Tuesday, May 30, 2017


Как известно, вирус WCry в мае поразил большое число компьютеров во всём мире. Этот вирус, обычно приходящий на электронную почту в виде письма, ещё называют вымогателем, поскольку он блокирует файлы компьютеров, на которых установлена операционная система Windows, и требует выкуп в размере 300 долларов за разблокировку. Если же злоумышленники не получают денег в течение семи дней, они уничтожают информацию, которая была в компьютере. По словам айтишников, недавно появились две новые модификации вируса.

Специалисты утверждают, что вирус стремительно распространяется, и его обнаружили на компьютерах в 150 странах, включая Украину. Однако в украинском отделе киберполиции заявили, что обращения по этому поводу к ним не поступали.

При этом сотрудники отдела киберполиции разработали рекомендации, как уберечься от WCry. Во-первых, оперативники не советуют переходить на сомнительные ссылки, которые приходят на электронную почту, а также не скачивать непроверенные программы, поскольку они могут быть инфицированы вредоносным вирусом.

Кроме того, на сайте отдела киберполиции https://www.cybercrime.gov.ua есть баннер со ссылкой на сайт для дешифровки вредоносного программного обеспечения и детальный инструктаж, как предотвратить попадание вируса в компьютер. Киберполиция также просит всех граждан, которые стали жертвами вредоносного программного обеспечения вымогателя, обращаться в отдел для своевременного реагирования по номеру телефона горячей линии +38 044 374 37 40 (с 9:00 до 18:30 в рабочие дни) или использовать форму обратной связи на сайте.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Multinational companies sell inferior quality foodstuffs to EU poorer member states

Slovak authorities have established that supermarkets sell citizens of Slovakia sausages, chocolate and soft drinks, which are of poorer quality than their counterparts available in Austria, Germany, France and other countries of the European Union.

Recently, Slovakia's Agriculture Ministry presented results of laboratory tests showing half of 22 food products bought in Bratislava differed in taste, looks and composition from equivalents purchased in two Austrian towns across the border. In particular, sausages contained less meat and more fats and water, chocolates and yogurts have less cacao and proteins respectively, not to mention that spices, teas and other foodstuffs had a higher artificial sweeteners content, many artificial preservatives and a lower weight. According to Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico, it is unacceptable that multinational companies sell the foodstuffs on East European markets, which are inferior to their counterparts available at Western stores.

At the same time, Bulgarian specialized laboratories are analyzing the identity of foodstuffs sold in the EU and Bulgaria. If any deviations are detected, sanctions will be applied against suppliers. In addition, Sofia will insist that the EU should introduce uniform standards for all member countries and punish those who divide Europeans into first-class and second-class people, thereby humiliating citizens of poorer member states.

Rather than unity in Europe, we see a continued process of the West humiliating the poorer nations. This is hardly a formula for development and economic growth.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

North Korean vessel sets course for Vladivostok as Washington's vassal supports sanctions

By Vladimir V. Sytin

Fair winds and following seas! North Korea's Man Gyong Bong ferry, which is owned by the Russian company InvestStroyTrest, has started making trips from the North Korean port of Rajin to the Russian city of Vladivostok, as it was banned from calling at Japanese ports.

As expected, the ferryboat will make monthly six trips to the Russian seaport, exporting foodstuffs and parts of various devices. The ferry service will also facilitate the influx of foreign currency into North Korea.

The Man Gyong Bong can hold up to 200 passengers and has 40 cabins, a restaurant and two bars, The Guardian said. In addition, the vessel features slot machines, a shop, a sauna and a karaoke room. The Man Gyong Bong can also carry 1,500 tons of cargo in its three dry holds. The InvestStroyTrest website lists ticket prices of 600 to 750 yuan per passenger. The overnight route takes nine hours, but the company promised that the "ship will reduce speed in good weather so passengers can enjoy the beauty and smell of the sea".

Previously, the ferryboat was plying between North Korea and Japan, but the Washington's vassal cut off the service after Pyongyang's first nuclear test in 2006.

As part of growing political and economic ties, Russia and North Korea have signed agreements to increase bilateral trade to $1 billion by 2020 and build a railroad from the Russian border to Rajin.

North Korea, which is banned by U.N. resolutions from engaging in nuclear and missile developments, has accused the United States of a hostile policy to crush its government, calling its nuclear weapons a "sacred sword" to protect itself.

According to politologist Paul Craig Roberts, the neoconservative claim of American exceptionalism is the identical claim made for Germans by Hitler. If Americans are indispensable, everyone else is dispensable and can be "bombed into the stone age" as one U.S. government official put it, or nuked as Washington intends to do to North Korea, Russia and China. The claim of American exceptionalism is not accepted by Pyongyang, Moscow and Beijing.

Therefore, the insane, crazed monsters who rule over the West in Washington make attempts to bring life on earth to an end. It is Washington that wants to snuff out human morality and become the master of the planet. And there are no protests. The idiot Japanese, the idiot British, the idiot French, Canadians, Australians and Belgians, among others, rally behind the insanity that is Washington.

Like it or not, Russia is able to block U.S. unilateral actions against some countries including North Korea. This capability flies in the face of the neoconservative Wolfowitz doctrine, which says the principal goal of U.S. foreign policy is to prevent the rise of any country that can serve as a check on Washington's unilateral action. While neocons were absorbed in their "cakewalk" wars that have now lasted 16 years, Russia and China emerged as checks on the unilateralism that Washington had enjoyed since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Finally, it is worth remembering that it was the United States that gratuitously destroyed two Japanese cities with atomic bombs.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Macedonia shows interest to cooperate on installation of gas, medicine with Ukrainian partners

According to Stole Zmejkoski, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Macedonia to Ukraine, Skopje takes a keen interest in cooperation with Ukrainian partners in the field of tourism and medicine.

Sadly, the diplomat said Ukraine and Macedonia insufficiently carried out a free trade agreement. For instance, the export of metal to Macedonia accounts for the whopping 90-95% of total volume of Ukraine's exports there.

Mr. Zmejkoski stressed that Macedonia could become the gateway of European markets, including Turkey, to help Ukrainian business people out. In particular, Skopje contemplates enlisting the Ukrainian enterprises, which specialize in pipelaying, to participate in three large-scale projects of the installation of natural gas.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Economic indicators: trade

The export turnover of Ukrainian goods amounted to $6,268.1 million and the volume of import to $6,691.3 million in January and February, a 32.7% and 22.1% increase respectively from the same period of 2016. The unfavorable foreign trade balance worked out to $423.2 million, compared with $756.1 million in January and February 2016.

Export to the European Union rose by 16.2%, compared with January and February 2016. Incidentally, with the EU itself predicting flat GDP growth below 2% through 2019, it is hard to get behind some of the enthusiasm of certain analysts for the European trade. According to Christopher Whalen, publisher of The Institutional Risk Analyst, the fact that the Germans and French are falling in love again does little to cheer the nations of Eastern Europe, which are among the most dynamic and fastest growing parts of the EU.

Within the period under review export to Byelorussia and Russia rose by 58.4% and 54.4% respectively.

A retail trade turnover increased by 3.1% to 164.7 billion grivnas in Ukraine in January-March, compared with the same period last year. The turnover of enterprises of wholesale trade rose by 1% to 374.2 billion grn in January-March, compared with a year-earlier period.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Ukrainian-Polish Forum is great enthusiasm among volunteers

By Denis Balandin

The Forum of Rectors of Technical Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine and Poland took place at Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute on April 4-8. Its participants discussed questions concerning international cooperation of Polish and Ukrainian technical HEIs. Among spectacular gains of this year's Forum were the scientific integration and exchange of experience that turned out brilliant successes.

A volunteer team of students was enlisted on the initiative of the International Collaboration Department and the Students' Council of Igor Sikorsky KPI to arrange and hold the event. In particular, 157 students of KPI received training in one of the 15 directions. The initiators succeeded in forming the groups of forum organizers who have a good command of foreign languages, experience to work with artistic amateur groups, knack for organizing excursions and doing good public relations, among others. Each direction was managed by the leader of a volunteer group of students, who controlled the effectiveness of their work and promptly helped to cover all eventualities.

Voluntary participation of students in the Forum has borne fruit. As one of the representatives of the Warsaw Polytechnic University put it, "People with a gleam of charisma in their eyes do amazing things."

After the event was over, the volunteers made comments on it.

A volunteer, who worked in the group that provided transportation, said: "We helped guests to get to roundtable venues. There was a moment when it turned out that we were lacking guides, but our leaders promptly found additional reserves. I personally communicated with many Poles and one of them even complimented me on my classy volunteer's T-shirt."

A volunteer, who was in charge of an artistic amateur group, pointed out: "Chaperoning a Polish artistic amateur group, I acquired new knowledge and experience, as well as made acquaintance with pleasant people. Eventualities did happen as two Polish students managed to be lost during an excursion. However, we found them and continued our work. It was very tough parting from them: the Poles really did not want to let us go, promising to come here again."

"We chose to practise spoken English and Polish, while we found a true dream team among the volunteers of our unit! It was a real pleasure to work with guests, and we were especially glad that they respected us and switched from English to our native Ukrainian language," girls at the Forum Contact Point noted enthusiastically.

The head of the International Relations Department of the Students' Council under Igor Sikorsky KPI stated: "I am more than happy that so many people agreed to help us. We proved that students can interact effectively with the administration. All volunteers were enthusiastic over the accumulated experience. Over the course of two days we have done a great amount of work, yet I don't believe we succeeded in doing so. The Ukrainian-Polish Forum featured sincere emotions and the atmosphere of mutual respect."

Feedback from volunteers leads to the conclusion that volunteer activities have a great future in KPI.

The author is a leader of service student detachments at Igor Sikorsky KPI

Friday, May 12, 2017


В селе Татьяновка Славянского района Донецкой области перезахоронили останки 86 бойцов Красной армии, которые здесь погибли в 1941-1943 годах в боях с немецко-фашистскими захватчиками. Траурную церемонию и митинг приурочили к 72-й годовщине Победы Советского Союза над нацистской Германией в Великой Отечественной войне (1941-1945 гг.).

В отдании последних почестей погибшим героям приняли участие местные жители, районные и областные чиновники, а также представители Ассоциации исследователей военно-исторического наследия "Плацдарм". Именно благодаря усилиям поисковиков, которые работают на местах жестоких боёв во время обороны и освобождения Славянского района, это уже четвёртое перезахоронение погибших на территории Маяцкого сельского совета за последние три года.

Всего удалось отыскать и похоронить 323 воина, а вышеуказанные останки 86 бойцов (среди них три женщины) 12-й и 8-й армий, 3-й и 8-й гвардейских армий обнаружили в прошлом году. По словам представителя поискового отряда "Плацдарма" Алексея Юкова, к сожалению, фамилии погибших установить пока что не удалось из-за активности так называемых чёрных археологов и мародёров, которые, как правило, забирают не только оружие, но и не гнушаются личными вещами воинов.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


Согласно постановлению Кабинета Министров Украины «О проведении прозрачной и конкурентной приватизации в 2015-2017 годах», Запорожский производственный алюминиевый комбинат (ЗАлК) внесли в список объектов государственной собственности, которые подлежат приватизации в 2016-2017 годах. В настоящее время Фонд государственного имущества (ФГИ) готовит предприятие к приватизации.

На комбинате осуществлялся полный металлургический цикл: от переработки руды до производства алюминия и сплавов на его основе. Из-за убыточности производства, связанного с повышением цен на энергоносители, было приостановлено кремниевое производство в 2005 году, глинозёмное – в 2009 году, электролизное – с мая 2011 года, а с июля 2014 года по август прошлого года простаивало производство алюминиевой катанки. Сегодня 68,0095% уставного капитала ЗАлК принадлежит государству.

Thursday, May 4, 2017


По проектам русского архитектора Юрия Дмитренко (1858-1918) в Одессе построены гостиница «Лондонская» на Приморском бульваре, доходные дома Маврокордато на розе улиц Ришельевской и Греческой, а также на розе Екатерининской и Греческой. Один из домов известен самым длинным в Одессе балконом протяжённостью почти 200 метров.

Среди творений архитектора числится немало церковных сооружений. Во время открытия мемориальной доски настоятель храма Вознесения Господня отец Илья
сообщил, что восстанавливают, построенную по проекту Юрия Дмитренко, церковь на розе улиц Старопортофранковской и Тираспольской, которая была разрушена в 1937 году.

Коренной одессит Юрий Дмитренко последние годы жизни провёл в доме своего друга Григория Маразли, одного из широко известных градоначальников Одессы. Флигель, в котором жил архитектор, был расположен во дворе со стороны Дерибасовской. Сейчас здесь находится Одесское областное базовое медицинское училище.

Мемориальную доску архитектору здесь установили по инициативе общественной организации «Общество охраны памятников истории и культуры», а также газеты «Одесские вести».