By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
As Nikolai Skorik of the Opposition Bloc once put it, the Association Agreement with the European Union helped the Ukrainian economy nothing.
Consider the so-called free trade area with the EU. For instance, over the course of a month Ukrainian suppliers have taken up the export quota that provides for deliveries of the meager 16,000 tons of poultry per year. And so, free trade has come to an end.
Yuri Kosyuk, owner of the agroholding company Mironovskiy Khleboprodukt and the brand of poultry called Nasha Ryaba, compared the free trade area to a nipple in wheels: only European goods get free access to the Ukrainian market. It is clear that the enslaving Association Agreement is more advantageous to the EU with its double standards than Ukraine.
Last year the volume of export of Ukrainian goods to the EU amounted to only $10 billion or so that was 28% less than in 2014. Many analysts think the EU needs this country as a trade appendage to the West.
The oppressed and suffering people are brainwashed by the American puppet government of Ukraine that their country must be in the EU. Otherwise, they are bypassed by history. Huh?
Critics agree that acceding to the EU Association Agreement is like getting a job as a galley slave. You get chained to the oar and row until you drop dead. The doleful first line of the Ukrainian national anthem “Ukraine has not yet died” is a sadly appropriate lyric for the latest developments in this country mismanaged by the puppet government.
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