Friday, November 22, 2019

Gazprom in no harry to sign contract with Neftegaz

Reportedly, three-party ministerial-level talks about the transit of Russian natural gas to Europe through Ukrainian pipelines are difficult. The Russian gas group Gazprom is in no hurry to sign the contract with the Ukrainian energy company Neftegaz for five or even 10 years, as the E.U. suggests. Gazprom insists that a new contract be valid for one year only.

As a matter of fact, the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline on the Baltic seabed should have been operational by the end of this year when an agreement on the transit of Russian gas via Ukraine, the main route for exports to Europe, expires. However, Russia is ready to keep up transit via Ukraine if Neftegaz is willing to recall the legal claims from the Stockholm arbitration court, which demand compensation for the loss of gas-transit system value.

According to Ukraine's government officials, even if the talks fail, Neftegaz's reserves of natural gas currently held in underground storage will remain in play. This year Ukraine has pumped the record amount of gas into storage facilities, which will provide Ukrainian households with heat during the cold season.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Resolution of the 3rd Forum of Rectors of Technical Universities of Poland and Ukraine

The 3rd Forum of Rectors of the Technical Universities of the Republic of Poland and Ukraine, organized by the Conference of Rectors of Polish Technical Universities and the Association of Rectors of Technical Universities of Ukraine, took place at the University of Bielsko-Biala, Poland, on October 24–26, 2019.

During the Forum a joint meeting was held to discuss the results and topical issues of the development of international cooperation between higher education institutions of the Republic of Poland and Ukraine.

Recognizing the indispensable relevance of the issues proposed for discussion, and in order to increase the effectiveness of international cooperation between Polish and Ukrainian higher education institutions, the participants in the 3rd Forum of Rectors of Technical Universities of the Republic of Poland and Ukraine hereby agree as follows:

1. To hold the 4th Forum of Rectors of Technical Universities of the Republic of Poland and Ukraine at the Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University, Ukraine, on April 22-24, 2020.

2. The 4th Forum of Rectors of Technical Universities of the Republic of Poland and Ukraine shall be entitled “University of the Future”.

3. To hold in 2020 the joint meeting of representatives of the international Ukrainian-Polish centers, which operate at Polish and Ukrainian higher education institutions, at the Dnepropetrovsk University of Technology, Ukraine.

4. To promote cooperation between higher education institutions of the Republic of Poland and Ukraine in the field of international accreditation in engineering education.

5. To support the joint Ukrainian and Polish initiative to enhance the role of female students in STEM education.

Cooperation with IMF causes Ukraine trouble

According to Alexander Okhrimenko, president of the Ukrainian Analytical Center, cooperation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) causes Ukraine nothing but trouble. At present, Kiev does not need money, particularly IMF loans, because it settles debts by some means or other.

The pieces of advice that the IMF gives to Kiev, without taking account of the realities of Ukrainian society, are often misleading, devastating. In fact, the fund recommended increasing prices of utilities. As a result, the Ukraine's household debt rose to 50 billion grivnas.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


Согласно сообщениям СМИ, трёхсторонние переговоры о поставках природного газа из России в Европу через Украину идут сложно. "Газпром" не спешит подписывать контракт с украинской компанией "Нефтегаз", который заканчивается в этом году, на пять или даже 10 лет, как предлагает ЕС, и настаивает, чтобы новый контракт был лишь на год.

За это время может быть достроен "Северный поток-2", по которому газоснабжение Европы будет проводиться в обход Украины. В обмен на подписание нового договора Российская Федерация предлагает Украине отозвать претензии по газу в Стокгольмском арбитраже.

Как заявил министр энергетики и защиты окружающей среды Алексей Оржель, Украина подстраховалась на случай, если договор не будет подписан, хотя в нём крайне заинтересованы и украинская сторона, и европейская. В текущем году Украина закачала рекордное количество газа в хранилища, что обеспечит украинцам тепло во время отопительного сезона.