22 апреля в гостинице InterContinental Kiev состоится «Украинский Инфраструктурный форум» при поддержке Министерства инфраструктуры Украины.
Организатор Форума - A7 CONFERENCES, официальный партнёр - Лемтранс, эксклюзивный юридический партнёр - Baker & McKenzie, инновационный партнёр -
Microsoft Ukraine, стратегический партнёр – строительная компания «AртСтройСервис».
Форум станет профессиональной коммуникационной платформой для открытой публичной дискуссии, которая объединит представителей государственной власти,
международных организаций и украинских предприятий для перехода на новый уровень развития рынка инфраструктуры. Целью Форума является
привлечение внимания международных и национальных инвесторов к потенциалу транспортной системы Украины.
В Форуме примут участие Владимир Омелян, заместитель министра инфраструктуры, Владислава Рутицкая, заместитель министра аграрной политики и продовольствия по вопросам европейской интеграции, Игорь Белоус, глава Фонда государственного имущества Украины, и другие. Среди участников мероприятия также ожидаются руководители ТОП-100 украинских и международных компаний в транспортной сфере, украинские производители продукции в области инфраструктурной промышленности, иностранные инвесторы, представители международных финансовых корпораций и посольств иностранных государств.
Игорь Белоус, председатель Фонда государственного имущества, подчеркнул: «В течение последних 10 лет объёмы морских контейнерных перевозок уменьшились в два раза, а транзитных грузов - в три раза. И это - несмотря на то, что на большинстве терминалов работают частные компании. Изучив международный опыт, мы пришли к выводу, что нам следует изменить модель управления государственными портами. Сейчас наиболее эффективной моделью является среднесрочная концессия, по которой работает более 80% портов мира. В Украине такая форма сотрудничества государства с частным капиталом может быть эффективной лишь при условии создания нового концессионного законодательства. Именно поэтому мы инициировали создание межведомственной рабочей группы для обсуждения и написания нового закона, в котором будут сформулированы особенности концессий не только для портов, но и в целом для транспортной отрасли, для сферы ЖКХ, медицины, социальной инфраструктуры и т.д. ».
Форум призван усилить интерес иностранных инвесторов к украинским инфраструктурным проектам. Он даст ответы на ключевые вопросы относительно источников финансирования для обновления инфраструктуры и механизмов реализации масштабных инвестиционных проектов. Кроме того, украинский бизнес во время мероприятия получит исчерпывающую информацию о возможностях старта процессов модернизации и работы с государственными предприятиями в сфере инфраструктуры, а также перспективы финансирования со стороны национальных и международных финансовых учреждений. Особенностью станут «1-на-1» встречи между инвесторами и представителями украинских компаний на второй день Форума. В рамках мероприятия планируется создать Каталог инвестиционных проектов украинских государственных и частных организаций в сфере инфраструктуры.
Онлайн-регистрация на Форум открыта до 21 апреля на сайте - http://a7conf.com/infra
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Ukrainian Gas Investment Forum’16 held in Kiev
The Ukrainian Gas Investment Forum’16, organized by A7 CONFERENCES under the patronage of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine, was held at the InterContinental hotel in Kiev on March 23. Its co-organizer and strategic partner were Dentons and the Association of Gas Producers of Ukraine respectively.
The event has become a leading platform for a dialogue between government and business, bringing together experts from Ukraine and 20 countries to attract foreign investment in the gas sector. The next Ukrainian Gas Investment Forum will take place on March 2, 2017.
More than 350 senior executives from such companies as DTEK, UkrGazDobycha and UkrNefteGazInvest participated in this Forum. In particular, the forum was attended by representatives of state bodies and international organizations, domestic and foreign gas companies, foreign investors and over 100 media representatives.
Making an opening address to the Forum, deputy prime minister Gennady Zubko stated: “Today we need not only investments, but the full reboot of a system and transition to the real market. Modifying the payment system, transiting from clearing to real money, developing a system of the motivation to consume rationally, and thermodernization will allow us to make a breakthrough in the industry.”
The Association of Gas Producing Companies of Ukraine was presented at the Forum. Reportedly, the association was established to increase domestic gas
production, create a friendly investment climate and implement the best industry practices. It includes the following companies: UkrGazDobycha, DTEK,
Neftegaz, Burisma, Geo Alliance Group, Smart Energy, KUB-Gaz and the Poltava Petroleum Company. Overall, they produce 88% of Ukrainian natural gas.
Aleksandr Romanyuk, first deputy chairman of UkrGazDobycha, said: “To hit the targets of the program 20/20 that provides for production of 20 billion cubic meters in 2020, UkrGasDobycha plans to implement an investment plan scheduled for five years, which is estimated at a total of around 80 billion grivnas. The funds are necessary to finance technical reequipment, exploration of new fields, and drilling of new boreholes.”
Discussing prospects of the gas market in Ukraine, UkrNeft chairman Mark Rollins attached particular importance to a rise in competitiveness of the market, amending tax legislation, the introduction of new advanced technologies and improvement of the professional competence of a staff. “On the Ukrainian gas market, I want to see as many new members who will provide competition,” he said. “They will not only make financial contributions, but also communicate new knowledge and skills. Therefore, competition promotes innovation development”.
Live broadcasting: www.a7conf.com/gas
The event has become a leading platform for a dialogue between government and business, bringing together experts from Ukraine and 20 countries to attract foreign investment in the gas sector. The next Ukrainian Gas Investment Forum will take place on March 2, 2017.
More than 350 senior executives from such companies as DTEK, UkrGazDobycha and UkrNefteGazInvest participated in this Forum. In particular, the forum was attended by representatives of state bodies and international organizations, domestic and foreign gas companies, foreign investors and over 100 media representatives.
Making an opening address to the Forum, deputy prime minister Gennady Zubko stated: “Today we need not only investments, but the full reboot of a system and transition to the real market. Modifying the payment system, transiting from clearing to real money, developing a system of the motivation to consume rationally, and thermodernization will allow us to make a breakthrough in the industry.”
The Association of Gas Producing Companies of Ukraine was presented at the Forum. Reportedly, the association was established to increase domestic gas
production, create a friendly investment climate and implement the best industry practices. It includes the following companies: UkrGazDobycha, DTEK,
Neftegaz, Burisma, Geo Alliance Group, Smart Energy, KUB-Gaz and the Poltava Petroleum Company. Overall, they produce 88% of Ukrainian natural gas.
Aleksandr Romanyuk, first deputy chairman of UkrGazDobycha, said: “To hit the targets of the program 20/20 that provides for production of 20 billion cubic meters in 2020, UkrGasDobycha plans to implement an investment plan scheduled for five years, which is estimated at a total of around 80 billion grivnas. The funds are necessary to finance technical reequipment, exploration of new fields, and drilling of new boreholes.”
Discussing prospects of the gas market in Ukraine, UkrNeft chairman Mark Rollins attached particular importance to a rise in competitiveness of the market, amending tax legislation, the introduction of new advanced technologies and improvement of the professional competence of a staff. “On the Ukrainian gas market, I want to see as many new members who will provide competition,” he said. “They will not only make financial contributions, but also communicate new knowledge and skills. Therefore, competition promotes innovation development”.
Live broadcasting: www.a7conf.com/gas
Unlike U.S., Russia achieves decisive military results in Syria
Having stripped the Islamic State of an offensive capability and liberated Syria from the Washington-supported terrorists, Russian President Vladimir Putin has now shifted to diplomacy. Analysts think it is a big risk for Moscow to trust the neocon-infested U.S. government, but if the ISIS renews the conflict with support from Washington, Putin’s retention of air and naval bases in Syria will allow Russia to resume military operations.
In particular, there are about 18 Russian warplanes, gunships, artillery and tanks in a Syrian airdrome today. Russian troop strength totals some 3,500 there.
According to politologist Paul Craig Roberts, Vladimir Putin has also demonstrated that, unlike Washington, Moscow is able to achieve decisive military results in a short time without Russian casualties and to withdraw without becoming a permanent occupying force. In fact, the Syrian government has won back 392 populated localities from the Washington-supported terrorists, thanks to Russian military aid. At present, Assad’s army occupies 10,140 square kilometers of territories in Syria.
In particular, there are about 18 Russian warplanes, gunships, artillery and tanks in a Syrian airdrome today. Russian troop strength totals some 3,500 there.
According to politologist Paul Craig Roberts, Vladimir Putin has also demonstrated that, unlike Washington, Moscow is able to achieve decisive military results in a short time without Russian casualties and to withdraw without becoming a permanent occupying force. In fact, the Syrian government has won back 392 populated localities from the Washington-supported terrorists, thanks to Russian military aid. At present, Assad’s army occupies 10,140 square kilometers of territories in Syria.
Monday, March 28, 2016
Struggle against corruption in Ukraine may render IMF loans unnecessary
According to Ruslan Bortnik, director of the Ukrainian Institute for the Analysis and Management of Policy, a struggle against corruption would render IMF loans unnecessary. He thinks it is necessary to combat the shady economy that has stashed away a sufficiency of financial resources for the existence of Ukraine without foreign loans.
Critics agree that the American puppet government continues to wallow in corruption. It is so corrupt, even more than the previous Azarov government. Many analysts believe the ministers are interested only in self benefit and they give some crumbs to the people.
Practically all sectors of Ukraine’s government, business and civic life are affected by widespread corruption. Bribery and extortion are quite common in the Ukrainian public health system. To make matters worse, the living standards of Ukrainians are being squeezed to death in order to pay off fraudulent debts incurred by the corrupt Yatsenyuk government.
Critics agree that the American puppet government continues to wallow in corruption. It is so corrupt, even more than the previous Azarov government. Many analysts believe the ministers are interested only in self benefit and they give some crumbs to the people.
Practically all sectors of Ukraine’s government, business and civic life are affected by widespread corruption. Bribery and extortion are quite common in the Ukrainian public health system. To make matters worse, the living standards of Ukrainians are being squeezed to death in order to pay off fraudulent debts incurred by the corrupt Yatsenyuk government.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
23 марта A7 CONFERENCES организовали Украинский газовый инвестиционный форум под патронатом Министерства энергетики и угольной промышленности Украины.
Соорганизатором Форума выступила компания Dentons, а стратегическим партнёром - Ассоциация газодобывающих компаний Украины. Форум стал ведущей платформой для диалога власти и бизнеса, объединившей специалистов из Украины и 20 стран мира для привлечения иностранных инвестиций в газовый сектор страны. Форум состоялся в гостинице InterContinental Kiev.
В Форуме приняли участие более 350 представителей высшего руководства таких компаний, как ДТЭК, Укрнефтегазинвест и Украинская газовая биржа. В частности, в форуме приняли участие представители государственных органов и международных организаций, отечественные и зарубежные газовые компании, иностранные инвесторы, а также более 100 представителей СМИ.
В своей приветственной речи вице-премьер-министр Украины Геннадий Зубко отметил: «Сегодня нам нужны не только инвестиции, нам нужна полная перезагрузка системы и переход к реальному рынку. Изменить систему расчётов, перейти от клиринговых средств к реальным, разработать систему мотивации для разумного потребления, термомодернизация - всё это позволит нам сделать прорыв в отрасли».
На Форуме была представлена Ассоциация газодобывающих компаний Украины - объединение газодобывающих компаний, основанное для увеличения внутренней добычи газа, создания благоприятного инвестиционного климата и внедрения лучших отраслевых практик. В состав Ассоциации вошли компании «Укргаздобыча», ДТЭК Нефтегаз, Burisma, Geo Alliance Group, Smart Energy, «КУБ-Газ» и «Полтавская газонефтяная компания». Суммарно они добывают 88% украинского природного газа.
Александр Романюк, исполнительный директор ОАО «Укргаздобыча» заявил: «Для достижения целей программы 20\20 (а это добыча 20 миллиардов кубических метров газа в 2020 году) компания планирует реализовать инвестиционный план, рассчитанный на пять лет, общей стоимостью около 80 млрд. гривен. Средства нужны на техническое переоснащение, интенсификацию добычи, разведку новых месторождений и бурение новых скважин».
При обсуждении перспектив газового рынка Украины Марк Роллинс, председатель правления ОАО «Укрнефть», подчеркнул важность повышения уровня конкуренции, изменения налогового законодательства, внедрения новых современных технологий и улучшения профессиональной компетенции персонала. «На украинском рынке газа я хочу видеть как можно больше новых участников, которые будут создавать конкуренцию. Они не только сделают финансовые вливания, но и принесут новые знания и навыки. Ведь конкуренция способствует инновациям и развитию, - сказал он.
Полная запись онлайн-трансляции Форума на сайте: www.a7conf.com/gas
Следующий Украинский газовый инвестиционный форум состоится 2 марта 2017 года.
Соорганизатором Форума выступила компания Dentons, а стратегическим партнёром - Ассоциация газодобывающих компаний Украины. Форум стал ведущей платформой для диалога власти и бизнеса, объединившей специалистов из Украины и 20 стран мира для привлечения иностранных инвестиций в газовый сектор страны. Форум состоялся в гостинице InterContinental Kiev.
В Форуме приняли участие более 350 представителей высшего руководства таких компаний, как ДТЭК, Укрнефтегазинвест и Украинская газовая биржа. В частности, в форуме приняли участие представители государственных органов и международных организаций, отечественные и зарубежные газовые компании, иностранные инвесторы, а также более 100 представителей СМИ.
В своей приветственной речи вице-премьер-министр Украины Геннадий Зубко отметил: «Сегодня нам нужны не только инвестиции, нам нужна полная перезагрузка системы и переход к реальному рынку. Изменить систему расчётов, перейти от клиринговых средств к реальным, разработать систему мотивации для разумного потребления, термомодернизация - всё это позволит нам сделать прорыв в отрасли».
На Форуме была представлена Ассоциация газодобывающих компаний Украины - объединение газодобывающих компаний, основанное для увеличения внутренней добычи газа, создания благоприятного инвестиционного климата и внедрения лучших отраслевых практик. В состав Ассоциации вошли компании «Укргаздобыча», ДТЭК Нефтегаз, Burisma, Geo Alliance Group, Smart Energy, «КУБ-Газ» и «Полтавская газонефтяная компания». Суммарно они добывают 88% украинского природного газа.
Александр Романюк, исполнительный директор ОАО «Укргаздобыча» заявил: «Для достижения целей программы 20\20 (а это добыча 20 миллиардов кубических метров газа в 2020 году) компания планирует реализовать инвестиционный план, рассчитанный на пять лет, общей стоимостью около 80 млрд. гривен. Средства нужны на техническое переоснащение, интенсификацию добычи, разведку новых месторождений и бурение новых скважин».
При обсуждении перспектив газового рынка Украины Марк Роллинс, председатель правления ОАО «Укрнефть», подчеркнул важность повышения уровня конкуренции, изменения налогового законодательства, внедрения новых современных технологий и улучшения профессиональной компетенции персонала. «На украинском рынке газа я хочу видеть как можно больше новых участников, которые будут создавать конкуренцию. Они не только сделают финансовые вливания, но и принесут новые знания и навыки. Ведь конкуренция способствует инновациям и развитию, - сказал он.
Полная запись онлайн-трансляции Форума на сайте: www.a7conf.com/gas
Следующий Украинский газовый инвестиционный форум состоится 2 марта 2017 года.
Friday, March 25, 2016
Численность населения на Украине составила 42 760,5 тысячи человек по состоянию на 1 января текущего года. В течение 2015 года она уменьшилась на 168,8 тыс. человек. Количество живорождённых в январе-ноябре составило 411,8 тыс. человек, а умерших – 594,8 тыс. человек.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
American puppet regime raises money on civil war in Donbas by cutting off social welfare programs
Last year state budget allocations to the Defense Ministry of Ukraine amounted to 40.2 billion grivnas, compared with 15.1 billion grn in 2014. According to calculations, Ukrainians have already paid about 100 billion grn into the state budget owing to growth of taxes, and these funds will be expended on the army.
As politologist Alexei Yakubin put it, the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime raises money on a civil war in the Donbas region with large Russian populations by cutting off social welfare programs, including medical services and scientific research. In conformity with a new military doctrine defense expenditure shall account for no less than 5% of Ukraine’s GDP.
The civil war in Donbas earns real profits for the war industry, but only an ersatz glory for the Ukrainian neo-Nazi military. Real soldiers take no pride in it. Instead, to a real hero, the Washington-supported fratricidal war is a source of shame and embarrassment. It was the American evil empire that enabled Ukraine’s attack on its former Russian-speaking provinces.
As politologist Alexei Yakubin put it, the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime raises money on a civil war in the Donbas region with large Russian populations by cutting off social welfare programs, including medical services and scientific research. In conformity with a new military doctrine defense expenditure shall account for no less than 5% of Ukraine’s GDP.
The civil war in Donbas earns real profits for the war industry, but only an ersatz glory for the Ukrainian neo-Nazi military. Real soldiers take no pride in it. Instead, to a real hero, the Washington-supported fratricidal war is a source of shame and embarrassment. It was the American evil empire that enabled Ukraine’s attack on its former Russian-speaking provinces.
Monday, March 21, 2016
Greece overrun by refugees from Washington’s wars as Turkey blackmails EU
Every day about 8,000 refugees from Washington’s wars in Iraq, Syria and Libya are coming to the Greek islands Lesbos, Chios and Rhodes. Instead of checking flocks of the refugees, Turkey blackmails the European Union. According to forecasts by Greek journalists, three million refugees will come to the EU by this year-end.
There are more than 30,000 refugees in continental Greece alone and Balkan countries have closed the westward transit corridor to them. Unfortunately, Greece does not receive any funds from the EU and the United Nations while a financial burden has been placed on the Greek state budget to provide relief for the refugees.
Readers of The Ukrainian Times know that the Greek prime minister said the government would not tolerate conversion of the country into a pile-up of refugees. He required the EU to implement its decision about the location of refugees in other European countries and not close their doors to the immigrants. The head of the Greek government made a threat that Athens would block the future EU decisions if Brussels did not change its attitude to Greece.
Funnily enough, the United States promised to give refuge to only 10,000 citizens of Syria and has not lift a finger yet. Politologist Paul Craig Roberts wrote that the American state murderous rampage through the Middle East and North Africa was enabled by the Europeans who provided diplomatic and military cover for Washington’s war crimes. Today the Europeans are suffering the consequences as they are overrun by refugees. The German women who were raped by the refugees can blame their chancellor, a Washington puppet, for enabling the carnage from which refugees flee to Europe.
There are more than 30,000 refugees in continental Greece alone and Balkan countries have closed the westward transit corridor to them. Unfortunately, Greece does not receive any funds from the EU and the United Nations while a financial burden has been placed on the Greek state budget to provide relief for the refugees.
Readers of The Ukrainian Times know that the Greek prime minister said the government would not tolerate conversion of the country into a pile-up of refugees. He required the EU to implement its decision about the location of refugees in other European countries and not close their doors to the immigrants. The head of the Greek government made a threat that Athens would block the future EU decisions if Brussels did not change its attitude to Greece.
Funnily enough, the United States promised to give refuge to only 10,000 citizens of Syria and has not lift a finger yet. Politologist Paul Craig Roberts wrote that the American state murderous rampage through the Middle East and North Africa was enabled by the Europeans who provided diplomatic and military cover for Washington’s war crimes. Today the Europeans are suffering the consequences as they are overrun by refugees. The German women who were raped by the refugees can blame their chancellor, a Washington puppet, for enabling the carnage from which refugees flee to Europe.
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Третьего марта Болгария отметила 138-летие освобождения от османского ига. По традиции в этот день возле памятника воинам, которые принимали участие в русско-турецкой войне и проходили лечение в Киевском военном госпитале, состоялось чествование погибших за свободу Болгарии. Выступая возле памятника, посол Болгарии на Украине Красимир Минчев отметил, что болгарский народ никогда не забудет своих русских освободителей, братские народы и в дальнейшем будут вместе отмечать памятные даты.
Болгария 500 лет вела беспрерывную борьбу с турецким порабощением. После жестокого подавления Апрельского восстания 1876 года Европа, и в первую очередь Россия, откликнулась на страдания болгарского народа.
Именно Россия освободила Болгарию от турецкой нечисти. В войне активное участие принимали войска Одесского и Киевского округов, в частности Сумской, Нежинский, Охтырский и Мариупольский полки. Русские казаки первыми вошли и освободили столицу Болгарии – Софию.
Болгария 500 лет вела беспрерывную борьбу с турецким порабощением. После жестокого подавления Апрельского восстания 1876 года Европа, и в первую очередь Россия, откликнулась на страдания болгарского народа.
Именно Россия освободила Болгарию от турецкой нечисти. В войне активное участие принимали войска Одесского и Киевского округов, в частности Сумской, Нежинский, Охтырский и Мариупольский полки. Русские казаки первыми вошли и освободили столицу Болгарии – Софию.
Friday, March 18, 2016
World Diary
March 22: The 3rd International Private Label Show will take place in Moscow (to March 23).
March 23: The 7th international exhibition InterMed will take place in Moscow (to March 27).
March 24: The automobile VAZ 21114 of 2008 vintage will be auctioned by the limited liability company Samson in Kiev. The initial bidding price of the VAZ vehicle amounts to 110,512.49 grivnas.
March 25: The three-room apartment whose area totals 43.7 square meters will be put up for sale at the mercantile exchange Perspektiva-Commodity in the city of Dnepropetrovsk. The initial bidding price of property amounts to 254,569.38 grivnas. The apartment is situated in the city of Kharkov.
March 28: The state-owned enterprise Setam in Kiev will auction the automobile VAZ-2107 of 2005 vintage. The initial bidding price of the VAZ vehicle amounts to 42,960 grivnas.
April 6: The international exhibition of flowers and landscape architecture will take place in Astana (to April 9).
April 8: The international exhibition of furniture will take place in Yalta (to April 11).
April 13: The early parliamentary election is expected in the country.
April 22: The specialized exhibition Fishing-Hunting-Tourism will take place in Yalta (to April 25).
April 24: The early parliamentary election is expected in the country.
May 25: The international exhibition of arms and military equipment will open in Astana (to May 29).
June 3: The 3rd exhibition RosExpoCrimea will open in Yalta (to June 6).
June 5: The early parliamentary election is expected in the country.
June 12: Ukraine will play a match for the European football championship against Germany in Lille.
June 15: The 7th Annual International Industrial Exhibition will open in Almaty (to June 17).
June 16: Ukraine will play a match for the European football championship against Northern Ireland in Lyons.
June 28: The 47th general meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation will take place in Moscow (to June 30).
June 21: Ukraine will play a match for the European football championship against Poland in Marseilles.
September 18: The parliamentary election will be held in the country.
September 28: The industrial exhibition Europe-Asia will open in Aktyubinsk (to September 30).
November 8: The presidential election is expected in the country. According to politologist Paul Craig Roberts, Washington has a long history of massacring people, for example, atomic bombs dropped on Japanese civilian populations, but the American evil empire has progressed from periodic massacres to fulltime massacring. From the Clinton regime forward, the massacre of civilians has become a defining characteristic of the U.S.
November 23: The exhibition of security systems will open in Astana (to November 26).
March 22: The 3rd International Private Label Show will take place in Moscow (to March 23).
March 23: The 7th international exhibition InterMed will take place in Moscow (to March 27).
March 24: The automobile VAZ 21114 of 2008 vintage will be auctioned by the limited liability company Samson in Kiev. The initial bidding price of the VAZ vehicle amounts to 110,512.49 grivnas.
March 25: The three-room apartment whose area totals 43.7 square meters will be put up for sale at the mercantile exchange Perspektiva-Commodity in the city of Dnepropetrovsk. The initial bidding price of property amounts to 254,569.38 grivnas. The apartment is situated in the city of Kharkov.
March 28: The state-owned enterprise Setam in Kiev will auction the automobile VAZ-2107 of 2005 vintage. The initial bidding price of the VAZ vehicle amounts to 42,960 grivnas.
April 6: The international exhibition of flowers and landscape architecture will take place in Astana (to April 9).
April 8: The international exhibition of furniture will take place in Yalta (to April 11).
April 13: The early parliamentary election is expected in the country.
April 22: The specialized exhibition Fishing-Hunting-Tourism will take place in Yalta (to April 25).
April 24: The early parliamentary election is expected in the country.
May 25: The international exhibition of arms and military equipment will open in Astana (to May 29).
June 3: The 3rd exhibition RosExpoCrimea will open in Yalta (to June 6).
June 5: The early parliamentary election is expected in the country.
June 12: Ukraine will play a match for the European football championship against Germany in Lille.
June 15: The 7th Annual International Industrial Exhibition will open in Almaty (to June 17).
June 16: Ukraine will play a match for the European football championship against Northern Ireland in Lyons.
June 28: The 47th general meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation will take place in Moscow (to June 30).
June 21: Ukraine will play a match for the European football championship against Poland in Marseilles.
September 18: The parliamentary election will be held in the country.
September 28: The industrial exhibition Europe-Asia will open in Aktyubinsk (to September 30).
November 8: The presidential election is expected in the country. According to politologist Paul Craig Roberts, Washington has a long history of massacring people, for example, atomic bombs dropped on Japanese civilian populations, but the American evil empire has progressed from periodic massacres to fulltime massacring. From the Clinton regime forward, the massacre of civilians has become a defining characteristic of the U.S.
November 23: The exhibition of security systems will open in Astana (to November 26).
Meat becomes cheaper in Kherson region, but no joy
Prices of pork and poultry fell by 1-3.5% in the Kherson region over the course of a month while hen’s eggs cheapened by the record 29.8%. However, a reduction in the prices of meat can be explained by the loss of the market in Crimea that reunified with Russia on March 16, 2014.
According to statistical data, a cattle and poultry population decreased by 4.4% and 43% respectively in the Kherson oblast in February, compared with the same period last year. It is worth noting too that there are only 54,500 head of sheep in the region today as against a million in Soviet times.
According to statistical data, a cattle and poultry population decreased by 4.4% and 43% respectively in the Kherson oblast in February, compared with the same period last year. It is worth noting too that there are only 54,500 head of sheep in the region today as against a million in Soviet times.
Monday, March 14, 2016
Ukraine’s machine-building industry needs improvement of quality of output
According to experts, Ukraine’s machine-building industry needs the comprehensive improvement of the quality of output by means of the modernization of enterprises. Machine-building plants have lost the Russian market, thanks to the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime, and cannot win new markets.
For instance, chemical industry enterprises make cheap and primitive products, being heavily dependent on the price of natural gas that is expensive because of the anti-Russian policy pursued by the American puppet government of Ukraine. Igor Shevlyakov of the Ukrainian Institute of Public Policy thinks output of elaborate, expensive products is the only way out of this situation today.
For instance, chemical industry enterprises make cheap and primitive products, being heavily dependent on the price of natural gas that is expensive because of the anti-Russian policy pursued by the American puppet government of Ukraine. Igor Shevlyakov of the Ukrainian Institute of Public Policy thinks output of elaborate, expensive products is the only way out of this situation today.
Friday, March 11, 2016
Gorbachev is a great disappointment
Like most people of the former Soviet republics, Russian writer Nikolai Starikov cannot forgive Mikhail Gorbachev, general secretary of the Communist Party of the U.S.S.R., for economic collapse. Among other things, he cannot forgive Gorbachev for a betrayal of Soviet Union’s allies in Afghanistan and Cuba.
According to Mr. Starikov, Gorbachev destroyed the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance in a moment, going over to multilateral settlements in dollars. Without a dire necessity, Gorbachev disbanded the Warsaw Treaty military-political bloc.
Nikolai Starikov thinks Gorbachev did not work for the preservation of the Soviet Union, but for growth of his influence. By 1991, Soviet people had been deeply disappointed in this political figure.
Happily in a little over a decade, Russian President Vladimir Putin has brought Russia back as a world power, capable of successfully challenging the American evil empire and its European vassals. His overwhelming 90% popularity reflects it, even during current economic hard times.
According to Mr. Starikov, Gorbachev destroyed the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance in a moment, going over to multilateral settlements in dollars. Without a dire necessity, Gorbachev disbanded the Warsaw Treaty military-political bloc.
Nikolai Starikov thinks Gorbachev did not work for the preservation of the Soviet Union, but for growth of his influence. By 1991, Soviet people had been deeply disappointed in this political figure.
Happily in a little over a decade, Russian President Vladimir Putin has brought Russia back as a world power, capable of successfully challenging the American evil empire and its European vassals. His overwhelming 90% popularity reflects it, even during current economic hard times.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
В прошлом году на реконструкцию музея-заповедника «Усадьба Попова», который расположен в Васильковском районе Запорожской области, было выделено
свыше полмиллиона гривен впервые за последние пять лет. По словам чиновников, состояние музея-заповедника остаётся пока критическим, однако есть все предпосылки его спасти.
По данным экспертов, на реставрационные работы необходимо приблизительно 30 млн. грн.
Усадьба русских дворян Поповых была построена во второй половине 19 века. Это один из немногих замковых комплексов, которые сохранились до наших дней.
В музее обустроили выставочный зал, который используется для конференций. Кроме того, планируется оформить интерьерную комнату в стиле конца 19 века.
свыше полмиллиона гривен впервые за последние пять лет. По словам чиновников, состояние музея-заповедника остаётся пока критическим, однако есть все предпосылки его спасти.
По данным экспертов, на реставрационные работы необходимо приблизительно 30 млн. грн.
Усадьба русских дворян Поповых была построена во второй половине 19 века. Это один из немногих замковых комплексов, которые сохранились до наших дней.
В музее обустроили выставочный зал, который используется для конференций. Кроме того, планируется оформить интерьерную комнату в стиле конца 19 века.
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
American puppet government isn’t implementing reforms in Ukraine, but is faking
According to opinion polls, some 70% of citizens of Ukraine now say this country is on the “wrong track” while the American puppet government is not implementing reforms, but is faking.
Experts agree that the so-called government must decrease the number of departments by 50%. Many analysts think Arseniy Yatsenyuk, prime minister and Washington’s puppet, has got enmeshed in micromanagement and is seeking to poke his nose in all processes.
It is widely believed that government officials are interested only in self benefit and they continue to wallow in corruption. Critics note that this government is so corrupt, even more than the previous Azarov government.
Not surprisingly, only 5% of Ukrainians approve of activity of the Yatsenyuk government, which came to power owing to the bloody neo-Nazi coup.
Experts agree that the so-called government must decrease the number of departments by 50%. Many analysts think Arseniy Yatsenyuk, prime minister and Washington’s puppet, has got enmeshed in micromanagement and is seeking to poke his nose in all processes.
It is widely believed that government officials are interested only in self benefit and they continue to wallow in corruption. Critics note that this government is so corrupt, even more than the previous Azarov government.
Not surprisingly, only 5% of Ukrainians approve of activity of the Yatsenyuk government, which came to power owing to the bloody neo-Nazi coup.
Monday, March 7, 2016
Greece bears heavy burden of Washington’s wars in Middle East, North Africa as EU shirks its obligation
By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has criticized European countries for additional restrictions on crossing of their borders by refugees from the Washington’s wars, which Europe so mindlessly enabled. Data from the UN show that more than 130,000 refugees crossed the Mediterranean Sea in January and February.
Today Greece has to bear the heaviest burden of this chaos created by the United States and its European vassals. The country has given refuge to 24,000 migrants, and Athens requires 480 million euros to overcome the crisis.
Importantly, last year the European Union assumed an obligation to move some 66,000 migrants from Greece to other countries. To date, only 325 refugees have been resettled.
Meanwhile, Greece pays dearly for the war crimes of the American evil empire in the Middle East and North Africa.
Politologist Paul Craig Roberts wrote that the Islamic state is a Washington creation, and until the Paris attacks the U.S. was strongly backing ISIS with both words and weapons against the Russian military aid to Syria that caught both Washington and ISIS off guard.
Speaking at the 70th UN General Assembly, Russian President Vladimir Putin (pictured) laid special emphasis on the slaughter, destruction and chaos that Washington has brought to the Middle East, North Africa and Ukraine, and the extreme jihadist and Ukrainian neo-Nazi forces, which have been unleashed. He asked the American evil empire: “Do you realize what you have done?”
The Ukrainian Times
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has criticized European countries for additional restrictions on crossing of their borders by refugees from the Washington’s wars, which Europe so mindlessly enabled. Data from the UN show that more than 130,000 refugees crossed the Mediterranean Sea in January and February.
Today Greece has to bear the heaviest burden of this chaos created by the United States and its European vassals. The country has given refuge to 24,000 migrants, and Athens requires 480 million euros to overcome the crisis.
Importantly, last year the European Union assumed an obligation to move some 66,000 migrants from Greece to other countries. To date, only 325 refugees have been resettled.
Meanwhile, Greece pays dearly for the war crimes of the American evil empire in the Middle East and North Africa.
Politologist Paul Craig Roberts wrote that the Islamic state is a Washington creation, and until the Paris attacks the U.S. was strongly backing ISIS with both words and weapons against the Russian military aid to Syria that caught both Washington and ISIS off guard.
Speaking at the 70th UN General Assembly, Russian President Vladimir Putin (pictured) laid special emphasis on the slaughter, destruction and chaos that Washington has brought to the Middle East, North Africa and Ukraine, and the extreme jihadist and Ukrainian neo-Nazi forces, which have been unleashed. He asked the American evil empire: “Do you realize what you have done?”
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Berlin, Paris call on Kiev to consent to local elections in Donetsk, Lugansk People’s Republics
By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
During a recent meeting in Paris foreign ministers of Germany and France called on the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime to consent to local elections in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics in June, as well as to pass a special law on these elections. As far as a civil war in the Donbas region with large Russian populations is concerned, the European Union feels fatigue.
Importantly, Russia and the EU agree that the election is the only way out of this situation. Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov stated that Kiev must build up a dialog with authorities in Donbas and get agreement on the local elections. In addition, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights required Ukraine to legalize documents issued by bodies of power in Crimea, the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics.
According to Roman Lyagin, chairman of the central election commission of the Donetsk People’s Republic, the DPR is preparing to hold the elections on April 20.
Many analysts think if a conflict in Donbas is frozen, the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics will continue their integration into Russia. In the event of non-fulfillment of the Minsk agreements, the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime will have to bear a great expenditure on the civil war in Donbas, borrow from international financial institutions and submit to the loss of a part of territory.
It is important to note that 2,269 Ukrainian neo-Nazi militants have been killed in Donbas since the spring of 2014. By comparison, 2,381 U.S. invaders had been killed in Afghanistan over the course of nearly 14 years.
Heroic defenders of Donbas say they are fighting for autonomy, for the right to live and work in their own Russian-speaking region. As Russian President Vladimir Putin once put it, the U.S.-sponsored civil war in Donbas serves the geopolitical purposes of deterring Russia. To avoid war, he is non-provocative and low-key in his responses to Western provocations. Politologist Stephen Lendman wrote that Vladimir Putin is the world’s most preeminent geopolitical leader, a master chess player, making Obama look buffoon-like in comparison.
The Ukrainian Times
During a recent meeting in Paris foreign ministers of Germany and France called on the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime to consent to local elections in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics in June, as well as to pass a special law on these elections. As far as a civil war in the Donbas region with large Russian populations is concerned, the European Union feels fatigue.
Importantly, Russia and the EU agree that the election is the only way out of this situation. Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov stated that Kiev must build up a dialog with authorities in Donbas and get agreement on the local elections. In addition, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights required Ukraine to legalize documents issued by bodies of power in Crimea, the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics.
According to Roman Lyagin, chairman of the central election commission of the Donetsk People’s Republic, the DPR is preparing to hold the elections on April 20.
Many analysts think if a conflict in Donbas is frozen, the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics will continue their integration into Russia. In the event of non-fulfillment of the Minsk agreements, the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime will have to bear a great expenditure on the civil war in Donbas, borrow from international financial institutions and submit to the loss of a part of territory.
It is important to note that 2,269 Ukrainian neo-Nazi militants have been killed in Donbas since the spring of 2014. By comparison, 2,381 U.S. invaders had been killed in Afghanistan over the course of nearly 14 years.
Heroic defenders of Donbas say they are fighting for autonomy, for the right to live and work in their own Russian-speaking region. As Russian President Vladimir Putin once put it, the U.S.-sponsored civil war in Donbas serves the geopolitical purposes of deterring Russia. To avoid war, he is non-provocative and low-key in his responses to Western provocations. Politologist Stephen Lendman wrote that Vladimir Putin is the world’s most preeminent geopolitical leader, a master chess player, making Obama look buffoon-like in comparison.
Saturday, March 5, 2016
Недавно Сумскую область с официальным визитом посетила делегация представителей иранской компании Fidec Co., которая специализируется в сфере нефтяной, газовой и нефтехимической промышленности. Сумщина готова к тесному взаимовыгодному сотрудничеству, поскольку промышленные предприятия этого профиля имеют все возможности для выполнения новых контрактов.
В рамках визита иранские гости посетили Сумское научно-производственное объединение имени М.В. Фрунзе, трубный завод и ООО «Укрнефтезапчасть». Перспективными являются контракты с предприятием «Селми», которое выпускает измерительные приборы, а также с Институтом прикладной физики Национальной академии наук Украины. Учёные имеют современную базу для проведения целого спектра различных исследований.
В рамках визита иранские гости посетили Сумское научно-производственное объединение имени М.В. Фрунзе, трубный завод и ООО «Укрнефтезапчасть». Перспективными являются контракты с предприятием «Селми», которое выпускает измерительные приборы, а также с Институтом прикладной физики Национальной академии наук Украины. Учёные имеют современную базу для проведения целого спектра различных исследований.
Friday, March 4, 2016
Mass emigration may ruin Ukrainian economy
By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
According to official data, 303,000 Ukrainians were granted residence permits in European countries in 2014, compared with 126,000 in 2011. Recent opinion polls show that 8% of citizens of Ukraine (three million people) plan to migrate from this country in the near future as guest workers. Moreover, 34% of respondents said they would like to live abroad.
Today there are 12 million pensioners for 10 million employees in Ukraine. What is worrying is that students and educated young people contemplate leaving this country. Such emigration that would ruin the system of pensions is regarded by analysts like a visit of Count Dracula on a stormy night. It would suck the blood out of the whole economy, which is mismanaged by the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime.
The Ukrainian Times
According to official data, 303,000 Ukrainians were granted residence permits in European countries in 2014, compared with 126,000 in 2011. Recent opinion polls show that 8% of citizens of Ukraine (three million people) plan to migrate from this country in the near future as guest workers. Moreover, 34% of respondents said they would like to live abroad.
Today there are 12 million pensioners for 10 million employees in Ukraine. What is worrying is that students and educated young people contemplate leaving this country. Such emigration that would ruin the system of pensions is regarded by analysts like a visit of Count Dracula on a stormy night. It would suck the blood out of the whole economy, which is mismanaged by the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime.
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Losses of Ukraine may amount to billions, thanks to blocking of passage of Russian delivery trucks
According to Roman Khmel of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, losses of this country may well amount to 15 billion grivnas owing to blocking of the passage of Russian delivery trucks through Ukraine by the crazies of Ukrainian neo-Nazi organizations. This would put a stop to the transit of Ukrainian goods to Asian countries.
Further, foreign carriers will gradually bypass the Ukrainian territory because the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev violates international agreements and infringes on their interests. And then, from Mr. Khmel’s point of view, Ukraine will be kicked out of the WTO and, in partners’ eyes, it will turn into Somali.
Readers of The Ukrainian Times know that in September 2015 a bunch of Tatars living in Ukraine and terrorists of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi organization Right Sector attempted to impose a trade blockade on Crimea by preventing the passage of delivery trucks from this country to the Russian peninsula. Mustafa Azizov, first deputy head of the Dzhankoi district administration, noted that last year Crimean agricultural producers gathered a good crop of grain, vegetables and fruit. Thus the economy of the Russian peninsula has become self-sufficient. Yuri Shevchenko, chairman of a Crimean parliamentary committee on agrarian issues, said the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev got the worst of the blockade because Ukrainian producers lost traditional markets.
It is widely believed that the Tatars and crazies of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi organizations (or khokhlonaziki, to use the term they apparently hate) are very strong in their stupidity in these blockades.
Further, foreign carriers will gradually bypass the Ukrainian territory because the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev violates international agreements and infringes on their interests. And then, from Mr. Khmel’s point of view, Ukraine will be kicked out of the WTO and, in partners’ eyes, it will turn into Somali.
Readers of The Ukrainian Times know that in September 2015 a bunch of Tatars living in Ukraine and terrorists of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi organization Right Sector attempted to impose a trade blockade on Crimea by preventing the passage of delivery trucks from this country to the Russian peninsula. Mustafa Azizov, first deputy head of the Dzhankoi district administration, noted that last year Crimean agricultural producers gathered a good crop of grain, vegetables and fruit. Thus the economy of the Russian peninsula has become self-sufficient. Yuri Shevchenko, chairman of a Crimean parliamentary committee on agrarian issues, said the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev got the worst of the blockade because Ukrainian producers lost traditional markets.
It is widely believed that the Tatars and crazies of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi organizations (or khokhlonaziki, to use the term they apparently hate) are very strong in their stupidity in these blockades.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Most Ukrainians aren’t ready for rise in prices of utilities for the sake of reforms
Recent opinion polls show that more than 73% of citizens of Ukraine are not ready for a rise in prices of utilities for the sake of the so-called reforms. Some 70% of respondents tell pollsters that this country is on the “wrong track” while the American puppet government is not implementing reforms, but is faking.
According to many analysts, activity of the Yatsenyuk government is geared to impoverish the population by increasing taxes and prices of utilities. The American puppets bully citizens of Ukraine into paying them, otherwise they will be fined and their property confiscated.
It is important to note that today 80% of Ukrainians live below the official poverty level. Only 5% of citizens of Ukraine approve of the activity of the puppet government, which came to power owing to the bloody neo-Nazi coup.
According to many analysts, activity of the Yatsenyuk government is geared to impoverish the population by increasing taxes and prices of utilities. The American puppets bully citizens of Ukraine into paying them, otherwise they will be fined and their property confiscated.
It is important to note that today 80% of Ukrainians live below the official poverty level. Only 5% of citizens of Ukraine approve of the activity of the puppet government, which came to power owing to the bloody neo-Nazi coup.
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