Monday, February 29, 2016

Greek PM requires EU countries not to close their doors to refugees from Washington’s wars

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

Recently, the Greek prime minister said the government would not tolerate conversion of the country into a pile-up of refugees from the Washington’s wars, which Europe so mindlessly enables and is currently living a life of pleasure, pretending that nothing has happened. He required the European Union to implement its decision about the location of refugees in EU countries and not to close their doors to the immigrants.

The head of the Greek government made a threat that Athens would block the future EU decisions if Brussels did not change its attitude to Greece. On February 25, Athens recalled its ambassador from Vienna for consultations because of differences with Austria about the ways of resolving a migration crisis.

Meanwhile, Greece pays dearly for the war crimes of the American evil empire in the Middle East and North Africa.

Politologist Paul Craig Roberts wrote that the Islamic state is a Washington creation, and until the Paris attacks the United States was strongly backing ISIS with both words and weapons against the Russian military aid to Syria that caught both Washington and ISIS off guard.

Speaking at the 70th UN General Assembly, Russian President Vladimir Putin laid special emphasis on the slaughter, destruction and chaos that Washington has brought to the Middle East, North Africa and Ukraine, and the extreme jihadist and Ukrainian neo-Nazi forces, which have been unleashed. He asked the American evil empire: “Do you realize what you have done?”

Sunday, February 28, 2016

The best fish to swim near Crimean town

Plans are afoot to supply water from artesian wells to a large fish hatchery near the Crimean town of Krasnoperekopsk. The area of the fish hatchery totals 147 hectares. As expected, it will have a capacity to breed 500,000 two-year-old carps per year.

Saturday, February 27, 2016


Талантливая гимнастка Элеонора Романова намерена изменить украинское гражданство на российское. Родители 17-летней спортсменки, которые проживали в Краснодоне Луганской Народной Республики, а потом выехали в Российскую Федерацию, забрали дочку из спортивного интерната в Россию. По словам украинских чиновников, решение Элеоноры Романовой стало настоящим шоком для Федерации художественной гимнастики Украины.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Russia remains main trading partner of Khmelnitskiy oblast

The Khmelnitskiy region has exported 32,000 tons of goods worth 595 million grivnas since the start of this year. The share of export to Poland increased to 34% from 16%. Importantly, Russia remains one of the main trading partners of the Khmelnitskiy oblast (11% of the total value of exports).

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Large-scale privatization to start in October

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

On February 16, the Supreme Council of Ukraine passed the law on privatization of state-owned enterprises.

Previously, the State Property Fund suggested to the Cabinet of Ministers that 20 state-owned enterprises should be included in a plan for privatization in 2016. Among them are the Kharkov-based turbine company Turboatom, which is 75% owned by the state, and the Zaporozhye titanomagnesium plant (51% owned by the state), the only producer of sponge titanium in Europe.

In addition, the plan for privatization of state-owned enterprises envisages the sale of blue-chip companies, such as CentrEnergo (UX: CEEN) valued at $1 billion, SumyKhimProm, ZaporozhyeOblEnergo, and the Odessa port chemical plant estimated at from $800 million to $1.5 billion. Experts say large-scale privatization could start in October, at the earliest, in order to obey the letter of the law.

Sadly for the American puppet government of Ukraine, losses of the largest state companies totaled 9.7 billion grivnas in the first quarter last year. However, receipts from privatization in the amount of 17.1 billion grn are provided for in the state budget for this year. Last year the receipts from privatization amounted to only 151.5 million grn that was a third of the figure in 2014.

According to politologist Paul Craig Roberts, when the country is unable to service loans, creditors send the IMF to tell the indebted government that the fund will protect the government’s credit rating by lending it the money to pay its creditors. The money saved by reduced social benefits and raised by selling off the country’s assets to foreigners serves to repay the IMF. This is the way the West has historically looted Third World countries.

Observers agree that using privatization to cover a short-term budget problem creates a larger long-term problem. The profits of Ukrainian enterprises would flow out of the country, reducing the grivna’s exchange rate. In effect, allowing foreigners to acquire Ukraine’s national assets helps them to speculate against the grivna.

Friday, February 19, 2016


Министерство инфраструктуры Украины договорилось с профильным российским ведомством о возвращении украинских грузовиков, которые остались на территории России и в странах Азии на границе с РФ. В свою очередь, украинское марионеточное правительство обязалось обеспечить беспрепятственный проезд российским фурам, ожидающим возвращения домой из стран ЕС.

Таким образом, на Родину вернутся 600 украинских и 600 российских водителей. Режим «Еду домой» введён с 16 по 25 февраля.

Activity of American puppet government geared to impoverish Ukrainian population

Thanks to faulty activity of the American puppet government, the Ukrainian economy lost billions of dollars. In fact, the volume of export of Ukrainian goods decreased by 30% in January-September 2015. Industrial output and agriculture fell by 13% and about 5% respectively.

According to many analysts, Ukraine lacks resources to build up production capacities, losing markets. Not surprisingly, Ukrainians’ real incomes shrank 26.6% in the third quarter last year.

Observers agree that the activity of the Yatsenyuk government is geared to impoverish the population by increasing taxes and prices of utility bills. The American puppets bully citizens of Ukraine into paying them, otherwise they will be fined. Recent opinion polls show that only 5% of Ukrainians approve of the activity of the puppet government, which came to power owing to the bloody neo-Nazi coup.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Majlis to be put under ban in Crimea

Natalia Poklonskaya, prosecutor of Crimea, has gone into court in order to ban the Majlis of Crimean Tatars in the Russian peninsula. According to her,
the Majlis will be put under a ban as per article 9 of the federal law on counteraction against extremist activity.

It is the Crimean Tatar population that has been asking the Prosecutor’s Office of Crimea to recognize activities of the Majlis, which is not registered in Russia, as illegal and provocative. Prior to the reunification of Crimea with Russia in March 2014 the Majlis was supported by western powers, via Turkey, in an attempt to ensure that Russia could not once again gain control of the strategic peninsula.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Association Agreement with EU helps Ukrainian economy nothing

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

As Nikolai Skorik of the Opposition Bloc once put it, the Association Agreement with the European Union helped the Ukrainian economy nothing.

Consider the so-called free trade area with the EU. For instance, over the course of a month Ukrainian suppliers have taken up the export quota that provides for deliveries of the meager 16,000 tons of poultry per year. And so, free trade has come to an end.

Yuri Kosyuk, owner of the agroholding company Mironovskiy Khleboprodukt and the brand of poultry called Nasha Ryaba, compared the free trade area to a nipple in wheels: only European goods get free access to the Ukrainian market. It is clear that the enslaving Association Agreement is more advantageous to the EU with its double standards than Ukraine.

Last year the volume of export of Ukrainian goods to the EU amounted to only $10 billion or so that was 28% less than in 2014. Many analysts think the EU needs this country as a trade appendage to the West.

The oppressed and suffering people are brainwashed by the American puppet government of Ukraine that their country must be in the EU. Otherwise, they are bypassed by history. Huh?

Critics agree that acceding to the EU Association Agreement is like getting a job as a galley slave. You get chained to the oar and row until you drop dead. The doleful first line of the Ukrainian national anthem “Ukraine has not yet died” is a sadly appropriate lyric for the latest developments in this country mismanaged by the puppet government.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Poroshenko’s business picks up as 80% of Ukrainians live below official poverty level

According to experts’ estimates, the fortune of Peotr Poroshenko, the so-called president of Ukraine and Washington’s puppet, increased to $979 million last year from $971 million in 2012. Despite a deep economic crisis in this country, the value of his business rose by 20% in 2015.

Vladimir Sidenko of the Kiev-based Razumkov think-tank believes growth of Poroshenko’s capital can be explained by the lack of the mechanism, which would block abuse of power for the purpose of enrichment. Unfortunately, Poroshenko’s fortune contrasts with the fact that today 80% of Ukrainians live below the official poverty level. It is worth noting too that the Ukrainian oligarch came to power owing to the bloody neo-Nazi coup sponsored by the American evil empire.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Donetsk, Lugansk People’s Republics to continue their integration into Russia if conflict in Donbas is frozen

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

According to many analysts, if a conflict in the Donbas region with large Russian populations is frozen, the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics will continue their integration into Russia. In the event of non-fulfillment of the Minsk agreements, the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime will have to bear a great expenditure on a civil war in Donbas, borrow from international financial institutions and submit to the loss of a part of territory.

It is important to note that 2,269 Ukrainian neo-Nazi militants have been killed in Donbas since the spring of 2014. By comparison, 2,381 U.S. invaders had been killed in Afghanistan over the course of nearly 14 years.

Heroic defenders of Donbas say they are fighting for autonomy, for the right to live and work in their own Russian-speaking region. As Russian President Vladimir Putin once put it, the U.S.-sponsored civil war in Donbas serves the geopolitical purposes of deterring Russia. To avoid war, he is non-provocative and low-key in his responses to Western provocations. Politologist Stephen Lendman wrote that Vladimir Putin is the world’s most preeminent geopolitical leader, a master chess player, making Obama look buffoon-like in comparison.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Engineer knows how to purify the Black Sea of hydrogen sulfide

Russian engineer Gennady Bugrin has drawn up the project of purifying the Black Sea of hydrogen sulfide. The project provides for construction of the production complex, capable of supplying desalinated water, thermal and electric power to a coastal, small town, such as Sudak in Crimea.

Hydrogen sulfide water is passed into the special plant that separates hydrogen from sulfur. Tests have shown that adding hydrogen to gasoline increases the efficiency of an engine by 40-45% while the toxicity of exhaust is reduced by more than a hundred times. As far as the utilization of sulfur is concerned, it improves the quality of roadways.

Mr. Burgin said the capacity of several complexes would be sufficient to supply the entire Russian peninsula with electricity. In addition, the project envisages the supply of desalinated water, thermal and electric power to coastlands in the Krasnodar Territory. According to experts’ estimates, the project will bring the pay-back in 12 months.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Export of Ukrainian grain forecast to exceed 36 million tons

By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times

Reportedly, export of grain crops from Ukraine is forecast to be some 36.83 million tons in the marketing year 2015/2016 (July 2015 – June 2016). In particular, export of wheat will amount to 15.9 million tons, corn to 15.5 million tons and barley to 3.7 million tons. By comparison, this country exported 34.8 million tons of grain in the marketing year 2014/2015.

According to the latest forecasts, the crop of wheat and corn will amount 27 million and 23.5 million tons respectively.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Investors shun Ukraine because of low purchasing power of the population

According to Alexander Okhrimenko, president of the Ukrainian Analytical Center, foreign investors shun this country because of low purchasing power of the Ukrainian population. “Any investor estimates the product quantity that he could sell in a country,” he said. “That is why investors flood China with money, whereas they would not hear of Ukraine.”

For instance, residents of Kiev have to spend 18.5% of their wages and salaries on food, compared with 7.9% spent by Moscow residents. As Vladimir Oleynik, former member of the Supreme Council of Ukraine, put it, today 80% of Ukrainians live below the official poverty level. Commenting on activity of the American puppet government, which came to power owing to the bloody neo-Nazi coup, Nikolai Skorik of the Opposition Bloc stated that citizens of this country were doomed to extinction.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Attempts to stifle Russian language are counterproductive

Statistics show that attempts made by the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime to stifle the Russian language have been a failure.

In fact, the share of books that are published in Russian approximates 70% on the Ukrainian market today. The city of Kharkov boasts 80% of schools in which subjects are taught in Russian.

Only 9.9% of the total number of copies of periodicals were printed in Ukrainian in 2014, compared with 19.6% in 2010. The share of Russian in the prime time of the eight most popular TV channels in this country accounts for 44% as against 30% of Ukrainian. In addition, the share of Ukrainian songs broadcast by the five most popular radio stations makes up a mere 5% of the total number of songs.

Incidentally, data from the Kiev-based International Institute of Sociology show that 71% of citizens of Ukraine think Russian should have status of the second national language in this country. In everyday life Ukrainians are mainly speaking Russian or the so-called “surzhik” (Russian words and phrases adopted into the Ukrainian dialect).

According to foreign observers, after 1991 Ukrainian leaders made the profound mistake of imposing Ukrainian ethnicity upon a large Russian population. This was in stark contrast to Byelorussia and Kazakhstan, where the government made Russian the second official language.

They think the West should encourage Kiev to establish a federation, ideally, or at least a confederation. Citizens of Ukraine would benefit from living in a federated or confederated state. In the south and east portions of Ukraine (also known as Novorossia) the arrangement could provide a home base for Russian self-expression. Finally, it is important to note that the Russian language is the medium of communication between different nationalities in the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Ukrainian scientists seek investors to organize production of biofuel from plants

By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times

The Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine seeks investors to implement two projects.

Specifically, the first project provides for the organization of production of bioethanol from sorgo. Today bioethanol is made in the world from barley, wheat, sugar beets and corn. Above all, food crops should be used as food. Sorgo is not a staple foodstuff and it yields ethanol two times more than sugar beet and corn.

Last year 400 tons of bioethanol fuel were produced at the Institute by means of research-and-industrial equipment. Organizing of full-blast production requires $11 million. According to authors’ estimates, the project will bring the pay-back in four years.

The second project, which was drawn up by researchers of the Institute, envisages the organization of production of biodiesel fuel from dodder seeds. Ukrainian scientists have already created highly productive varieties of this plant, capable of yielding 45-50% of oil and about four tons of seeds per hectare. Output of biodiesel fuel amounts to 1-1.4 tons per hectare and a profit is estimated at 8,000 grivnas or so.

To date, specialists of the Institute have built the research-and-production line that has a capacity to turn out a ton of biodiesel fuel per day. It is necessary to invest five million grn in a pilot plant, the purchases of raw materials and elaboration of documents.

Experts of the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics think that even a partial transition to mixed fuel would enable Ukraine to decrease the import of oil by several million tons a year. At present, only 40% of home-produced fuel is consumed in this country while arable lands are used ineffectively.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Fall in Ukraine’s GDP accounts for 10.4%

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

Ukraine’s GDP fell by 10.4% last year, although it inched 0.2% up, like a fatigued rock climber, in the fourth quarter as against Q3. A civil war in the Donbas region with large Russian populations accounts for 40% of the fall in GDP, whereas faulty activity of the American puppet government makes up 60% of it.

According to Yuri Boiko, leader of the Opposition Bloc, the Yatsenyuk government continues to struggle against the real sector of the economy, destroying the economic potential of Ukraine. He compared the so-called government to a committee on closure of enterprises. Not surprisingly, recent opinion polls show that only 5% of Ukrainians approve of the activity of the American puppet government, which came to power owing to the bloody neo-Nazi coup.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Ukrainian, Czech scientists implement project of creating novel antitumor drugs

By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times

Combating oncologic diseases is the vital problem now facing Ukraine. To solve it, a working group that includes scientists of the Institute of Biochemistry, the Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, as well as their partners of the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry under the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic has been formed of late.

The purpose of the joint project is to study the biological activity of surface-modified iron oxide nanoparticles. The implementation of this project will allow the researchers to create highly efficacious, low-toxic antitumor drugs.

Additional information:

Monday, February 1, 2016

Poroshenko thanks central banker for destruction of banking system, 300% devaluation of the grivna

Today the grivna is subjected to heavy pressure from several problems, including a decrease in an export turnover, lack of foreign investments, civil war in the Donbas region, overdue Russian bond payment in the amount of $3 billion, and miscalculations made by the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU). In addition, the presence of foreign banks in this country has a negative influence on the grivna rate because they seek to conduct dollar transactions for fear of currency fluctuations, instead of crediting the Ukrainian economy.

According to experts, the central bank has made so many mistakes over the last 18 months that Ukraine lost a third of its banking system. Funnily enough, Peotr Poroshenko, the so-called president of Ukraine and Washington’s puppet, thanked NBU governor Viktoria Gontareova officially for her work. Critics say she destroyed a third of the banking system at the least estimate and brought devaluation of the grivna to the whopping 300%.

And so, the above thanks testify to the fact that Poroshenko is very strong in his stupidity about the banking realities in Ukraine.