved into the pedestal of the monument.
To mark fruitful cooperation of China with Igor Sikorsky KPI, the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Ukraine presented the University with the monument to Confucius.
Speaking at the unveiling of the monument, Ambassador Du Wei commended highly the significance of KPI's activities not only in Ukraine but also other countries. "I am very honored to be invited to today's inauguration of the monument to Confucius," he said. "For over two years since my appointment, I have often participated in such events, witnessed with my own eyes how Chinese culture gradually enters into Ukraine and personally felt how hearts of the peoples of the two countries are coming closer together day by day."
"Love and respect of the Ukrainian people for Confucius is not accidental. Be it the spirit of humanism - "Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself" or the concept of acquiring knowledge - "Walking among three people, I find my teacher among them" or a path to hospitality - "When you have friends coming from afar, isn't that a great pleasure" - all this is the quintessence of Confucianism, which is reflected in the history, culture and value system of our two nations. Therefore, I once said that China is the Asian Ukraine, and Ukraine is the European China.
"I am grateful to Nikolai Znoba for creating such a realistic sculpture and even more grateful to the Kiev Polytechnic Institute for allotting a wonderful place for it. Igor Sikorsky KPI is the world-renowned education institution. For 120 years since its foundation, the University has trained a large number of professionals working in all corners of the world. Students from China have also been studying and are currently studying at the University. In recent years Igor Sikorsky KPI has been closely cooperating with Chinese research institutions and enterprises. I wish the University great achievements, and I wish that bilateral cooperation will continue to thrive," the ambassador stressed.
The expansion of cooperation with Chinese scientific circles is one of the development priorities of international collaboration, which are determined by Igor Sikorsky KPI.
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Podolsky bridge is nearing completion
Reportedly, the
availability of the Kiev-based Podolsky bridge across the Dnieper River
accounts for more than 80%, whereas the municipal administration
estimates it at 65%.
As expected, workers will connect all the joints of the arch and hang the bridge by cables by this year-end. Large-scale work will be done on the Rybalsky peninsula, where between 150 and 230 bridgebuilders will work in two shifts.
Plans are in hand to complete the installation of reinforcing structures of the bridge next year, as well as to weld the joints of the arch and disassemble temporary supports. Experts say that although these supports look "somewhat fatigued" and rusty, they are strong enough and 100% failure-proof. Currently, professionals of the Paton Electric Welding Institute are monitoring their condition.
As expected, workers will connect all the joints of the arch and hang the bridge by cables by this year-end. Large-scale work will be done on the Rybalsky peninsula, where between 150 and 230 bridgebuilders will work in two shifts.
Plans are in hand to complete the installation of reinforcing structures of the bridge next year, as well as to weld the joints of the arch and disassemble temporary supports. Experts say that although these supports look "somewhat fatigued" and rusty, they are strong enough and 100% failure-proof. Currently, professionals of the Paton Electric Welding Institute are monitoring their condition.
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