Monday, August 29, 2016

Joint project between Siemens, Silovye Mashiny becomes the subject of much speculation

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

The subsidiary enterprise of Siemens intends to supply four turbines to a thermal electric power plant situated in the Russian peninsula of Taman, Krasnodar Territory. The equipment has been made at the plant Siemens Tekhnologii Gazovykh Turbin that opened in St. Petersburg last year.

Siemens has a 65% share of the joint venture, with the remaining 35% belonging to the Russian company Silovye Mashiny.

The turbines have been made to order received from the Russian state company TekhnopromExport, which is building electric power plants in Taman and Crimea. Thanks to Western presstitutes, the above equipment has become the subject of much speculation that it will be shipped across the Kerch Strait to Crimea in spite of the so-called sanctions imposed by the United States and its European vassals in connection with a civil war in the Donbas region with large Russian populations.

Friday, August 26, 2016


Около 30% территории Одесской области не имеют полноценного покрытия цифровым вещанием. Фактически в этом регионе превалирует российское телевидение из Приднестровья, а также через спутниковые каналы. По словам обозревателей, вышеупомянутые 30% приходятся на многонациональные районы, где скептически относятся к украинской государственности.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Moscow requires the West to caution Kiev against committing acts of terrorism

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs made the official statement in which it warned the puppet state of Ukraine and its foreign puppeteers that damage done to Russia in Crimea would have serious repercussions. In particular, Moscow required the West to caution the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime against committing dangerous acts of terrorism. The statement said nothing good would come of “playing with fire”.

Russia reiterated that the Western puppeteers must force their Ukrainian vassal to cease gross provocations and fully comply with the Minsk agreements. Also, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reproached the West for its indulgence that had negative influence on Ukrainian government decisions to carry out the armed provocations in Crimea.

Putin accuses Kiev of resort to methods of terrorism in Crimea, Lugansk People’s Republic

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

Russian President Vladimir Putin accused the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime of resort to methods of terrorism in Crimea. In addition, Moscow considers an assassination attempt on Igor Plotnitskiy, leader of the Lugansk People’s Republic, as the act of political terrorism committed by the American puppet state of Ukraine.

Mr. Putin required the West to bring pressure to bear on its Ukrainian vassal, forcing Kiev to come to a peaceful settlement and fully comply with the ceasefire agreement in the Donbas region with large Russian populations. In the event of non-fulfillment of the Minsk agreements, the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime will have to bear a great expenditure on a civil war in Donbas, borrow from international financial institutions and submit to the loss of a part of territory.

It is important to note that Russia is not a party to the ceasefire agreement in Donbas. This is an agreement between the breakaway republics and the puppet government of Ukraine. Washington has done everything possible to discourage Kiev from keeping the agreement Kiev signed.

However, some independent observers think the Russian President does not understand the power of Washington’s money. In the entire West only money counts. There is no such thing as Washington’s word, government integrity, truth, or even empirical facts, but only propagated lies.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Ukrainians teeter on the very brink of abject poverty

Yuri Boiko, leader of the Opposition Bloc, stated that peppered with European integration slogans, the so-called reforms of two years threw Ukraine back in its socioeconomic development by decades. Citizens of this country find its hard to make ends meet, prices skyrocket and unemployment shoots up while the American puppet government of Ukraine continues to struggle against the real sector of the economy.

Thanks to deplorably amateurish work of the government and parliament, people teeter on the very brink of abject poverty. Recent opinion polls show that 72% of Ukrainians say their material well-being has become worse.

The Opposition Bloc proposes to reduce the prices of utilities by half, revise a taxation code, index wages and pensions, otherwise it is expedient to dissolve Ukraine’s parliament.

Monday, August 8, 2016


Почти 200 тысяч жителей Волынской области, которые проживают в более чем 50 населённых пунктах, не имеют возможности смотреть украинское телевидение. Благодаря 200-километровому соседству Волыни с Белоруссией в свободном доступе белорусские и российские телеканалы. По подсчётам специалистов, треть территории Волынской области не покрыта местным телерадиовещанием.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Delay in settling Ukrainian crisis is inadmissible, says Putin

By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times

According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Kiev must understand that a direct dialog with leaders of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics is inevitable within the framework of the Minsk agreements. He said it was absurd to expect that Russia would carry out the Minsk agreements.

Mr. Putin believes a delay in settling the Ukrainian crisis, particularly a civil war in the Donbas region with large Russian populations, and attempts to shift the blame on Russia are inadmissible. “This will cause the aggravation of an already complicated situation on the European continent,” he stated.

Readers of The Ukrainian Times know that in the event of non-fulfillment of the Minsk agreements, the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime will have to bear a great expenditure on the civil war in Donbas, borrow from international financial institutions and submit to the loss of a part of territory. Politologist Paul Craig Roberts wrote that it was Washington that enabled Ukraine’s attack on its former provinces. The U.S.-sponsored civil war in Donbas serves the geopolitical purposes of deterring Russia.

To avoid war, the Russian President is non-provocative and low-key in his responses to Western provocations. Many analysts think Vladimir Putin is the world’s most preeminent geopolitical leader, a master chess player, making Obama look buffoon-like in comparison.

Critics say Ukraine’s attack on Donbas is mindless. It shows the American puppet government totally devoid of all intelligence. Even a fool understands that violence creates growing resistance, and the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime has not even the intelligence of fools.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Ankara negotiates with Moscow about construction of Turkish Stream gas pipeline

Turkey is ready to start building the first branch of the Turkish Stream natural-gas pipeline. Currently, Ankara is negotiating with Moscow about construction of the pipeline on the Black Sea bed. The project provides for construction of four branches of Turkish Stream whose capacity will total 63 million cubic meters of gas per year.

In addition, the Russian state company RosAtom participates in construction of a nuclear power plant near the Turkish city of Mersin. According to plan, the N-plant will have four 1.2-gigawatt reactors.