Учёные Института физики полупроводников имени В.Е. Лашкарёва Национальной академии наук Украины, который в этом году отмечает своё 55-летие, стали авторами многих выдающихся результатов практических разработок, имеющих большое значение для развития физической науки. С именем его первого директора В.Е. Лашкарёва связано становление и развитие физики и техники полупроводников в Украине. Пионерские работы С.И. Пекара и Э.И. Рашбы были в своё время официально признаны открытиями.
Как отметил директор Института Александр Беляев, в последние годы приоритетное развитие в научной деятельности Института получили фундаментальные и прикладные исследования процессов самоорганизации и физики полупроводниковых наноструктур, а также работы по физическим, физико-химическим и технологическим проблемам создания элементной базы СВЧ и оптоэлектроники, устройств для преобразования информации, источников излучения нового типа.
В частности, была решена проблема создания точных и надёжных приборов контроля сверхнизких температур. Дальнейшее развитие этих работ позволило создать широкую гамму сенсорных систем и устройств различного назначения. Кроме того, большое научное и практическое значение имеют работы по инфракрасной микрофотоэлектронике, результаты которых используются в медицине, биологии, экологии и оборонной промышленности. Они и сегодня являются источниками новых идей и достижений.
Учёными Института создана технология поляризационной модуляции электромагнитного излучения, которая позволяет увидеть неизвестные ранее свойства многих веществ во всех агрегатных состояниях и использовать эти свойства на практике. Это открывает новое направление в экспериментальной науке – поляриметрия высокой информационной способности. Уже сегодня внедрены в производство или находятся на стадии внедрения приборы, функционирующие на основе этой технологии. Среди них следует отметить лазерный тензометр, предназначенный для определения в пространстве и во времени величины внутренних напряжений в непрозрачных твёрдых телах, а также модуляционный биополяриметр, использующий свойства плазмонного резонанса для исследования биологических реакций в медицине.
По словам А. Беляева, сегодняшние весомые результаты достигнуты благодаря фундаментальным исследованиям, которые учёные проводили многие годы. Эти исследования послужат основой ещё для многих разработок, над которыми трудится коллектив Института физики полупроводников им. В.Е. Лашкарёва.
Friday, July 31, 2015
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Alcohol appreciates greatly in Ukraine
Ukrainian neo-Nazi authorities sprang an unpleasant surprise on lovers of strong drinks. In accordance with a government edict dated July 11, prices of vodka, brandy and wine will rise by 25-40%.
For instance, the price of a 0.7-liter bottle of the cheapest sparkling wine will increase from 33 to 50 grivnas starting September 1.
The unpleasant surprise can be explained by the fact that alcohol has appreciated twofold.
For instance, the price of a 0.7-liter bottle of the cheapest sparkling wine will increase from 33 to 50 grivnas starting September 1.
The unpleasant surprise can be explained by the fact that alcohol has appreciated twofold.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Israel doesn’t support sanctions against Russia despite pressure from U.S.
By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
According to Dorit Golender, ambassador of Israel to the Russian Federation, Israel does not support sanctions used by the decadent West in connection with a civil war in Ukraine in spite of pressure from the United States. She said Israel pursued the independent line of foreign policy with respect to Russia, maintaining friendly relations.
The sanctions helped open new opportunities for developing bilateral ties, the diplomat stressed. Also, it is important to note that emigrants from the former Soviet Union account for 25% of the Israel’s population.
Believe it or not, the sanctions help Russia develop domestic industries. Moscow has to accelerate rates of the implementation of a program for the replacement of imports.
As is known, the U.S. has been attempting to isolate Russia by imposing the sanctions. However, the American evil empire and its vassals in the European Union have only produced the opposite effect and brought Russia closer to Israel, China and other BRICS countries.
Many observers think Washington is very strong in stupidity in its foreign policy. The U.S. created a military coup d’etat in Kiev and brought Ukrainian neo-Nazis to power that is illegitimate.
U.S. politologist Paul Craig Roberts believes the Nazi coup in Ukraine is Washington’s attempt to thrust a dagger in Russia’s heart. The recklessness of such a criminal act has been covered up by constructing a false reality of the so-called people’s revolution against a corrupt government. The world should be stunned, from Mr. Roberts’ point of view, that “bringing democracy” has become Washington’s cover-up for resurrecting the Nazi state in Europe, which borders Russia.
As former Republican congressman and two-time U.S. presidential candidate Ron Paul put it, the existence of Russia and China is a stark reminder of the fact that the world is not unipolar, and it irritates the American evil empire a lot. The Obama regime behaves “like a petulant child flying into a tantrum” when Russia steps in to protect its own national interests.
The Ukrainian Times
According to Dorit Golender, ambassador of Israel to the Russian Federation, Israel does not support sanctions used by the decadent West in connection with a civil war in Ukraine in spite of pressure from the United States. She said Israel pursued the independent line of foreign policy with respect to Russia, maintaining friendly relations.
The sanctions helped open new opportunities for developing bilateral ties, the diplomat stressed. Also, it is important to note that emigrants from the former Soviet Union account for 25% of the Israel’s population.
Believe it or not, the sanctions help Russia develop domestic industries. Moscow has to accelerate rates of the implementation of a program for the replacement of imports.
As is known, the U.S. has been attempting to isolate Russia by imposing the sanctions. However, the American evil empire and its vassals in the European Union have only produced the opposite effect and brought Russia closer to Israel, China and other BRICS countries.
Many observers think Washington is very strong in stupidity in its foreign policy. The U.S. created a military coup d’etat in Kiev and brought Ukrainian neo-Nazis to power that is illegitimate.
U.S. politologist Paul Craig Roberts believes the Nazi coup in Ukraine is Washington’s attempt to thrust a dagger in Russia’s heart. The recklessness of such a criminal act has been covered up by constructing a false reality of the so-called people’s revolution against a corrupt government. The world should be stunned, from Mr. Roberts’ point of view, that “bringing democracy” has become Washington’s cover-up for resurrecting the Nazi state in Europe, which borders Russia.
As former Republican congressman and two-time U.S. presidential candidate Ron Paul put it, the existence of Russia and China is a stark reminder of the fact that the world is not unipolar, and it irritates the American evil empire a lot. The Obama regime behaves “like a petulant child flying into a tantrum” when Russia steps in to protect its own national interests.
Monday, July 27, 2015
70 billion rubles earmarked for socioeconomic development of Kuril Islands
Recently, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev held a meeting of the government to consider a federal special-purpose program for socioeconomic development of the Kuril Islands for the period ending in 2025. The document was drawn up on the instructions of President Vladimir Putin.
In particular, participants in the meeting discussed reconstruction of the defense infrastructure on the Kuril Islands. Plans are in hand to spend 70 billion rubles on socioeconomic development of the Kuril Islands.
It should be mentioned that Japan is still in a de jure state of war with Russia because of the Kurils problem.
Readers of The Ukrainian Times know that the Southern Kurils are the integral part of Russia’s territory on a legal basis in accordance with the results of World War II. Japan, which was the ally of Nazi Germany during WWII, shall strictly respect relevant accords and the U.N. Charter. Like Germany, Japan must bear responsibility for war crimes not only towards Russia but also all former Soviet republics and the anti-Hitlerite coalition.
Finally, it is worth remembering that the Kurils were originally settled by the Russians in the 17th-18th centuries. Japan seized the southern islands and in 1875 obtained the entire chain. After WWII they were legally ceded to the Soviet Union, and the Japanese population was repatriated.
And so, did Japan not learn any lessons from its criminal alliance with Nazi Germany?
In particular, participants in the meeting discussed reconstruction of the defense infrastructure on the Kuril Islands. Plans are in hand to spend 70 billion rubles on socioeconomic development of the Kuril Islands.
It should be mentioned that Japan is still in a de jure state of war with Russia because of the Kurils problem.
Readers of The Ukrainian Times know that the Southern Kurils are the integral part of Russia’s territory on a legal basis in accordance with the results of World War II. Japan, which was the ally of Nazi Germany during WWII, shall strictly respect relevant accords and the U.N. Charter. Like Germany, Japan must bear responsibility for war crimes not only towards Russia but also all former Soviet republics and the anti-Hitlerite coalition.
Finally, it is worth remembering that the Kurils were originally settled by the Russians in the 17th-18th centuries. Japan seized the southern islands and in 1875 obtained the entire chain. After WWII they were legally ceded to the Soviet Union, and the Japanese population was repatriated.
And so, did Japan not learn any lessons from its criminal alliance with Nazi Germany?
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Yatsenyuk government takes Leninist approach to economic problems, making all citizens poor
By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
According to many observers, the Yatsenyuk government has made bad miscalculations about economic reforms and destroyed the middle class in Ukraine. One of the members of Ukraine’s parliament pointed out that attempting to impose anti-communist projects, the neo-Nazi regime takes a Leninist approach to economic problems by making all citizens poor.
Today a minimum monthly wage in Ukraine amounts to the measly $55, whereas prices of utilities increased sevenfold. Critics say impoverishment of the population and social plundering of pensioners continue in this country while unemployment is going through the roof.
As parliamentary opposition leader Yuri Boiko put it, the puppet government of Ukraine has become a mere appendage to the International Monetary Fund. He thinks the IMF shock therapy mafia is destroying the real sector of the economy, small and mid-sized businesses. It became obvious to experts, and many others, that the whole financial system in this country is a house of cards built on IMF loans and debts.
“With the IMF’s recent statement pledging its full and unconditional support to Ukraine, it has become even more clear that the IMF and other multilateral institutions are not blindly technical organizations, but rather are totally subservient lackeys to the foreign policy agenda emanating from Washington,” former Republican congressman and two-time U.S. presidential candidate Ron Paul stressed.
The Ukrainian Times
According to many observers, the Yatsenyuk government has made bad miscalculations about economic reforms and destroyed the middle class in Ukraine. One of the members of Ukraine’s parliament pointed out that attempting to impose anti-communist projects, the neo-Nazi regime takes a Leninist approach to economic problems by making all citizens poor.
Today a minimum monthly wage in Ukraine amounts to the measly $55, whereas prices of utilities increased sevenfold. Critics say impoverishment of the population and social plundering of pensioners continue in this country while unemployment is going through the roof.
As parliamentary opposition leader Yuri Boiko put it, the puppet government of Ukraine has become a mere appendage to the International Monetary Fund. He thinks the IMF shock therapy mafia is destroying the real sector of the economy, small and mid-sized businesses. It became obvious to experts, and many others, that the whole financial system in this country is a house of cards built on IMF loans and debts.
“With the IMF’s recent statement pledging its full and unconditional support to Ukraine, it has become even more clear that the IMF and other multilateral institutions are not blindly technical organizations, but rather are totally subservient lackeys to the foreign policy agenda emanating from Washington,” former Republican congressman and two-time U.S. presidential candidate Ron Paul stressed.
Friday, July 24, 2015
Outbound tourism on the decrease in Russia
According to official figures, the outward flow of Russian tourists fell by 40% in Russia in the first quarter. Only 1.9 million citizens of Russia traveled abroad in January-April, compared with 3.2 million in the same period last year. In particular, the inflow of Russian travelers into Bulgaria and Spain decreased by 45% and 41% respectively.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Construction of new shelter around Chernobyl reactor requires additional funds
By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
Recently, international investors have confirmed that they would make the additional donation to eliminate a shortage of 100 million euros required for construction of a new shelter around the ruins of reactor No. 4 at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. In particular, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia and China are expected to donate 3.5 million, 20.5 million and four million euros respectively.
According to Ukrainian neo-Nazi authorities, the cost of the project increased to EUR1.5 billion. In addition, construction of a new storage facility for spent fuel requires another EUR70 million.
Construction of a new “sarcophagus” around the contaminated site commenced in March 2012. Importantly, Russia alone donated EUR45 million to the project that is scheduled to be completed in November 2017.
And it is worth recalling that Chernobyl’s reactor No. 4 exploded on April 26, 1986, spewing radioactive dust across much of Europe.
The Ukrainian Times
Recently, international investors have confirmed that they would make the additional donation to eliminate a shortage of 100 million euros required for construction of a new shelter around the ruins of reactor No. 4 at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. In particular, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia and China are expected to donate 3.5 million, 20.5 million and four million euros respectively.
According to Ukrainian neo-Nazi authorities, the cost of the project increased to EUR1.5 billion. In addition, construction of a new storage facility for spent fuel requires another EUR70 million.
Construction of a new “sarcophagus” around the contaminated site commenced in March 2012. Importantly, Russia alone donated EUR45 million to the project that is scheduled to be completed in November 2017.
And it is worth recalling that Chernobyl’s reactor No. 4 exploded on April 26, 1986, spewing radioactive dust across much of Europe.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Results of fundamental research done by IMP have wide application in actual practice
By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times
The development of technologies of making materials with preset properties, particularly the Invar steel alloys containing some 36% of nickel that have a low coefficient of thermal expansion, is one of the most important lines of activity of the G.V. Kurdyumov Institute of Metal Physics (IMP) under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. However, using standard Invar alloys as structural materials is restricted because of their insufficient strength.
Applying their new technology, scientists of the Institute have obtained materials containing the much less amount of expensive nickel. Importantly, their research also resulted in the creation of materials with anti-Invar properties, which expand when a temperature goes up. In addition, this research serves as a basis for development of a device for testing materials for their thermal expansibility.
Another technology developed by researchers of the Institute enables the cost-effectiveness and streamlining of production of components from titanium alloys since it is geared to make titanium alloys by means of powder mixtures, as well as with the help of simple techniques of pressing and sintering.
Titanium is the unique material. Whereas the stress-strain properties of titanium are similar to those of steel, the former is two times lighter and has high resistance to corrosion. Given its biological inertness, titanium is used as the basis for making medical implants.
Furthermore, Ukrainian scientists are tackling the problem of methane emissions in coal mines. IMP experts worked out the technique of obtaining methane from mined coal. The technique enables further use of this coal, although it will burn with less heat. Meanwhile, researchers of the Institute of Mining Process Physics have designed a device for forecasting methane emissions.
The Ukrainian Times
The development of technologies of making materials with preset properties, particularly the Invar steel alloys containing some 36% of nickel that have a low coefficient of thermal expansion, is one of the most important lines of activity of the G.V. Kurdyumov Institute of Metal Physics (IMP) under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. However, using standard Invar alloys as structural materials is restricted because of their insufficient strength.
Applying their new technology, scientists of the Institute have obtained materials containing the much less amount of expensive nickel. Importantly, their research also resulted in the creation of materials with anti-Invar properties, which expand when a temperature goes up. In addition, this research serves as a basis for development of a device for testing materials for their thermal expansibility.
Another technology developed by researchers of the Institute enables the cost-effectiveness and streamlining of production of components from titanium alloys since it is geared to make titanium alloys by means of powder mixtures, as well as with the help of simple techniques of pressing and sintering.
Titanium is the unique material. Whereas the stress-strain properties of titanium are similar to those of steel, the former is two times lighter and has high resistance to corrosion. Given its biological inertness, titanium is used as the basis for making medical implants.
Furthermore, Ukrainian scientists are tackling the problem of methane emissions in coal mines. IMP experts worked out the technique of obtaining methane from mined coal. The technique enables further use of this coal, although it will burn with less heat. Meanwhile, researchers of the Institute of Mining Process Physics have designed a device for forecasting methane emissions.
Monday, July 20, 2015
Cypriot, Danish companies to build power plant in Khmelnitskiy oblast
Authorities of the Khmelnitskiy region have discussed the investment project of building an electric power plant with representatives of a Cypriot company. To generate electricity, the power plant will use straw.
A Danish company is going to act as general contractor and project partner. Plans are in hand to attract 175 million euros in the implementation of the investment project in the Khmelnitskiy oblast.
Incidentally, The Ukrainian Times news and investor relations agency is ready to help investors find promising partners in any industry in Ukraine. In particular, the country has viable investment projects in the sphere of high technologies, nanotechnologies and the pharmaceutical industry.
To give an order for a search for a partner, email ukrtimes@yandex.ru.
The agency has been established on the basis of The Ukrainian Times English-language business publication, which was founded by Vladimir V. Sytin and Svetlana Sytina in Kiev in 1993.
A Danish company is going to act as general contractor and project partner. Plans are in hand to attract 175 million euros in the implementation of the investment project in the Khmelnitskiy oblast.
Incidentally, The Ukrainian Times news and investor relations agency is ready to help investors find promising partners in any industry in Ukraine. In particular, the country has viable investment projects in the sphere of high technologies, nanotechnologies and the pharmaceutical industry.
To give an order for a search for a partner, email ukrtimes@yandex.ru.
The agency has been established on the basis of The Ukrainian Times English-language business publication, which was founded by Vladimir V. Sytin and Svetlana Sytina in Kiev in 1993.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Одним из наиболее важных и продуктивных направлений деятельности Института металлофизики имени Г.В. Курдюмова Национальной академии наук Украины (НАНУ) является разработка технологий получения материалов с заданными свойствами, в частности, инварных сплавов (железо – 36% никеля), т.е. металлических сплавов с низким коэффициентом теплового расширения. Однако использование стандартных инварных сплавов в качестве конструкционных материалов ограничено из-за их недостаточной прочности.
Учёные Института, используя свою новую технологию, получили материалы, содержащие значительно меньше дорогостоящего никеля. Кроме того, важным результатом их исследований стали материалы с антиинварными свойствами, т.е. расширяющиеся при повышении температуры, а также разработанный на основе этих исследований прибор для тестирования металлов на предмет их способности к термическому расширению.
Ещё одна технология, разработанная учёными Института, позволяет упростить и удешевить процесс изготовления изделий из титановых сплавов, т.к. предусматривает получение титановых сплавов с помощью порошковых смесей, а также простых операций прессования и спекания. Титан является уникальным материалом. При одинаковых механических характеристиках со сталью, он вдвое легче её и имеет высокую стойкость к коррозии. А биологическая инертность титана позволяет создавать на его основе имплантаты для человеческого организма.
Украинские учёные работают ещё над одной актуальной проблемой – выбросы метана в угольных шахтах. Специалисты Института металлофизики имени Г.В. Курдюмова разработали технологию получения метана из добытого угля, которая предусматривает возможность дальнейшего использования этого угля, хотя и с немного сниженной теплоотдачей. А в Институте физики горных процессов НАНУ был сконструирован прибор для прогнозирования выбросов метана.
Учёные Института, используя свою новую технологию, получили материалы, содержащие значительно меньше дорогостоящего никеля. Кроме того, важным результатом их исследований стали материалы с антиинварными свойствами, т.е. расширяющиеся при повышении температуры, а также разработанный на основе этих исследований прибор для тестирования металлов на предмет их способности к термическому расширению.
Ещё одна технология, разработанная учёными Института, позволяет упростить и удешевить процесс изготовления изделий из титановых сплавов, т.к. предусматривает получение титановых сплавов с помощью порошковых смесей, а также простых операций прессования и спекания. Титан является уникальным материалом. При одинаковых механических характеристиках со сталью, он вдвое легче её и имеет высокую стойкость к коррозии. А биологическая инертность титана позволяет создавать на его основе имплантаты для человеческого организма.
Украинские учёные работают ещё над одной актуальной проблемой – выбросы метана в угольных шахтах. Специалисты Института металлофизики имени Г.В. Курдюмова разработали технологию получения метана из добытого угля, которая предусматривает возможность дальнейшего использования этого угля, хотя и с немного сниженной теплоотдачей. А в Институте физики горных процессов НАНУ был сконструирован прибор для прогнозирования выбросов метана.
50% of Russians take great interest in historical museums
According to a recent opinion poll, 7% of residents of Russia have never visited a museum. Reportedly, 50% of respondents take great interest in historical museums. For the last time, 51% of those polled visited a museum more than two years ago.
Saturday, July 18, 2015
NASU spares no pains to enhance efficiency of its activity
By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times
The main tasks that face the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) have been under discussion during a recent meeting of the NASU Presidium. In particular, its members considered all-round development of fundamental research in view of groundbreaking trends of science.
According to participants in the discussion, the extension of financing of special-purpose research programs and contests, as well as a substantial increase in allocations beyond state budget to improve promotion, material and technical supplies should serve as a basis for the above development.
Vladimir Maslov, head of the department of physicotechnological fundamentals of sensory materials science at the V. Lashkareov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, proposes to make use of the experience of Ukrainian scientists in order to turn around existent technological processes, both new and old ones, at industrial enterprises. He thinks encouragement provided by Ukraine’s legal rules for investors must provide an incentive to enlisting researchers to do this work.
The Ukrainian Times
The main tasks that face the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) have been under discussion during a recent meeting of the NASU Presidium. In particular, its members considered all-round development of fundamental research in view of groundbreaking trends of science.
According to participants in the discussion, the extension of financing of special-purpose research programs and contests, as well as a substantial increase in allocations beyond state budget to improve promotion, material and technical supplies should serve as a basis for the above development.
Vladimir Maslov, head of the department of physicotechnological fundamentals of sensory materials science at the V. Lashkareov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, proposes to make use of the experience of Ukrainian scientists in order to turn around existent technological processes, both new and old ones, at industrial enterprises. He thinks encouragement provided by Ukraine’s legal rules for investors must provide an incentive to enlisting researchers to do this work.
Friday, July 17, 2015
На очередном заседании Президиума Национальной академии наук Украины (НАНУ), которое прошло 10 июля, обсуждались основные задачи Академии. В частности, было рассмотрено всестороннее развитие фундаментальных исследований по современным научным направлениям.
Базой для этого развития, по мнению членов Президиума, должно стать расширение программно-целевого и конкурсного финансирования научных исследований, а также существенное увеличение внебюджетных поступлений для улучшения материально-технического и информационного обеспечения.
Заведующий отделом физико-технологических основ сенсорного материаловедения Института физики полупроводников НАНУ Владимир Маслов предлагает использовать опыт украинских учёных для усовершенствования уже имеющихся технологических процессов на производственных предприятиях как старых, так и новых. А стимулом привлечения для этих целей учёных должны стать поощрения бизнесменов, закреплённые в нормативно-правовой базе Украины.
Базой для этого развития, по мнению членов Президиума, должно стать расширение программно-целевого и конкурсного финансирования научных исследований, а также существенное увеличение внебюджетных поступлений для улучшения материально-технического и информационного обеспечения.
Заведующий отделом физико-технологических основ сенсорного материаловедения Института физики полупроводников НАНУ Владимир Маслов предлагает использовать опыт украинских учёных для усовершенствования уже имеющихся технологических процессов на производственных предприятиях как старых, так и новых. А стимулом привлечения для этих целей учёных должны стать поощрения бизнесменов, закреплённые в нормативно-правовой базе Украины.
Crimean government plans to eradicate illicit trade
The Council of Ministers of Crimea has approved a plan for the organization of markets in the Russian peninsula. The document provides for an increase in the number of outlets by 19 to 165.
Thus the government intends to eradicate illicit trade that infected Crimean towns and cities. In particular, Simferopol is notorious for chaotic, illegal trade.
Thus the government intends to eradicate illicit trade that infected Crimean towns and cities. In particular, Simferopol is notorious for chaotic, illegal trade.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
SPF plans to privatize 300 enterprises
By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
This year the State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPF) gives priority to privatization of the Odessa portside chemical plant, state company CentrEnergo (UX: CEEN), six regional energy enterprises, as well as six small central heating and power plants. According to SPF chairman Igor Bilous, 99.7% of shares of the Odessa plant could be sold for no less than $0.5 billion.
Overall, plans are in hand to privatize more than 300 enterprises in the next two years. The list of enterprises subject to privatization was approved by Ukrainian Government Ordinance No. 271 in May.
However, nongovernmental experts say privatization during a civil war in the Russian-speaking Donbas region smells of looting. They think Ukrainian neo-Nazi authorities will sell state-owned enterprises to their cronies for a song.
From the West-sponsored coup in Kiev until the moment you read this, the obedient puppets of Washington have never added one single grivnas to the wealth of Ukraine. They can only steal it and destroy it.
The Ukrainian Times
This year the State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPF) gives priority to privatization of the Odessa portside chemical plant, state company CentrEnergo (UX: CEEN), six regional energy enterprises, as well as six small central heating and power plants. According to SPF chairman Igor Bilous, 99.7% of shares of the Odessa plant could be sold for no less than $0.5 billion.
Overall, plans are in hand to privatize more than 300 enterprises in the next two years. The list of enterprises subject to privatization was approved by Ukrainian Government Ordinance No. 271 in May.
However, nongovernmental experts say privatization during a civil war in the Russian-speaking Donbas region smells of looting. They think Ukrainian neo-Nazi authorities will sell state-owned enterprises to their cronies for a song.
From the West-sponsored coup in Kiev until the moment you read this, the obedient puppets of Washington have never added one single grivnas to the wealth of Ukraine. They can only steal it and destroy it.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Russia reinforces her troops in Crimea
By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
After the reunification of Crimea with Russia, Moscow deployed Bastion coast missile systems in the peninsula. Bastion is equipped with the Onyx supersonic missile that has a killing range of 300 kilometers.
In addition, Russia’s Black Sea fleet adopted new antisubmarine and guided-missile ships as well as four submarines of 2011-2015 vintage, among others.
Overall, the Russian Federation has concentrated troops 20,000 strong, 40 warships and 50 aircraft in the Black Sea region, which can strike a crushing blow at the next invasion from the West since 1941 (read: Nazi Germany). Despite the assurances given by George Bush I and other American presidents, Russia’s periphery states have been drawn towards the faulty NATO.
The West collaborated with Ukrainian neo-Nazis and staged a coup to oust a democratically elected government, pushing this country into chaos and a civil war in the Donbas region with large Russian populations. After the West-sponsored neo-Nazi coup in Kiev, Russia does not have any trust in the West and particularly the United States.
Observers say today it is like a showdown in old western. Russia on the one side, the aggressive NATO on the other. Each in the street, facing off, waiting for the other to blink an eye or draw his gun.
As Russian President Vladimir Putin once put it, Moscow has nonstandard solutions up her sleeve and no one will succeed in winning military superiority over Russia.
Currently, Russian specialists are developing a digital control system for guiding nuclear weapons that would enable on-line retargeting of a missile after its launch. The new system is designed for the latest nuclear missiles Topol-M and Yars-M whose flight range allows them to deliver nuclear munitions to the American evil empire.
The latest numbers show that the share of new weapons in strategic nuclear forces, the Air Force and the Navy accounts for about 55%, 35% and more than 50% respectively in Russia. The renewal of fighting equipment in Russian ground forces has made up some 70%. Recently, the Russian government has adopted a program for the purchases of arms in the amount of 19 trillion rubles for the period ending in 2020.
The Ukrainian Times
After the reunification of Crimea with Russia, Moscow deployed Bastion coast missile systems in the peninsula. Bastion is equipped with the Onyx supersonic missile that has a killing range of 300 kilometers.
In addition, Russia’s Black Sea fleet adopted new antisubmarine and guided-missile ships as well as four submarines of 2011-2015 vintage, among others.
Overall, the Russian Federation has concentrated troops 20,000 strong, 40 warships and 50 aircraft in the Black Sea region, which can strike a crushing blow at the next invasion from the West since 1941 (read: Nazi Germany). Despite the assurances given by George Bush I and other American presidents, Russia’s periphery states have been drawn towards the faulty NATO.
The West collaborated with Ukrainian neo-Nazis and staged a coup to oust a democratically elected government, pushing this country into chaos and a civil war in the Donbas region with large Russian populations. After the West-sponsored neo-Nazi coup in Kiev, Russia does not have any trust in the West and particularly the United States.
Observers say today it is like a showdown in old western. Russia on the one side, the aggressive NATO on the other. Each in the street, facing off, waiting for the other to blink an eye or draw his gun.
As Russian President Vladimir Putin once put it, Moscow has nonstandard solutions up her sleeve and no one will succeed in winning military superiority over Russia.
Currently, Russian specialists are developing a digital control system for guiding nuclear weapons that would enable on-line retargeting of a missile after its launch. The new system is designed for the latest nuclear missiles Topol-M and Yars-M whose flight range allows them to deliver nuclear munitions to the American evil empire.
The latest numbers show that the share of new weapons in strategic nuclear forces, the Air Force and the Navy accounts for about 55%, 35% and more than 50% respectively in Russia. The renewal of fighting equipment in Russian ground forces has made up some 70%. Recently, the Russian government has adopted a program for the purchases of arms in the amount of 19 trillion rubles for the period ending in 2020.
Friday, July 10, 2015
Commercial seaport offers plots to investors
The Ilyicheovsk commercial seaport has allotted 12 plots to prospective investors for a lease. The main purpose of the lease is to create new jobs, increase a cargo turnover and enhance the efficiency of terminals.
Transshipment of grain, coal and ore is the great hope of the management of the Ilyicheovsk port.
Last year the cargo turnover at the commercial seaport reached the record 14.6 million tons, whereas its planned capacity is estimated at some 30 million tons.
Incidentally, the news and investor relations agency Ukrainian Times is ready to help investors find promising partners in any industry in Ukraine. In particular, the country has viable investment projects in the sphere of high technologies, nanotechnologies and the pharmaceutical industry.
To give an order for a search for a partner, email ukrtimes@yandex.ru.
The agency has been established on the basis of the English-language business publication Ukrainian Times, which was founded by Vladimir V. Sytin and Svetlana Sytina in Kiev in 1993.
Transshipment of grain, coal and ore is the great hope of the management of the Ilyicheovsk port.
Last year the cargo turnover at the commercial seaport reached the record 14.6 million tons, whereas its planned capacity is estimated at some 30 million tons.
Incidentally, the news and investor relations agency Ukrainian Times is ready to help investors find promising partners in any industry in Ukraine. In particular, the country has viable investment projects in the sphere of high technologies, nanotechnologies and the pharmaceutical industry.
To give an order for a search for a partner, email ukrtimes@yandex.ru.
The agency has been established on the basis of the English-language business publication Ukrainian Times, which was founded by Vladimir V. Sytin and Svetlana Sytina in Kiev in 1993.
Saturday, July 4, 2015
Украинская православная церковь (УПЦ) Московского патриархата начала серию тематических встреч «История города Киева», посвящённых 1000-летию преставления святого равноапостольного великого русского князя Владимира. Открылась эта серия посещением Большой лаврской колокольни, которая открылась в Киево-Печерской лавре после десятилетней реставрации.
Колокольню строили в 1731-1745 годах по проекту архитектора-инженера Йогана Готфрида Шеделя. Эту красавицу видно за тридцать километров от матери городов русских. А с самого высокого 100-метрового яруса колокольни в ясную погоду можно обозреть не только весь Киев, но и его окрестности.
Колокольню строили в 1731-1745 годах по проекту архитектора-инженера Йогана Готфрида Шеделя. Эту красавицу видно за тридцать километров от матери городов русских. А с самого высокого 100-метрового яруса колокольни в ясную погоду можно обозреть не только весь Киев, но и его окрестности.
In Ukraine, grain crop forecast to be lower than last year’s
By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
According to experts’ estimates, the agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy has lost about 20 billion grivnas owing to the changes, which the neo-Nazi regime has been making since the start of this year. Without state support in the first half of 2015, 80% of spring field work was done by farms at their own expense.
For lack of state budget allocations, Ukraine’s grain crop is forecast to be lower, no more than 58 million tons as against 64 million tons last year.
However, if subservient lackeys to the West continue to encourage misallocation of resources, they could well sow the seeds of another, even bigger crisis in this country. Observers suspect many such seeds have already been sown.
The Ukrainian Times
According to experts’ estimates, the agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy has lost about 20 billion grivnas owing to the changes, which the neo-Nazi regime has been making since the start of this year. Without state support in the first half of 2015, 80% of spring field work was done by farms at their own expense.
For lack of state budget allocations, Ukraine’s grain crop is forecast to be lower, no more than 58 million tons as against 64 million tons last year.
However, if subservient lackeys to the West continue to encourage misallocation of resources, they could well sow the seeds of another, even bigger crisis in this country. Observers suspect many such seeds have already been sown.
Friday, July 3, 2015
Ukrainian scientists advance in application of nanotechnologies in biology, medicine
By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times
Researchers of the R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology, which was established in 1960, study a wide range of problems concerning causes of the genesis and progression of malignant diseases, preventive methods, treatment and rehabilitation of patients. In recent years they have achieved the striking results of fundamental and applied character, which are aimed to create new nanomaterials and develop targeted vector systems for biology and medicine.
In particular, research done by scientists of the Institute has proved the significance of iron in the tumor process that allows them to consider this microelement as a worthwhile marker and target for treatment of patients with malignant pathology. Vasily Chekhun, director of the Institute and member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, pointed out that this research could be a matter of particular interest in the context of breast cancer because the hormonal status of woman is closely associated with marked changes in the iron content of the body.
A novel antitumor drug called Ferroplat containing nanoparticles of magnetic liquid and cis-platin was created on the basis of a research effort made by Ukrainian scientists. Preclinical trials have shown that Ferroplat surpasses the official drug Cis-platin in antitumor and antimetastatic effect, particularly in the case of resistant malignant growths.
The vector system developed by scientists of the Institute, using Ferroplat as the base, not only ensures a targeted delivery, but helps solve the problem of overcoming the natural barriers of the body to acquired resistance. For the first time, it is established that the disorder of the regulation of metal-containing proteins and endogenic iron exchange is one of the important mechanisms of evolving resistance to antitumor drugs.
Studying interaction between artificial and natural nanodimensional systems, Ukrainian scientists have succeeded in discovering the elements of the secret of the origin of life, which supplement the seemingly obsolete Oparin-Haldane theory. Specifically, there were the iron ions and magnetic field that could be the main factor and synthesis catalyst in the process of forming protein bodies.
According to Dr. Chekhun, in addition to Ferroplat, the Institute has other advanced developments that are ready for application in actual practice. Among them are antitumor vaccines, sorption and photodynamic therapies.
Today research continues at the R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology. And researchers of the Institute do their possible to enhance an interface between science and practice.
The Ukrainian Times
Researchers of the R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology, which was established in 1960, study a wide range of problems concerning causes of the genesis and progression of malignant diseases, preventive methods, treatment and rehabilitation of patients. In recent years they have achieved the striking results of fundamental and applied character, which are aimed to create new nanomaterials and develop targeted vector systems for biology and medicine.
In particular, research done by scientists of the Institute has proved the significance of iron in the tumor process that allows them to consider this microelement as a worthwhile marker and target for treatment of patients with malignant pathology. Vasily Chekhun, director of the Institute and member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, pointed out that this research could be a matter of particular interest in the context of breast cancer because the hormonal status of woman is closely associated with marked changes in the iron content of the body.
A novel antitumor drug called Ferroplat containing nanoparticles of magnetic liquid and cis-platin was created on the basis of a research effort made by Ukrainian scientists. Preclinical trials have shown that Ferroplat surpasses the official drug Cis-platin in antitumor and antimetastatic effect, particularly in the case of resistant malignant growths.
The vector system developed by scientists of the Institute, using Ferroplat as the base, not only ensures a targeted delivery, but helps solve the problem of overcoming the natural barriers of the body to acquired resistance. For the first time, it is established that the disorder of the regulation of metal-containing proteins and endogenic iron exchange is one of the important mechanisms of evolving resistance to antitumor drugs.
Studying interaction between artificial and natural nanodimensional systems, Ukrainian scientists have succeeded in discovering the elements of the secret of the origin of life, which supplement the seemingly obsolete Oparin-Haldane theory. Specifically, there were the iron ions and magnetic field that could be the main factor and synthesis catalyst in the process of forming protein bodies.
According to Dr. Chekhun, in addition to Ferroplat, the Institute has other advanced developments that are ready for application in actual practice. Among them are antitumor vaccines, sorption and photodynamic therapies.
Today research continues at the R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology. And researchers of the Institute do their possible to enhance an interface between science and practice.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Стоимость российского природного газа для Украины в третьем квартале составит 247,18 долларов за тысячу кубических метров. С 1 июля правительство Российской Федерации установило скидку в размере 40 долларов за тысячу кубометров газа. В первом квартале скидка составила 23% контрактной цены, во втором – 29%, а в третьем – 14%.
По мнению экспертов, для успешного прохождения зимнего периода, Украине необходимо закачать в хранилища около 12 миллиардов кубометров газа. Планируется, что 9-10 млрд. кубометров будет закачано именно в третьем квартале текущего года.
По мнению экспертов, для успешного прохождения зимнего периода, Украине необходимо закачать в хранилища около 12 миллиардов кубометров газа. Планируется, что 9-10 млрд. кубометров будет закачано именно в третьем квартале текущего года.
В Институте экспериментальной патологии, онкологии и радиобиологии имени Р.Е. Кавецкого Национальной академии наук Украины, основанного в 1960 году, занимаются изучением широкого круга вопросов, которые касаются причин возникновения, развития и прогрессии опухолевых заболеваний, методов профилактики, лечения и реабилитации онкологических больных. За последние годы учёными Института получен ряд весомых результатов фундаментального и прикладного характера, направленных на создание новых наноматериалов и разработку векторных систем целевого назначения для биологии и медицины.
В частности, их исследования подтвердили значение железа в опухолевом процессе, что позволило рассматривать этот микроэлемент как перспективный маркер
и мишень для лечения пациентов со злокачественной патологией. Как отметил директор Института, академик НАН Украины Василий Чехун (на снимке), особый интерес эти исследования представляют в контексте рака молочной железы, поскольку гормональный статус женщины тесно ассоциируется со значительными колебаниями содержания железа в организме.
На основе комплекса работ, проведённых украинскими учёными, получен новый противоопухолевый препарат «Ферроплат», который содержит наночастицы магнитной жидкости и цисплатин. Доклинические исследования показали, что по противоопухолевому и антиметастатическому действию «Ферроплат» превосходит официальный препарат «Цисплатин», особенно при резистентных формах злокачественных новообразований.
Разработанная учёными Института векторная система на основе этого препарата не только обеспечивает целевую доставку, но и позволяет решить проблему преодоления природных барьеров организма к приобретённой резистентности. Впервые установлено, что одним из важных механизмов формирования резистентности к противоопухолевым препаратам является нарушение регуляции металлосодержащих белков и обмена эндогенного железа.
Исследуя взаимодействие искусственных и природных наноразмерных систем, украинским ученым удалось установить новые составляющие тайны зарождения жизни, которые хорошо дополняют, казалось бы, устаревшую теорию Опарина-Холдейна. Так, в частности, именно ионы железа и магнитное поле могли стать основным фактором и катализатором синтеза в процессе образования белковых тел.
Кроме «Ферроплата», по словам академика НАН Украины Василия Чехуна, в Институте имеются и другие разработки, готовые к внедрению. Это противоопухолевые вакцины, методы сорбционной и фотодинамической терапии.
Сегодня в Институте экспериментальной патологии, онкологии и радиобиологии имени Р.Е. Кавецкого НАН Украины исследования продолжаются, ученые института делают всё возможное, чтобы углубить взаимодействие между наукой и практикой.
В частности, их исследования подтвердили значение железа в опухолевом процессе, что позволило рассматривать этот микроэлемент как перспективный маркер
и мишень для лечения пациентов со злокачественной патологией. Как отметил директор Института, академик НАН Украины Василий Чехун (на снимке), особый интерес эти исследования представляют в контексте рака молочной железы, поскольку гормональный статус женщины тесно ассоциируется со значительными колебаниями содержания железа в организме.
На основе комплекса работ, проведённых украинскими учёными, получен новый противоопухолевый препарат «Ферроплат», который содержит наночастицы магнитной жидкости и цисплатин. Доклинические исследования показали, что по противоопухолевому и антиметастатическому действию «Ферроплат» превосходит официальный препарат «Цисплатин», особенно при резистентных формах злокачественных новообразований.
Разработанная учёными Института векторная система на основе этого препарата не только обеспечивает целевую доставку, но и позволяет решить проблему преодоления природных барьеров организма к приобретённой резистентности. Впервые установлено, что одним из важных механизмов формирования резистентности к противоопухолевым препаратам является нарушение регуляции металлосодержащих белков и обмена эндогенного железа.
Исследуя взаимодействие искусственных и природных наноразмерных систем, украинским ученым удалось установить новые составляющие тайны зарождения жизни, которые хорошо дополняют, казалось бы, устаревшую теорию Опарина-Холдейна. Так, в частности, именно ионы железа и магнитное поле могли стать основным фактором и катализатором синтеза в процессе образования белковых тел.
Кроме «Ферроплата», по словам академика НАН Украины Василия Чехуна, в Институте имеются и другие разработки, готовые к внедрению. Это противоопухолевые вакцины, методы сорбционной и фотодинамической терапии.
Сегодня в Институте экспериментальной патологии, онкологии и радиобиологии имени Р.Е. Кавецкого НАН Украины исследования продолжаются, ученые института делают всё возможное, чтобы углубить взаимодействие между наукой и практикой.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Thanks to sanctions, Russia develops domestic industries at priority rates
By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
Sanctions used by the decadent West in connection with a civil war in Ukraine help Russia develop domestic industries. Moscow has to accelerate rates of the implementation of a program for the replacement of imports.
As geopolitical analyst William Engdahl put it, the United States has been attempting to isolate Russia by imposing the sanctions. However, the American evil empire and its vassals in the European Union have only produced the opposite effect and brought Russia closer to China and other BRICS countries.
Funnily enough, despite the sanctions the Pentagon says additional Russian rocket engines will be needed for several years to ensure access to space for the most delicate defense and intelligence technology. Energomash, the Russian research and production association that makes rockets, stands to make $300 million from sales. The Pentagon’s position has powerful support from the intelligence chief and two of the influential defense contractors, Boeing and Lockheed Martin.
Reportedly, the United Launch Alliance has ordered 29 Russian engines, 15 of which are paid for and planned for use. The Pentagon wants the company to be able to use the rest.
Many observers think Washington is very strong in stupidity in its foreign policy. The U.S. created a military coup d’etat in Kiev and brought Ukrainian neo-Nazis to power that is illegitimate.
U.S. politologist Paul Craig Roberts believes the Nazi coup in Ukraine is Washington’s attempt to thrust a dagger in Russia’s heart. The recklessness of such a criminal act has been covered up by constructing a false reality of the so-called people’s revolution against a corrupt government. The world should be stunned, from Mr. Roberts’ point of view, that “bringing democracy” has become Washington’s cover-up for resurrecting the Nazi state in Europe, which borders Russia.
According to former Republican congressman and two-time U.S. presidential candidate Ron Paul, the existence of Russia and China is a stark reminder of the fact that the world is not unipolar, and it irritates the American evil empire a lot. The Obama regime behaves “like a petulant child flying into a tantrum” when Russia steps in to protect its own national interests.
The Ukrainian Times
Sanctions used by the decadent West in connection with a civil war in Ukraine help Russia develop domestic industries. Moscow has to accelerate rates of the implementation of a program for the replacement of imports.
As geopolitical analyst William Engdahl put it, the United States has been attempting to isolate Russia by imposing the sanctions. However, the American evil empire and its vassals in the European Union have only produced the opposite effect and brought Russia closer to China and other BRICS countries.
Funnily enough, despite the sanctions the Pentagon says additional Russian rocket engines will be needed for several years to ensure access to space for the most delicate defense and intelligence technology. Energomash, the Russian research and production association that makes rockets, stands to make $300 million from sales. The Pentagon’s position has powerful support from the intelligence chief and two of the influential defense contractors, Boeing and Lockheed Martin.
Reportedly, the United Launch Alliance has ordered 29 Russian engines, 15 of which are paid for and planned for use. The Pentagon wants the company to be able to use the rest.
Many observers think Washington is very strong in stupidity in its foreign policy. The U.S. created a military coup d’etat in Kiev and brought Ukrainian neo-Nazis to power that is illegitimate.
U.S. politologist Paul Craig Roberts believes the Nazi coup in Ukraine is Washington’s attempt to thrust a dagger in Russia’s heart. The recklessness of such a criminal act has been covered up by constructing a false reality of the so-called people’s revolution against a corrupt government. The world should be stunned, from Mr. Roberts’ point of view, that “bringing democracy” has become Washington’s cover-up for resurrecting the Nazi state in Europe, which borders Russia.
According to former Republican congressman and two-time U.S. presidential candidate Ron Paul, the existence of Russia and China is a stark reminder of the fact that the world is not unipolar, and it irritates the American evil empire a lot. The Obama regime behaves “like a petulant child flying into a tantrum” when Russia steps in to protect its own national interests.
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