More than a thousand of residents of Kirovograd held a rally near the building of the municipal council in late December, protesting that the city could be renamed Ingulsk. The proposal to rename Kirovograd as Ingulsk was supported by a parliamentary committee on the building of a state and local self-government.
Participants in the rally demanded that the city be renamed Yelisavetgrad. “Putin!” they chanted at the rally.
Let’s journey back in time to June 18, 1754. The earthen fortress Fort St. Elizabeth had been founded in Ukraine, or Malorossia (Little Russia). The fortress grew into the city of Yelisavetgrad named in honor of its formal founder, Russian Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, and also in honor of her heavenly patroness, St. Elizabeth. Elizabeth Petrovna is the daughter of Russian Czar Peter I called Peter the Great.
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Ukrainian scientists develop helmet with intelligent system
By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times
Researchers of the Institute of Problems of Artificial Intelligence under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Institute of Occupational Medicine under the Academy of Medical Sciences have developed the helmet equipped with the intelligent system of correcting psychophysiologic condition of a man in emergency situations with biological feedback.
Specifically, the helmet is used for influencing bioactive zones of the head with the help of various physical irritants such as vibrations, infrared radiation, pressure and specially selected audiovisual effects. The action of these irritants changes psychophysiologic condition of a man, inter alia, facilitating relief of stress.
The helmet can be used independently or as a part of the intelligent system. The preliminary results of testing have proved the high efficiency of the engineering development that allows the scientists to hope for the organization of mass production of the helmets with the intelligent system of correcting psychophysiologic condition of a man. Accordingly, this could help resolve one of the pressing problems now facing Ukraine: psychological rehabilitation of the people who suffered from stress.
The Ukrainian Times
Researchers of the Institute of Problems of Artificial Intelligence under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Institute of Occupational Medicine under the Academy of Medical Sciences have developed the helmet equipped with the intelligent system of correcting psychophysiologic condition of a man in emergency situations with biological feedback.
Specifically, the helmet is used for influencing bioactive zones of the head with the help of various physical irritants such as vibrations, infrared radiation, pressure and specially selected audiovisual effects. The action of these irritants changes psychophysiologic condition of a man, inter alia, facilitating relief of stress.
The helmet can be used independently or as a part of the intelligent system. The preliminary results of testing have proved the high efficiency of the engineering development that allows the scientists to hope for the organization of mass production of the helmets with the intelligent system of correcting psychophysiologic condition of a man. Accordingly, this could help resolve one of the pressing problems now facing Ukraine: psychological rehabilitation of the people who suffered from stress.
Saturday, December 26, 2015
16 декабря в Верховном Совете прошли слушания на тему: «О реформе охраны здоровья в Украине». Директор Института экспериментальной патологии, онкологии и радиобиологии имени Кавецкого Василий Чехун (на снимке) представлял Национальную академию наук Украины. Его выступление было посвящено определению роли специалистов в реформировании отечественной медицинской отрасли, а также проблемам внедрения наукоёмких технологий в медицинскую практику.
Академик В. Чехун предложил три основных шага, которые необходимо сделать в ближайшее время, чтобы улучшить положение дел в сфере охраны здоровья. Во-первых, государственную политику в этой сфере должен формировать Национальный институт здоровья. Во-вторых, Верховному Совету необходимо принять закон о страховой медицине. И, наконец, в-третьих, функции и полномочия по подготовке врачей на уровне интернатуры и аспирантуры следует передать научно-исследовательским учреждениям.
В заключение своего выступления В. Чехун напомнил присутствующим, что согласно древнему латинскому изречению «здоровье народа – наивысший закон». Поэтому промедление с проведением реформ в медицинской сфере недопустимо, т.к. это является вопросом государственной важности.
Академик В. Чехун предложил три основных шага, которые необходимо сделать в ближайшее время, чтобы улучшить положение дел в сфере охраны здоровья. Во-первых, государственную политику в этой сфере должен формировать Национальный институт здоровья. Во-вторых, Верховному Совету необходимо принять закон о страховой медицине. И, наконец, в-третьих, функции и полномочия по подготовке врачей на уровне интернатуры и аспирантуры следует передать научно-исследовательским учреждениям.
В заключение своего выступления В. Чехун напомнил присутствующим, что согласно древнему латинскому изречению «здоровье народа – наивысший закон». Поэтому промедление с проведением реформ в медицинской сфере недопустимо, т.к. это является вопросом государственной важности.
Nord Stream 2 may block natural-gas supplies via Ukrainian pipeline system
As expected, the joint venture Nord Stream 2 AG is going to design, finance, build and operate two parallel pipelines on the Baltic seabed, which will carry Russian natural gas to Europe. Each pipeline will have a capacity to convey 27.5 billion cubic meters of gas per year.
According to analysts, the Nord Stream 2 pipelines may well block natural-gas supplies via the Ukrainian pipeline system. At the same time, the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipes will carry 80% of Russian gas to Europe. Recently, the Czech Republic has started to import Russian gas from the Nord Stream 1 pipeline via Gazela and OPAL pipelines.
According to analysts, the Nord Stream 2 pipelines may well block natural-gas supplies via the Ukrainian pipeline system. At the same time, the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipes will carry 80% of Russian gas to Europe. Recently, the Czech Republic has started to import Russian gas from the Nord Stream 1 pipeline via Gazela and OPAL pipelines.
Friday, December 25, 2015
Учёные Института проблем искусственного интеллекта (ИПИИ) Национальной академии наук Украины и Института медицины труда Национальной академии медицинских наук разработали шлем, оснащённый интеллектуальной системой коррекции психофизиологического состояния человека в чрезвычайных ситуациях с биологической обратной связью. Использование шлема предусматривает влияние на биоактивные зоны головы человека с помощью физических раздражителей разной природы – вибраций, инфракрасного излучения и давления, а также специально подобранных аудио- и видеорядов. Действие этих раздражителей изменяет психофизиологическое состояние человека, в частности, способствует снятию стресса.
Шлем может использоваться автономно или в составе интеллектуальной системы. Предварительные результаты испытания разработки засвидетельствовали её высокую эффективность. Это позволило учёным надеяться на то, что в дальнейшем будет налажено серийное производство шлемов с интеллектуальной системой. В свою очередь, их серийное производство сможет решить одну из актуальных проблем Украины – психологическую реабилитацию людей, испытавших стресс.
Шлем может использоваться автономно или в составе интеллектуальной системы. Предварительные результаты испытания разработки засвидетельствовали её высокую эффективность. Это позволило учёным надеяться на то, что в дальнейшем будет налажено серийное производство шлемов с интеллектуальной системой. В свою очередь, их серийное производство сможет решить одну из актуальных проблем Украины – психологическую реабилитацию людей, испытавших стресс.
Anti-war, anti-fascist exhibition opens in Moscow
By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
Recently, the exhibition entitled “Novorossia. Yuzovka. The Future Begins in the Past” has opened in Moscow. According to the Ministry of Culture of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Iosif Kobzon, first deputy chairman of the Russian parliamentary committee on culture, and Gennady Zyuganov, leader of the Communist party of Russia, took part in the inauguration of the exposition.
Tatiana Ponomarenko-Leverash, author of the exhibition, stated that the population of Donetsk did not recognize Nazi war criminal Stepan Bandera as a hero. Neither do the people in the Donbas region embrace the fascist ideology, which is spreading in Ukraine. “Europe must ascertain the truth,” she said. “In this case only justice will prevail.”
It is not completely clear that the European governments and media understand that behind the evil of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime is the greater evil of Washington. Today Europe is burdened with millions of refugees from Washington’s endless wars. And so, how many times will Europe be burned as a result of trusting the American evil empire?
The Ukrainian Times
Recently, the exhibition entitled “Novorossia. Yuzovka. The Future Begins in the Past” has opened in Moscow. According to the Ministry of Culture of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Iosif Kobzon, first deputy chairman of the Russian parliamentary committee on culture, and Gennady Zyuganov, leader of the Communist party of Russia, took part in the inauguration of the exposition.
Tatiana Ponomarenko-Leverash, author of the exhibition, stated that the population of Donetsk did not recognize Nazi war criminal Stepan Bandera as a hero. Neither do the people in the Donbas region embrace the fascist ideology, which is spreading in Ukraine. “Europe must ascertain the truth,” she said. “In this case only justice will prevail.”
It is not completely clear that the European governments and media understand that behind the evil of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime is the greater evil of Washington. Today Europe is burdened with millions of refugees from Washington’s endless wars. And so, how many times will Europe be burned as a result of trusting the American evil empire?
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Институт пищевой биотехнологии и геномики Национальной академии наук Украины ищет инвесторов для осуществления двух проектов.
Первый проект предусматривает производство горючего биоэтанола из сахарного сорго. Сейчас в мире растительный этанол производят из зёрен ячменя и пшеницы, а также из сахарной свёклы и кукурузы.
Однако продовольственные культуры, в первую очередь, должны быть пищей. Сорго не является продовольственным сырьём, и выход этанола из него в 1,5-2 раза больше по сравнению с сахарной свёклой и кукурузой.
В этом году на исследовательско-промышленном оборудовании было произведено 400 тонн биоэтанольного горючего. Для запуска полноценного производства необходимы 11 миллионов долларов. Срок окупаемости, по оценкам авторов проекта, составляет четыре года.
Второй проект Института предусматривает промышленное производство биодизеля из сельскохозяйственной культуры рыжея. Украинские учёные уже создали высокопроизводительные сорта рыжеи с содержанием масла 45-50%, которые способны давать до четырёх тонн семечек с одного гектара.
Выход биодизеля составляет 1-1,4 тонны с гектара, а прибыль достигает восьми тысяч гривен. На сегодняшний день создана исследовательско-промышленная технологическая линия по производству топлива мощностью одна тонна биодизеля в сутки. Для создания пилотной установки, закупки сырья, исследований и разработки документации необходимы пять миллионов гривен.
По оценкам специалистов Института пищевой биотехнологии и геномики, даже частичный переход на смесевое топливо даст возможность уменьшить импорт нефти на несколько миллионов тонн в год. Сейчас на Украине потребляется только 40% топлива собственного производства, тогда как пахотные земли используются неэффективно.
Первый проект предусматривает производство горючего биоэтанола из сахарного сорго. Сейчас в мире растительный этанол производят из зёрен ячменя и пшеницы, а также из сахарной свёклы и кукурузы.
Однако продовольственные культуры, в первую очередь, должны быть пищей. Сорго не является продовольственным сырьём, и выход этанола из него в 1,5-2 раза больше по сравнению с сахарной свёклой и кукурузой.
В этом году на исследовательско-промышленном оборудовании было произведено 400 тонн биоэтанольного горючего. Для запуска полноценного производства необходимы 11 миллионов долларов. Срок окупаемости, по оценкам авторов проекта, составляет четыре года.
Второй проект Института предусматривает промышленное производство биодизеля из сельскохозяйственной культуры рыжея. Украинские учёные уже создали высокопроизводительные сорта рыжеи с содержанием масла 45-50%, которые способны давать до четырёх тонн семечек с одного гектара.
Выход биодизеля составляет 1-1,4 тонны с гектара, а прибыль достигает восьми тысяч гривен. На сегодняшний день создана исследовательско-промышленная технологическая линия по производству топлива мощностью одна тонна биодизеля в сутки. Для создания пилотной установки, закупки сырья, исследований и разработки документации необходимы пять миллионов гривен.
По оценкам специалистов Института пищевой биотехнологии и геномики, даже частичный переход на смесевое топливо даст возможность уменьшить импорт нефти на несколько миллионов тонн в год. Сейчас на Украине потребляется только 40% топлива собственного производства, тогда как пахотные земли используются неэффективно.
Ukraine may attain growth of GDP but…
By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
According to the latest forecasts by the World Bank, Ukraine’s GDP will fall by 12% by this year-end. This can be partly explained by the civil war in the Donbas region with large Russian populations, which costs the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime 5% of GDP, and suspension of trade with Russia.
Believe it or not (and you should not), the so-called prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, predicted that GDP would rise by 2% in 2016. Few experts think it will inch higher, like a fatigued rock climber.
Some analysts say Ukraine may attain growth of GDP in a range of 9-10% per year if the government succeeds in attracting about six million highly educated immigrants in this country over the course of 20 years. Its GDP could reach the level of Spain’s or Russia’s one in 20-25 years.
The Ukrainian Times
According to the latest forecasts by the World Bank, Ukraine’s GDP will fall by 12% by this year-end. This can be partly explained by the civil war in the Donbas region with large Russian populations, which costs the Ukrainian neo-Nazi regime 5% of GDP, and suspension of trade with Russia.
Believe it or not (and you should not), the so-called prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, predicted that GDP would rise by 2% in 2016. Few experts think it will inch higher, like a fatigued rock climber.
Some analysts say Ukraine may attain growth of GDP in a range of 9-10% per year if the government succeeds in attracting about six million highly educated immigrants in this country over the course of 20 years. Its GDP could reach the level of Spain’s or Russia’s one in 20-25 years.
Sunday, December 20, 2015
In Sevastopol, prices of vegetables remain stable
Prices of onions, cabbage, carrots and potatoes have been remaining unchanged in the Crimean port city of Sevastopol since mid November. At the same time, cucumbers, tomatoes and pepper increased in price by 20-60 Russian rubles per kilogram. Oranges and tangerines, which are imported from Iran and the Republic of Abkhazia into Sevastopol, cost between 120 and 130 rubles per kilo.
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Assets lost by Neftegaz in Crimea amount to 15.7 billion grn
As a result of ceasing operation in Crimea, the Ukrainian state gas company Neftegaz posted a loss of 13.8 billion grivnas for last year. In addition, assets lost by Neftegaz in the Russian peninsula are estimated at 15.7 billion grn.
There are 15 deposits of natural gas and oil in Crimea and the Black Sea shelf. Their reserves amount to about 50 billion cubic meter of gas, 3.5 million tons of oil and a million tons of gas condensate.
Let’s journey back in time to March 16, 2014. More than 96% of Crimea’s population voted in favor of secession from Ukraine and joining Russia. The referendum attracted 83% voter turnout. Importantly, opinion polls showed that 91% of citizens of Russia approved of the reunification of Crimea with their country.
There are 15 deposits of natural gas and oil in Crimea and the Black Sea shelf. Their reserves amount to about 50 billion cubic meter of gas, 3.5 million tons of oil and a million tons of gas condensate.
Let’s journey back in time to March 16, 2014. More than 96% of Crimea’s population voted in favor of secession from Ukraine and joining Russia. The referendum attracted 83% voter turnout. Importantly, opinion polls showed that 91% of citizens of Russia approved of the reunification of Crimea with their country.
Thursday, December 17, 2015
IMV researchers create preparation used to increase yield of crops, quicken growth of plants
By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times
Scientists of the Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology (IMV) under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine created the Azogran preparation that is used for increasing the yield capacity of crops, as well as for quickening growth of lawn grass, conifers, ornamental and other plants.
Testing of Azogran has shown a substantial increase in the yield of plants. In particular, the yield capacity of tomatoes and roses rose by 18-37% and 26-45% respectively.
Ukraine has a lot of advantages in the field of agriculture and can be self-sufficient in terms of the food supply. The combination of soil fertility with application of biotechnologies developed by the Ukrainian scientists will enable an increase in the yield of areas under crops without polluting the environment with protectants.
The Ukrainian Times
Scientists of the Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology (IMV) under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine created the Azogran preparation that is used for increasing the yield capacity of crops, as well as for quickening growth of lawn grass, conifers, ornamental and other plants.
Testing of Azogran has shown a substantial increase in the yield of plants. In particular, the yield capacity of tomatoes and roses rose by 18-37% and 26-45% respectively.
Ukraine has a lot of advantages in the field of agriculture and can be self-sufficient in terms of the food supply. The combination of soil fertility with application of biotechnologies developed by the Ukrainian scientists will enable an increase in the yield of areas under crops without polluting the environment with protectants.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Average price of Russian gas forecast to be $200 a thousand cubic meters
According to forecasts, prices of natural gas exported by Russia to Western Europe will average $200 a thousand cubic meters in 2016, compared with $238 a thousand cubic meters this year.
Currently, Hungary is negotiating a new long-term agreement with the Russian gas group Gazprom about large amounts of natural-gas supplies and their placement in country’s gas storage facilities. Meanwhile, the Czech Republic has started to import Russian gas from the Nord Stream-1 pipeline on the Baltic seabed via Gazela and OPAL pipelines.
The state company Polish Oil & Gas Production increased the import of Russian gas by a third into Poland in the third quarter from the year-earlier
period. Unfortunately, for lack of funds, the Ukrainian state company Neftegaz cannot buy natural gas both from Russia and European countries. As Yuri
Boiko, leader of the Opposition Bloc, put it, today the Integrated Power Grid of Ukraine needs desperately natural-gas supplies in the amount of 50 million cubic meters per day.
Readers of The Ukrainian Times know that Gazprom controls 15% of the world’s known natural-gas reserves. The Russian group is going to be passing along
gas for a long, long time. Like a coiled spring, Gazprom stocks are cheap to start with. Not having any idea of what would happen,
some Western investors think the cheap bird in their hands is a better bet than expensive birds somewhere in the future bush.
Currently, Hungary is negotiating a new long-term agreement with the Russian gas group Gazprom about large amounts of natural-gas supplies and their placement in country’s gas storage facilities. Meanwhile, the Czech Republic has started to import Russian gas from the Nord Stream-1 pipeline on the Baltic seabed via Gazela and OPAL pipelines.
The state company Polish Oil & Gas Production increased the import of Russian gas by a third into Poland in the third quarter from the year-earlier
period. Unfortunately, for lack of funds, the Ukrainian state company Neftegaz cannot buy natural gas both from Russia and European countries. As Yuri
Boiko, leader of the Opposition Bloc, put it, today the Integrated Power Grid of Ukraine needs desperately natural-gas supplies in the amount of 50 million cubic meters per day.
Readers of The Ukrainian Times know that Gazprom controls 15% of the world’s known natural-gas reserves. The Russian group is going to be passing along
gas for a long, long time. Like a coiled spring, Gazprom stocks are cheap to start with. Not having any idea of what would happen,
some Western investors think the cheap bird in their hands is a better bet than expensive birds somewhere in the future bush.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
NASU establishes cooperation with business people, investors
By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times
Representatives of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU), the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, and the National Development Innovation Foundation met in Kiev in late November to discuss the creation of essential conditions for the introduction of achievements of research work into production. In particular, awaking the interest of entrepreneurs and investors in new technologies was under discussion.
Anton Naumovets, first vice-president of the NASU, stressed a necessity for cooperation between scientists and business people. The representatives of scientific institutions acquainted participants in the meeting with the advanced developments that could arouse investors’ interest.
In his turn, a representative of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade told the meeting about the initiative to set up the High Tech Office whose main task would be the establishment of conditions for an increase in output of high-tech products, as well as in the coefficient of intellectualization of Ukraine’s GDP.
Additional information:
The Ukrainian Times
Representatives of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU), the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, and the National Development Innovation Foundation met in Kiev in late November to discuss the creation of essential conditions for the introduction of achievements of research work into production. In particular, awaking the interest of entrepreneurs and investors in new technologies was under discussion.
Anton Naumovets, first vice-president of the NASU, stressed a necessity for cooperation between scientists and business people. The representatives of scientific institutions acquainted participants in the meeting with the advanced developments that could arouse investors’ interest.
In his turn, a representative of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade told the meeting about the initiative to set up the High Tech Office whose main task would be the establishment of conditions for an increase in output of high-tech products, as well as in the coefficient of intellectualization of Ukraine’s GDP.
Additional information:
Monday, December 14, 2015
Осенью состоялись встречи специалистов Института проблем регистрации информации (ИПРИ) Национальной академии наук Украины с китайскими партнёрами, в результате которых было подписано соглашение о научном и производственном сотрудничестве в сфере внедрения микропризмовых элементов и структур для диагностирования и лечения косоглазия. Согласно этому соглашению высокотехнологическая часть производства будет осуществляться в ИПРИ, а изготовление линз и очков по рецептам докторов – в Китае. Кроме того, украинские специалисты будут обучать офтальмологов.
Учёные Института микробиологии и вирусологии (ИМВ) Национальной академии наук Украины создали препарат «Азогран», предназначенный для обеспечения повышения урожайности сельскохозяйственных культур, а также улучшения роста и развития газонных трав, декоративных, хвойных и других растений. Испытания препарата «Азогран» засвидетельствовали существенный рост продуктивности растений, в частности, помидоров – на 18-37% и роз – на 26-45%.
Украина имеет много преимуществ в сфере сельского хозяйства и способна самостоятельно обеспечить себя продуктами питания. Объединение природной плодородности украинских грунтов с применением биотехнологий, разработанных украинскими учёными, даёт возможность увеличить урожайность на посевных площадях, не загрязняя окружающей среды химическими средствами защиты растений.
Украина имеет много преимуществ в сфере сельского хозяйства и способна самостоятельно обеспечить себя продуктами питания. Объединение природной плодородности украинских грунтов с применением биотехнологий, разработанных украинскими учёными, даёт возможность увеличить урожайность на посевных площадях, не загрязняя окружающей среды химическими средствами защиты растений.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Yatsenyuk government, PM’s associates accused of corruption
By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
Recently, out of the blue, Nikolai Martynenko, member of Ukraine’s parliament and close associate of the so-called prime minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, has waived the mandate of a deputy of the Supreme Council. Previously, MP Sergey Leschenko publicized documents evidencing that the shady Panamanian company, which is owned by Martynenko, had received huge kickbacks from contracts between the state company Energoatom and the Czech company Skoda to supply equipment to the Khmelnitskiy nuclear power plant.
Many observers think that by waiving his mandate, Martynenko attempts to whitewash the Yatsenyuk government, which continues to wallow in corruption. Critics agree that this government is so corrupt, even more than the previous Azarov government. It is widely believed that the ministers are interested only in self benefit and they give some crumbs to the people.
Also, readers of The Ukrainian Times know that Nikolai Gordienko, former head of the State Financial Inspection Board, presented the facts of violations committed by the companies, which were financed at the expense of the Ukrainian state budget. According to him, the U.S.-backed puppet government of Ukraine received kickbacks from dummy firms through close associates of Yatsenyuk.
At the meeting of a parliamentary committee on counteraction against corruption Mr. Gordienko stated that damage done by the corrupt entourage of Yatsenyuk had amounted to 3.5 billion grivnas in the second half of last year alone. For instance, the violations exposed at the state rail transportation company UkrZaliznitsa are estimated at 300 million grn. “According to my estimates, the damage done by the corrupt government will amount to dozens of billions if you conduct a planned audit to the full,” he concluded.
It is small wonder that Transparency International’s Global Corruption Index ranks Ukraine 142nd out of 175 states. After the neo-Nazi coup in Kiev last year, this country has a worse record than after the ‘orange’ coup in 2004.
Practically all sectors of Ukraine’s government, business and civic life are affected by widespread corruption. Bribery and extortion are particularly common in the Ukrainian public health system. To make matters worse, the living standards of Ukrainians are being squeezed to death in order to pay off fraudulent debts incurred by the corrupt Yatsenyuk government.
The Ukrainian Times
Recently, out of the blue, Nikolai Martynenko, member of Ukraine’s parliament and close associate of the so-called prime minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, has waived the mandate of a deputy of the Supreme Council. Previously, MP Sergey Leschenko publicized documents evidencing that the shady Panamanian company, which is owned by Martynenko, had received huge kickbacks from contracts between the state company Energoatom and the Czech company Skoda to supply equipment to the Khmelnitskiy nuclear power plant.
Many observers think that by waiving his mandate, Martynenko attempts to whitewash the Yatsenyuk government, which continues to wallow in corruption. Critics agree that this government is so corrupt, even more than the previous Azarov government. It is widely believed that the ministers are interested only in self benefit and they give some crumbs to the people.
Also, readers of The Ukrainian Times know that Nikolai Gordienko, former head of the State Financial Inspection Board, presented the facts of violations committed by the companies, which were financed at the expense of the Ukrainian state budget. According to him, the U.S.-backed puppet government of Ukraine received kickbacks from dummy firms through close associates of Yatsenyuk.
At the meeting of a parliamentary committee on counteraction against corruption Mr. Gordienko stated that damage done by the corrupt entourage of Yatsenyuk had amounted to 3.5 billion grivnas in the second half of last year alone. For instance, the violations exposed at the state rail transportation company UkrZaliznitsa are estimated at 300 million grn. “According to my estimates, the damage done by the corrupt government will amount to dozens of billions if you conduct a planned audit to the full,” he concluded.
It is small wonder that Transparency International’s Global Corruption Index ranks Ukraine 142nd out of 175 states. After the neo-Nazi coup in Kiev last year, this country has a worse record than after the ‘orange’ coup in 2004.
Practically all sectors of Ukraine’s government, business and civic life are affected by widespread corruption. Bribery and extortion are particularly common in the Ukrainian public health system. To make matters worse, the living standards of Ukrainians are being squeezed to death in order to pay off fraudulent debts incurred by the corrupt Yatsenyuk government.
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
NAS saves billions on nuclear power as government gives some crumbs to scientists
By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times
This year nuclear power has provided Ukraine with some 60% of its electricity. Overall, 15 reactors, which were built as recently as the 1980s, operate today at Ukrainian nuclear power plants, whereas their service life is scheduled for 30 years.
However, Ukraine can prolong operation of its nuclear plants by 20 years at the least estimate, thanks to experts of the Institute of Nuclear Research, Kharkov Physicotechnical Institute and other institutes under the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), who are able to estimate condition of reactor vessels.
It is important to note that if Ukraine had to shut down the reactors, its losses would amount to about $1.5 billion per reactor per year.
By comparison, state budget allocations to the National Academy of Sciences do not exceed 2.5 billion grivnas (only $100 million) a year.
The Ukrainian Times
This year nuclear power has provided Ukraine with some 60% of its electricity. Overall, 15 reactors, which were built as recently as the 1980s, operate today at Ukrainian nuclear power plants, whereas their service life is scheduled for 30 years.
However, Ukraine can prolong operation of its nuclear plants by 20 years at the least estimate, thanks to experts of the Institute of Nuclear Research, Kharkov Physicotechnical Institute and other institutes under the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), who are able to estimate condition of reactor vessels.
It is important to note that if Ukraine had to shut down the reactors, its losses would amount to about $1.5 billion per reactor per year.
By comparison, state budget allocations to the National Academy of Sciences do not exceed 2.5 billion grivnas (only $100 million) a year.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
В конце ноября в Киеве состоялась встреча представителей Национальной академии наук Украины (НАНУ), Министерства экономического развития и торговли, а также Фонда «Национального развития и инноваций» (NDI Foundation), на которой обсуждались вопросы создания в стране необходимых условий для внедрения научных разработок. В частности, речь шла о стимулировании заинтересованности предпринимателей и инвесторов в новых технологиях.
Первый вице-президент НАНУ академик А.Г. Наумовец (на снимке) в своём выступлении отметил необходимость сотрудничества между учёными и предпринимателями. А представители научных учреждений НАНУ рассказали о перспективных разработках, которые могли бы заинтересовать инвесторов.
Представитель Министерства экономического развития и торговли проинформировал присутствующих об инициативе ведомства по созданию «High Tech Office», основным заданием которого будет формирование условий для роста объёмов производства высокотехнологической продукции и повышения коэффициента интеллектуализации ВВП Украины.
Первый вице-президент НАНУ академик А.Г. Наумовец (на снимке) в своём выступлении отметил необходимость сотрудничества между учёными и предпринимателями. А представители научных учреждений НАНУ рассказали о перспективных разработках, которые могли бы заинтересовать инвесторов.
Представитель Министерства экономического развития и торговли проинформировал присутствующих об инициативе ведомства по созданию «High Tech Office», основным заданием которого будет формирование условий для роста объёмов производства высокотехнологической продукции и повышения коэффициента интеллектуализации ВВП Украины.
Monday, December 7, 2015
The cost of Washington’s wars in Middle East, North Africa
By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
As a consequence of European Union’s subservience to the United States, European countries are being overrun by refugees from the Washington’s wars, which Europe so mindlessly enabled. After terrorist attacks in Paris, it has become clear that Europe pays dearly for the war crimes of the American evil empire in Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Syria.
This year the relief of the refugees may well cost the national budget of Germany 21 billion euros instead of the planned EUR10 billion. Data from Commerzbank show that government expenditure for one refugee will average some EUR12,000 a year.
Western observers point out the crisis of German chancellor Merkel’s pro-Washington leadership. Recent opinion polls found that about 50% of Germans, who are mainly hard-working taxpayers, cannot tolerate the presence of adherents of different faith.
Like all reasonable people, Europeans are concerned about the lack of information about migrants. In the same way they fear the access of Muslim radicals.
In addition, Germany, Britain and Poland must contribute EUR0.5 billion, EUR400 million and EUR71.2 million respectively to a refugee fund while EUR0.5 billion will be transferred from the EU budget.
Overall, 1.2 million migrants from the Middle East and North Africa, including militants of the Islamic State (or Daesh, to use the term they apparently hate), have crossed EU borders in January-October.
About 500,000 refugees have come to Macedonia since the start of this year, and the EU did not give any financial assistance to the former Yugoslav republic.
Over the course of only one day 19,400 citizens of Syria and Iraq crossed illegally the Slovenia’s border. About 180,000 people have migrated to the country from Syria and Afghanistan since mid October.
Reportedly, 378,000 people at the least estimate have illegally migrated to Hungary from the Middle East and North Africa since the start of this year. According to local volunteers, the American and British military unleashed a devastating war in Iraq, the Italian and French military conducted air bombardment in Libya and all of them trained extreme jihadist forces in Syria, whereas Hungary has to bear the burden of this chaos created by the U.S. and its European vassals.
Speaking at the 70th UN General Assembly, Russian President Vladimir Putin laid special emphasis on the slaughter, destruction and chaos that Washington has brought to the Middle East, North Africa and Ukraine, and the extreme jihadist and Ukrainian neo-Nazi forces, which have been unleashed. He asked the American evil empire: “Do you realize what you have done?”
Vladimir Putin stressed the legality of Russia’s military aid to Syria, which is at the request of the Syrian government. He contrasted Russia’s respect for international law with the intervention in Syria of the U.S. and France, the rotten regimes that are violating Syria’s sovereignty with unrequested and illegal military action. The world sees that it is Washington and its vassals who violate the generally recognized rules of international law and not Russia.
Politologist Paul Craig Roberts wrote that the Islamic State is a Washington creation, and until the Paris attacks the American evil empire was strongly backing ISIS with both words and weapons against the Russian military aid to Syria that caught both Washington and ISIS off guard.
Meanwhile, the tragedy continues.
The Ukrainian Times
As a consequence of European Union’s subservience to the United States, European countries are being overrun by refugees from the Washington’s wars, which Europe so mindlessly enabled. After terrorist attacks in Paris, it has become clear that Europe pays dearly for the war crimes of the American evil empire in Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Syria.
This year the relief of the refugees may well cost the national budget of Germany 21 billion euros instead of the planned EUR10 billion. Data from Commerzbank show that government expenditure for one refugee will average some EUR12,000 a year.
Western observers point out the crisis of German chancellor Merkel’s pro-Washington leadership. Recent opinion polls found that about 50% of Germans, who are mainly hard-working taxpayers, cannot tolerate the presence of adherents of different faith.
Like all reasonable people, Europeans are concerned about the lack of information about migrants. In the same way they fear the access of Muslim radicals.
In addition, Germany, Britain and Poland must contribute EUR0.5 billion, EUR400 million and EUR71.2 million respectively to a refugee fund while EUR0.5 billion will be transferred from the EU budget.
Overall, 1.2 million migrants from the Middle East and North Africa, including militants of the Islamic State (or Daesh, to use the term they apparently hate), have crossed EU borders in January-October.
About 500,000 refugees have come to Macedonia since the start of this year, and the EU did not give any financial assistance to the former Yugoslav republic.
Over the course of only one day 19,400 citizens of Syria and Iraq crossed illegally the Slovenia’s border. About 180,000 people have migrated to the country from Syria and Afghanistan since mid October.
Reportedly, 378,000 people at the least estimate have illegally migrated to Hungary from the Middle East and North Africa since the start of this year. According to local volunteers, the American and British military unleashed a devastating war in Iraq, the Italian and French military conducted air bombardment in Libya and all of them trained extreme jihadist forces in Syria, whereas Hungary has to bear the burden of this chaos created by the U.S. and its European vassals.
Speaking at the 70th UN General Assembly, Russian President Vladimir Putin laid special emphasis on the slaughter, destruction and chaos that Washington has brought to the Middle East, North Africa and Ukraine, and the extreme jihadist and Ukrainian neo-Nazi forces, which have been unleashed. He asked the American evil empire: “Do you realize what you have done?”
Vladimir Putin stressed the legality of Russia’s military aid to Syria, which is at the request of the Syrian government. He contrasted Russia’s respect for international law with the intervention in Syria of the U.S. and France, the rotten regimes that are violating Syria’s sovereignty with unrequested and illegal military action. The world sees that it is Washington and its vassals who violate the generally recognized rules of international law and not Russia.
Politologist Paul Craig Roberts wrote that the Islamic State is a Washington creation, and until the Paris attacks the American evil empire was strongly backing ISIS with both words and weapons against the Russian military aid to Syria that caught both Washington and ISIS off guard.
Meanwhile, the tragedy continues.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
В этом году в Украине атомная энергетика произвела почти 60% всей энергии. На всех украинских атомных электростанциях работает 15 реакторов, которые начинали свою работу ещё в 80-х годах, а срок их эксплуатации составляет 30 лет.
Благодаря специалистам Института ядерных исследований, Харьковского физико-технического института и других институтов Национальной академии наук (НАН), которые могут оценить состояние корпусов реакторов, Украина имеет возможность продлить эксплуатацию своих АЭС ещё, как минимум, на 20 лет. Если всё-таки пришлось бы выводить атомные реакторы из эксплуатации, то на каждый из них надо было бы тратить до 1,5 миллиарда долларов в год.
Для сравнения: НАН Украины получает из государственного бюджета ежегодно 2,5 млрд. гривен, а это приблизительно составляет 100 миллионов долларов.
Благодаря специалистам Института ядерных исследований, Харьковского физико-технического института и других институтов Национальной академии наук (НАН), которые могут оценить состояние корпусов реакторов, Украина имеет возможность продлить эксплуатацию своих АЭС ещё, как минимум, на 20 лет. Если всё-таки пришлось бы выводить атомные реакторы из эксплуатации, то на каждый из них надо было бы тратить до 1,5 миллиарда долларов в год.
Для сравнения: НАН Украины получает из государственного бюджета ежегодно 2,5 млрд. гривен, а это приблизительно составляет 100 миллионов долларов.
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Unique ophthalmoscopes developed by IMP researchers in cooperation with medical workers, IT experts
By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times
A group of researchers of the Kurdyumov Institute of Metal Physics (IMP) under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, together with medical workers, physicists and IT experts, developed a number of unique ophthalmoscopes on the basis of transscleral infrared transillumination. These instruments can enhance the diagnostic capabilities of traditional ophthalmoscopy.
For example, the prototype of the portable ophthalmoscope IRIS can be used by patients at home to diagnose the diabetic retinitis. To make IRIS safe for users, the researchers selected the waves of certain length that cannot burn the eye and cause biological diseases in it.
Engineering developments and techniques of using the above instruments are being perfected in cooperation with scientists of the Bogomolets National Medical University.
Additional information:
The Ukrainian Times
A group of researchers of the Kurdyumov Institute of Metal Physics (IMP) under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, together with medical workers, physicists and IT experts, developed a number of unique ophthalmoscopes on the basis of transscleral infrared transillumination. These instruments can enhance the diagnostic capabilities of traditional ophthalmoscopy.
For example, the prototype of the portable ophthalmoscope IRIS can be used by patients at home to diagnose the diabetic retinitis. To make IRIS safe for users, the researchers selected the waves of certain length that cannot burn the eye and cause biological diseases in it.
Engineering developments and techniques of using the above instruments are being perfected in cooperation with scientists of the Bogomolets National Medical University.
Additional information:
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Hungary, Czech Republic prefer Russian gas supplies
Currently, Hungary is negotiating a new long-term agreement with the Russian gas group Gazprom about large amounts of natural-gas supplies and their placement in country’s gas storage facilities. Meanwhile, the Czech Republic has started to import Russian gas from the Nord Stream-1 pipeline on the Baltic seabed via Gazela and OPAL pipelines.
Readers of The Ukrainian Times know that Gazprom controls 15% of the world’s known natural-gas reserves. The Russian group is going to be passing along
gas for a long, long time. Like a coiled spring, Gazprom stocks are cheap to start with. Not having any idea of what would happen,
some Western investors think the cheap bird in their hands is a better bet than expensive birds somewhere in the future bush.
Readers of The Ukrainian Times know that Gazprom controls 15% of the world’s known natural-gas reserves. The Russian group is going to be passing along
gas for a long, long time. Like a coiled spring, Gazprom stocks are cheap to start with. Not having any idea of what would happen,
some Western investors think the cheap bird in their hands is a better bet than expensive birds somewhere in the future bush.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Новая наука протеомика открывает исключительные возможности в области диагностики различных заболеваний и приближает время широкого внедрения персонифицированной медицины, целью которой является индивидуальный подход к терапии конкретного пациента, а не лечение болезни в целом.
На Украине, несмотря на все проблемы, есть предприятия, которые пытаются внедрить принципы протеомики в лечебную практику. К ним относятся фармацевтическая компания «Микрохим», производящая генерические препараты с улучшенным фармакокинетическим профилем, и клинико-диагностический центр «Фармбиотест», который специализируется на проведении фармакокинетических исследований и изучении биоэквивалентности.
По словам директора центра проф. И. Кузнецова, планируется организация химиотерапевтического отделения в Рубежном на Луганщине, где будут внедряться инновационные методы диагностики и терапевтического мониторинга, включая протеомику, метаболомику и генетическое тестирование. Производство современных противоопухолевых препаратов возьмёт на себя «Микрохим».
На Украине, несмотря на все проблемы, есть предприятия, которые пытаются внедрить принципы протеомики в лечебную практику. К ним относятся фармацевтическая компания «Микрохим», производящая генерические препараты с улучшенным фармакокинетическим профилем, и клинико-диагностический центр «Фармбиотест», который специализируется на проведении фармакокинетических исследований и изучении биоэквивалентности.
По словам директора центра проф. И. Кузнецова, планируется организация химиотерапевтического отделения в Рубежном на Луганщине, где будут внедряться инновационные методы диагностики и терапевтического мониторинга, включая протеомику, метаболомику и генетическое тестирование. Производство современных противоопухолевых препаратов возьмёт на себя «Микрохим».
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Disinformation warfare conducted by Washington, its European vassals invites failure
By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
In spite of disinformation warfare conducted by Washington and its European vassals, only 46% of citizens of France and 49% of the British believe armed conflict in east Ukraine was inspired by Russia. Recent opinion polls found that 61% of the Germans and 59% of the Italians think a civil war rages in Ukraine.
At the same time, 74.9% of citizens of Ukraine think it is necessary to seek compromise solutions for the sake of peace in the Donbas region with large Russian populations. Data from the sociological group Rating show that 77% of Ukrainians fear greatly the fratricidal war.
According to previous polls, only 34% of the French approved of the entry of this country into the European Union. In Germany, 69% of respondents are against NATO’s military presence in Central and East Europe because of the civil war in Donbas.
American politologist Paul Craig Roberts wrote that the Obama regime organized the Nazi coup in Ukraine, which overthrew the democratically elected government. Ukrainian militants decked out in Nazi symbols, he reckons, are the principle source of violence that has been inflicted on the Russian populations, resulting in the formation of the breakaway Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics.
Instead of reporting this fact, the corrupt Western media deliver Washington’s propaganda that Russia is allegedly annexing eastern Ukraine. NATO governments lie every time that they open their mouths. These governments and media know that Western populations are unaware, and can be relied upon to accept any preposterous story. The world should be stunned, from Mr. Roberts’ point of view, that “bringing democracy” has become Washington’s cover-up for resurrecting the Nazi state in Europe, which borders Russia.
It is also important to note that the military of the American evil empire has invaded, bombed and overthrown 11 governments since the Clinton regime and is currently working to overthrow governments in Armenia, Kirghizia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil and Argentina. In addition, U.S. troops and military hardware are pouring into Eastern Europe. “It is the U.S. that is attacking Russia, and yet we get a barrage of media stories attempting to make it as if it is the other way round,” said political analyst Caleb Maupin.
The Ukrainian Times
In spite of disinformation warfare conducted by Washington and its European vassals, only 46% of citizens of France and 49% of the British believe armed conflict in east Ukraine was inspired by Russia. Recent opinion polls found that 61% of the Germans and 59% of the Italians think a civil war rages in Ukraine.
At the same time, 74.9% of citizens of Ukraine think it is necessary to seek compromise solutions for the sake of peace in the Donbas region with large Russian populations. Data from the sociological group Rating show that 77% of Ukrainians fear greatly the fratricidal war.
According to previous polls, only 34% of the French approved of the entry of this country into the European Union. In Germany, 69% of respondents are against NATO’s military presence in Central and East Europe because of the civil war in Donbas.
American politologist Paul Craig Roberts wrote that the Obama regime organized the Nazi coup in Ukraine, which overthrew the democratically elected government. Ukrainian militants decked out in Nazi symbols, he reckons, are the principle source of violence that has been inflicted on the Russian populations, resulting in the formation of the breakaway Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics.
Instead of reporting this fact, the corrupt Western media deliver Washington’s propaganda that Russia is allegedly annexing eastern Ukraine. NATO governments lie every time that they open their mouths. These governments and media know that Western populations are unaware, and can be relied upon to accept any preposterous story. The world should be stunned, from Mr. Roberts’ point of view, that “bringing democracy” has become Washington’s cover-up for resurrecting the Nazi state in Europe, which borders Russia.
It is also important to note that the military of the American evil empire has invaded, bombed and overthrown 11 governments since the Clinton regime and is currently working to overthrow governments in Armenia, Kirghizia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil and Argentina. In addition, U.S. troops and military hardware are pouring into Eastern Europe. “It is the U.S. that is attacking Russia, and yet we get a barrage of media stories attempting to make it as if it is the other way round,” said political analyst Caleb Maupin.
Группа учёных Института металлофизики имени Курдюмова Национальной академии наук Украины совместно с медиками, физиками и специалистами в сфере информационных технологий разработала ряд уникальных офтальмоскопов на основе инфракрасного просвечивания. Эти приборы позволяют расширить диагностические возможности традиционной офтальмоскопии.
Экспериментальный образец портативного офтальмоскопа «ИРИС» может использоваться пациентами в домашних условиях для диагностики заболевания сетчатки глаза вследствие осложнений сахарного диабета. Чтобы прибор был абсолютно безопасным для человека, исследователи подобрали волны специальной длины, которые не причиняют ожогов и биологических заболеваний глазу. Дальнейшее усовершенствование разработок и методов их использования проходит совместно с учёными Национального медицинского университета имени Богомольца.
Дополнительная информация:
Экспериментальный образец портативного офтальмоскопа «ИРИС» может использоваться пациентами в домашних условиях для диагностики заболевания сетчатки глаза вследствие осложнений сахарного диабета. Чтобы прибор был абсолютно безопасным для человека, исследователи подобрали волны специальной длины, которые не причиняют ожогов и биологических заболеваний глазу. Дальнейшее усовершенствование разработок и методов их использования проходит совместно с учёными Национального медицинского университета имени Богомольца.
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