Representatives of the Ilyicheovsk commercial seaport and the agro-industrial corporation SouffletNegoce S.A. of France have initialed the memorandum of intent to implement the investment project of building a grain storage terminal. The project is estimated at from $70 million to $100 million.
The terminal will have a capacity to handle up to one million tons of grain.
Overall, the Ilyicheovsk port has allotted 12 plots to prospective investors for a lease. The main purpose of the lease is to attract investments to the total amount of $1 billion and increase a cargo turnover to 35 million tons per year.
Incidentally, the news and investor relations agency Ukrainian Times is ready to help investors find promising partners in any industry in Ukraine. In particular, the country has viable investment projects in the sphere of high technologies, nanotechnologies and the pharmaceutical industry.
To give an order for a search for a partner, email
The agency has been established on the basis of the English-language business publication Ukrainian Times, which was founded by Vladimir V. Sytin and Svetlana Sytina in Kiev in 1993.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Sunday, June 28, 2015
In Crimea, Russia to build checkpoints on border with Ukraine
By 2017 Russian authorities intend to construct three checkpoints in the Crimean towns of Armyansk, Krasnoperekopsk and Dzhankoi. As expected, some seven billion Russian rubles will be allocated for building the checkpoints on the border with Ukraine.
According to Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the transitional period of the entry of Crimea into Russia has reached completion. “Overall, a basis for functioning of the Crimean economy in accordance with Russian laws has been formed,” he said. “This doesn’t mean that we won’t make pinpoint changes because full-value interlocking requires a longer period of time in terms of life and business development in the peninsula.”
According to Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the transitional period of the entry of Crimea into Russia has reached completion. “Overall, a basis for functioning of the Crimean economy in accordance with Russian laws has been formed,” he said. “This doesn’t mean that we won’t make pinpoint changes because full-value interlocking requires a longer period of time in terms of life and business development in the peninsula.”
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Left forces win local elections in Moldavia, look east
By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
The Socialist Party and the pro-Russian Our Party have won the recent elections to local bodies in Moldavia. Their victory can be explained by mass disappointment about the processes of European integration.
In fact, public support of European integration has decreased from 70% to only 32%, whereas the entry of Moldavia into the Customs Union of Byelorussia, Kazakhstan and Russia is supported by 50% of a local population today. According to observers, a victory of pro-Russian parties and left-wing forces may well promote better mutual understanding and confidence between Moldavia and Transdniestria, the Russian-speaking breakaway province bordering Ukraine.
Incidentally, many analysts think the European Union must persuade Baltic states to ensure an appropriate degree of devolution and language guarantee in their Russian-speaking areas, and then hold a pre-emptive referendum there to decide between staying in the decadent West and once-for-all separation. Russia should be invited to join an international monitoring group to supervise the election – but the operation would need to be carried through without too much delay before covert CIA activities could distort the outcome, as was the case in Ukraine.
The Ukrainian Times
The Socialist Party and the pro-Russian Our Party have won the recent elections to local bodies in Moldavia. Their victory can be explained by mass disappointment about the processes of European integration.
In fact, public support of European integration has decreased from 70% to only 32%, whereas the entry of Moldavia into the Customs Union of Byelorussia, Kazakhstan and Russia is supported by 50% of a local population today. According to observers, a victory of pro-Russian parties and left-wing forces may well promote better mutual understanding and confidence between Moldavia and Transdniestria, the Russian-speaking breakaway province bordering Ukraine.
Incidentally, many analysts think the European Union must persuade Baltic states to ensure an appropriate degree of devolution and language guarantee in their Russian-speaking areas, and then hold a pre-emptive referendum there to decide between staying in the decadent West and once-for-all separation. Russia should be invited to join an international monitoring group to supervise the election – but the operation would need to be carried through without too much delay before covert CIA activities could distort the outcome, as was the case in Ukraine.
Friday, June 26, 2015
На командном чемпионате Европы по лёгкой атлетике, который прошёл в Чебоксарах 20-21 июня, украинская сборная заняла седьмое место и осталась в Суперлиге. Первыми стали россияне, вторыми – немцы, а третьими – французы. Норвежцы, шведы и финны выбыли из Суперлиги.
Украинские легкоатлеты стали победителями в трёх дисциплинах, заняли два вторых и три третьих места. В частности, украинская сборная была лучшей в мужских и женских двухсотметровках.
Украинские легкоатлеты стали победителями в трёх дисциплинах, заняли два вторых и три третьих места. В частности, украинская сборная была лучшей в мужских и женских двухсотметровках.
Real wages fall 17% in Khmelnitskiy region
By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
A nominal monthly wage earned by workers in the Khmelnitskiy region in April averaged 3,104 grivnas that is 22% less than throughout Ukraine. Financiers and insurers earn twice as much above the average while textilemen get half as much money as an average worker.
In April real wages fell by 17% in the Khmelnitskiy oblast, compared with March.
Meanwhile, the real economy remains as dull as a session of Ukraine’s parliament.
The Ukrainian Times
A nominal monthly wage earned by workers in the Khmelnitskiy region in April averaged 3,104 grivnas that is 22% less than throughout Ukraine. Financiers and insurers earn twice as much above the average while textilemen get half as much money as an average worker.
In April real wages fell by 17% in the Khmelnitskiy oblast, compared with March.
Meanwhile, the real economy remains as dull as a session of Ukraine’s parliament.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Satellites put into orbit with the help of Ukrainian rocketry
The carrier rocket Vega blasted off from the launching site Kourou in French Guiana in late June and put the satellite Sentinel-2A into orbit at an altitude of 786 kilometers. Vega was equipped with the AVUM RD-868P rocket engine, or sustainer developed by the Dnepropetrovsk-based design bureau Yuzhnoe.
The satellite is designed to alert farmers to the danger of a crop failure, detect deforestation and estimate the consequences of natural calamities, among others.
Previously, the Ukrainian carrier rocket Dnepr blasted off from the Russian launching center Yasny in the Orenburg region and put the South Korean satellite CompSat-3A into orbit. CompSat-3A established communication with a ground station in the Korean city of Taejon.
Overall, three launches of Dnepr rockets are scheduled for this year.
The satellite is designed to alert farmers to the danger of a crop failure, detect deforestation and estimate the consequences of natural calamities, among others.
Previously, the Ukrainian carrier rocket Dnepr blasted off from the Russian launching center Yasny in the Orenburg region and put the South Korean satellite CompSat-3A into orbit. CompSat-3A established communication with a ground station in the Korean city of Taejon.
Overall, three launches of Dnepr rockets are scheduled for this year.
NASU department of physics and astronomy focuses research on nanophysics, nanoelectronics
By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times
Last year 18 institutions of the physics and astronomy department under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) and some establishments of higher learning conducted research. According to chief directions of department’s activity, research was mainly focused on the problems of nanophysics and nanoelectronics as well as on the successful implementation of the results of investigations.
In particular, research in solid-state physics concentrated on the technologies of manufacturing infrared sensors and the development of techniques of alloying nickel and silicon carbide. Using this alloy increases considerably its resistance to wear, therefore it prolongs the operating life of aircraft engines.
Research in astronomy, astrophysics and radio astronomy was aimed to determine the primary helium content of galaxies, measure infrared spectrums
of galaxies with low metallicity as well as to apply methods of synchronous radioastronomic observation, using Ukrainian and foreign instruments. For instance, ionospheric processes were under study in the course of experiments in cooperation with Norwegian experts.
The Ukrainian Times
Last year 18 institutions of the physics and astronomy department under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) and some establishments of higher learning conducted research. According to chief directions of department’s activity, research was mainly focused on the problems of nanophysics and nanoelectronics as well as on the successful implementation of the results of investigations.
In particular, research in solid-state physics concentrated on the technologies of manufacturing infrared sensors and the development of techniques of alloying nickel and silicon carbide. Using this alloy increases considerably its resistance to wear, therefore it prolongs the operating life of aircraft engines.
Research in astronomy, astrophysics and radio astronomy was aimed to determine the primary helium content of galaxies, measure infrared spectrums
of galaxies with low metallicity as well as to apply methods of synchronous radioastronomic observation, using Ukrainian and foreign instruments. For instance, ionospheric processes were under study in the course of experiments in cooperation with Norwegian experts.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
В Харькове ветеранам Великой Отечественной войны 1941-1945 годов бесплатно установили счётчики холодной воды. По словам инженера предприятия «Харьковводоканал» Натальи Бабинцевой, работа ведётся в рамках программы по обеспечению ветеранов приборами учёта, которая действует с 2012 года. Программа распространяется на ветеранов, инвалидов и участников Великой Отечественной войны, на семьи погибших и умерших ветеранов, а также на граждан, имеющих особые заслуги перед Родиной: Героев Советского Союза, Героев Социалистического Труда и др.
Smoking declines considerably in Russia
For the first time in the last 25 years, smoking tobacco has declined considerably in Russia. A recent opinion poll in the Russian Federation found that 17% of smokers gave up tobacco.
According to deputy health minister Dmitriy Kostennikov, two in three residents of Russia do not smoke today. The heaviest smokers range in age from 35 to 44 years in the Russian Federation.
According to deputy health minister Dmitriy Kostennikov, two in three residents of Russia do not smoke today. The heaviest smokers range in age from 35 to 44 years in the Russian Federation.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
В Николаеве начал работать Центр защиты животных. Реагируя на телефонные звонки жителей города, специалисты центра отловили 200 собак за полтора месяца. Пункт стерилизации и содержания животных может вместить 350 собак.
По словам местных чиновников, на опеку бездомных животных в городском бюджете на текущий год предусмотрено два миллиона гривен.
Центр защиты животных предоставляет полный комплекс услуг: чипирование бездомных и домашних животных, проведение операций, лечение и содержание. Работники центра через социальные сети обращаются к жителям Николаева с просьбой взять под опеку животных из приюта, и горожане не остаются равнодушными – многие уже нашли себе верных друзей.
По словам местных чиновников, на опеку бездомных животных в городском бюджете на текущий год предусмотрено два миллиона гривен.
Центр защиты животных предоставляет полный комплекс услуг: чипирование бездомных и домашних животных, проведение операций, лечение и содержание. Работники центра через социальные сети обращаются к жителям Николаева с просьбой взять под опеку животных из приюта, и горожане не остаются равнодушными – многие уже нашли себе верных друзей.
Monday, June 22, 2015
NASU institutes pursue research on creation of highly productive varieties of plants
By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times
For many years researchers of institutes under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) have been developing genetic bases to create highly productive varieties of plants.
In particular, scientists of the Institute of Physiology of Plants and Genetics (IPPG) have produced 140 new varieties and hybrids of grain crops. Every year up to 5.5 million hectares are sown to them in all Ukrainian regions and abroad.
The yield capacity of some varieties of wheat reaches the record 130 centners per ha. Selected by the IPPG, the highly productive hybrids of corn have surpassed the best specimens bred abroad. In addition, IPPG implemented 2,785 license agreements on growing of varieties of grain crops in production.
Researchers of the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics have evolved molecular-genetic methods for finding out the genes, which are resistant to fungous diseases of wheat, particularly, rust fungi.
According to scientists, only under conditions of the developed system of seed growing is it possible to realize the genetic potential of innovative varieties of plants. To this end, a network of basic farms growing new varieties of plants has been established throughout Ukraine.
The Ukrainian Times
For many years researchers of institutes under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) have been developing genetic bases to create highly productive varieties of plants.
In particular, scientists of the Institute of Physiology of Plants and Genetics (IPPG) have produced 140 new varieties and hybrids of grain crops. Every year up to 5.5 million hectares are sown to them in all Ukrainian regions and abroad.
The yield capacity of some varieties of wheat reaches the record 130 centners per ha. Selected by the IPPG, the highly productive hybrids of corn have surpassed the best specimens bred abroad. In addition, IPPG implemented 2,785 license agreements on growing of varieties of grain crops in production.
Researchers of the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics have evolved molecular-genetic methods for finding out the genes, which are resistant to fungous diseases of wheat, particularly, rust fungi.
According to scientists, only under conditions of the developed system of seed growing is it possible to realize the genetic potential of innovative varieties of plants. To this end, a network of basic farms growing new varieties of plants has been established throughout Ukraine.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
На протяжении многих лет учёными институтов Национальной академии наук Украины (НАНУ) ведётся разработка генетических основ создания высокоэффективных сортов растений.
В частности, в Институте физиологии растений и генетики (ИФРГ) созданы 140 новых сортов и гибридов зерновых культур, которые ежегодно высеваются на площади до 5,5 миллионов гектаров во всех регионах Украины и за рубежом. Высокопродуктивные гибриды кукурузы селекции Института превзошли лучшие образцы зарубежной селекции. Кроме того, ИФРГ реализовано 2785 лицензионных соглашений на выращивание сортов зерновых культур в производстве.
В Институте пищевой биотехнологии и геномики разработаны молекулярно-генетические методы выявления генов устойчивости к грибковым заболеваниям пшеницы и ячменя, а именно, к бурой и стеблевой ржавчине.
По мнению учёных, высокий генетический потенциал сортов-инноваций может быть реализован только при хорошо развитой системе семеноводства. Для этого на всей территории Украины создана сеть базовых хозяйств по выращиванию новых сортов.
В частности, в Институте физиологии растений и генетики (ИФРГ) созданы 140 новых сортов и гибридов зерновых культур, которые ежегодно высеваются на площади до 5,5 миллионов гектаров во всех регионах Украины и за рубежом. Высокопродуктивные гибриды кукурузы селекции Института превзошли лучшие образцы зарубежной селекции. Кроме того, ИФРГ реализовано 2785 лицензионных соглашений на выращивание сортов зерновых культур в производстве.
В Институте пищевой биотехнологии и геномики разработаны молекулярно-генетические методы выявления генов устойчивости к грибковым заболеваниям пшеницы и ячменя, а именно, к бурой и стеблевой ржавчине.
По мнению учёных, высокий генетический потенциал сортов-инноваций может быть реализован только при хорошо развитой системе семеноводства. Для этого на всей территории Украины создана сеть базовых хозяйств по выращиванию новых сортов.
A glimpse of history
An ancient legend has it that three brothers, namely Kiy, Schek and Khoriv along with their sister Lebed founded a settlement on the slopes of the Dnepr River and called it Kiev after the eldest brother. It did not take long for this settlement to become the political center for Eastern Slavic tribes.
The formation of Kiev Rus, powerful medieval state unifying Eastern Slavic nations in the expanse from the Baltics to the Black Sea, from the Volga to Tisza rivers.
JULY 28, 988:
Russian Grand Prince Vladimir adopts Christianity as the official religion of Kiev Rus. This act has a positive impact on the development of political and cultural relations with Byzantium and other European and Middle East countries. Kiev becomes one of the most famous centers of Christian civilization.
The formation of Zaporozhskaya Sech, sociopolitical and military-administrative organization of Cossacks. The Cossacks provided resistance to the invasions of the Turks, the Tatars and the domination of Polish nobility.
OCTOBER 23, 1545:
Cossacks took the Turkish fortress Achi-kali (Ochakov, Nikolaev region).
The Liberation War of the Ukrainian people led by Hetman Bogdan Khmelnitsky against Poland.
OCTOBER 6, 1648:
Troops under command of Bogdan Khmelnitsky laid siege to the city of Lvov.
AUGUST 16, 1649:
The Cossack army led by Bogdan Khmelnitsky won a battle against Polish troops near the town of Zborov, Ternopol region.
JANUARY 8, 1654:
Fighting against Polish oppression, Bogdan Khmelnitsky turns to Russian Tsar Alexei for help and enters into an alliance with Russia in the Ukrainian town of Pereyaslav; Ukraine, or Malorossia (Little Russia), becomes a protectorate of Russia. Kiev keeps its role as the economic and cultural center of Ukrainian lands. In the 18th century Kiev becomes an Orthodox symbol for the entire Russian Empire.
MARCH 16, 1686:
In Moscow Russian prince Vasiliy Galitzine and Polish envoys signed the Eternal Peace Treaty between the Tsardom of Russia and Poland. The treaty secured Russia’s possession of left-bank Ukraine plus the right-bank city of Kiev. The region of Zaporozhskaya Sech, Severian Lands, cities of Chernigov and Starodub were also ceded to Russia. The treaty was a major success for Russian diplomacy.
NOVEMBER 23, 1708:
The Russian Orthodox Church declared an anathema on Ukrainian hetman Ivan Mazepa who betrayed Czar Peter the Great.
DECEMBER 12, 1764:
Russian Empress Catherine the Great abolished hetmanate, rule by a hetman, in Ukraine, or Malorossia (Little Russia).
FEBRUARY 13, 1784:
In accordance with a decree issued by Russian Empress Catherine the Great, the Tavria oblast (region) was formed. The oblast included the Crimean peninsula, Taman and the modern Kherson region.
FEBRUARY 21, 1784:
In accordance with a decree issued by Russian Empress Catherine the Great, the fortress Akhtiar in the Crimea was renamed Sevastopol.
NOVEMBER 22, 1801:
Vladimir Dal, Russian scientist, writer, lexicographer and dialectologist, was born in the city of Lugansk. He is famous as the author of the unique Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language.
FEBRUARY 17, 1852:
Art collections at the Hermitage in St. Petersburg were opened to the public by Russian czar Nicholas I. The “Hermitage” pavilion adjoining the Winter Palace was built for Catherine II (the Great) as a private gallery for treasured collections. The museum is now housed in five interconnected buildings, including the Winter Palace and the Small, Old, and New Hermitages. Along with thousands of art objects from Central Asia, India, China, Egypt, the pre-Columbian Americas, Greece and Rome, the Hermitage houses outstanding collections of Western painting. Russian history is represented by archaeological material from prehistoric times onward.
APRIL 11, 1857:
Czar Alexander II approved the National Emblem of the Russian Empire, namely the double-headed eagle.
NOVEMBER 30, 1867:
The Vorontsov lighthouse was put into operation in Odessa. It became the first signal tower in the Russian Empire, which was equipped with electric lamps.
APRIL 17, 1877:
Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer and one of the world’s greatest novelists, finished writing the novel Anna Karenina. His great novel (1875-77) concerns the aristocratic woman, who deserts her husband for a lover, and the search for meaning by another autobiographical character Levin.
FEBRUARY 26, 1886:
For the first time in history of the Russian Empire mercury was produced at the cinnabar processing plant based in the city of Gorlovka, Donetsk region.
MAY 21, 1892:
For the first time in history of the Russian Empire an electric streetcar entered service in Kiev.
OCTOBER 25, 1897:
The first football match took place in the Russian Empire.
SEPTEMBER 12, 1898:
In accordance with a decree issued by Russian czar Nicholas II, the Polytechnic Institute opened in Kiev.
JANUARY 12, 1906:
The first number of the Russian-language newspaper Kievskaya Mysl was published in Kiev.
FEBRUARY 12, 1914:
The first bomber Ilya Muromets with 16 passengers took to the air for the first time. The airplane was designed by Kiev engineer Igor Sikorsky and manufactured by the Russian-Baltic railroad car building plant.
MARCH 14, 1914:
Russian pilot Peotr Nesterov made the first flight from Kiev to Odessa.
FEBRUARY 27, 1918:
In Kiev Central Draft Headquarters started full mobilization of the Red Army.
NOVEMBER 3, 1918:
A public assembly (veche) in the city of Chernovtsy passed a decision to make Northern Bukovina a part of the Soviet Ukraine.
NOVEMBER 14, 1918:
Vladimir Vernadsky was elected first president of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.
APRIL 6, 1919:
Soviet troops won back Odessa from Entente forces that included British and French invaders.
APRIL 9, 1921:
The country-house museum of Russian dramatist and short-story writer Anton Chekhov opened in the Crimean port city of Yalta.
DECEMBER 4, 1921:
More than 108,000 residents of lands along the Volga River migrated to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.
MARCH 21, 1922:
The Council of People’s Commissars of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic established, by its ordinance, 32 ore mining managements in the Donbas region. They came within jurisdiction of the State Coal Industry Administration.
The formation of the U.S.S.R. incorporating the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic as part of the Soviet Union.
DECEMBER 28, 1922:
The Workers-Inventors Society was set up in Odessa.
SEPTEMBER 25, 1923:
The Council of People’s Commissars of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic allocated 12 million rubles to the first state reserve Askania-Nova in the Kherson region.
OCTOBER 1, 1923:
A sea route between Odessa and Rostov-on-Don via the ports of Yevpatoria, Sevastopol, Feodosiya, Kerch, Berdyansk, Mariupol and Taganrog reopened in the Soviet Union.
FEBRUARY 28, 1924:
A new telephone line with Nizhniy Novgorod entered service in the city of Kharkov.
APRIL 30, 1925:
In Moscow the Soviet of Labor and Defense adopted a program for the construction of a bakery in Kiev. It had a capacity to produce 4,500 poods of baked goods per day. A pood is the old Russian unit of weight equal to 16.38 kilograms.
OCTOBER 15, 1926:
The Russian Drama Theater opened its first season in Kiev.
SEPTEMBER 18, 1929:
The Zaporozhye-based plant Kommunar manufactured the first Soviet combine harvester.
NOVEMBER 17, 1933:
The Academic Russian Drama Theater named after Alexander Pushkin was established in the city of Kharkov.
APRIL 20, 1938:
A decision about the compulsory learning of the Russian language in all schools was passed in Ukraine.
DECEMBER 20, 1938:
Work-record books were introduced in the Soviet Union. They are still valid in Ukraine.
JANUARY 6, 1939:
Valeriy Lobanovskiy, distinguished Soviet footballer and merited coach of the U.S.S.R., was born.
JUNE 4, 1939:
The Ukrainian Arts Committee invited a group of experts of the Moscow-based Tretyakov Gallery to restore 11th-century mural frescoes at the St. Michael chancel of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev.
OCTOBER 10, 1939:
The Moscow-based Library of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. supplied 100,000 books on various subjects to the Western Ukraine and Western Byelorussia by free gift.
OCTOBER 12, 1939:
The People’s Assembly of Western Ukraine issued declarations aimed to join the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.
The Nazi German occupation of Ukraine, including the capital of Kiev from 1941-1943, during the Great Patriotic War.
OCTOBER 26, 1941:
A municipal committee on a defense was formed in the port city of Sevastopol. The committee played an important role in the organization of the defense against German fascist invaders.
MAY 20, 1942:
The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. established, by its decree, the Order of the Patriotic War (First and Second Class). It was the first decoration awarded to heroic defenders of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War against German fascist invaders.
OCTOBER 17, 1943:
The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. conferred, by its decree, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on 306 generals, officers, sergeants and soldiers of the Red Army for the successful forcing of the Dnepr River during the Great Patriotic War against German fascist invaders.
NOVEMBER 6, 1943:
Troops of the First Ukrainian Front under command of General Nikolai Vatutin took Kiev by assault, liberating the capital city of Soviet Ukraine from German fascist invaders.
NOVEMBER 7, 1943:
The 3rd Guards tank army liberated the town of Fastov, Kiev region, from German fascist invaders during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).
OCTOBER 8, 1944:
Victorious Soviet forces took the village of Lavochnoe, Lvov region, thus driving last German fascist invaders from the Ukrainian territory.
Ukraine, together with 50 other states, becomes a U.N. Charter member.
JULY 6, 1952:
A monument to Pavel Nakhimov, gifted Russian naval commander, was founded in the port city of Sevastopol on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth. Today Sevastopol is the home of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet.
JANUARY 25, 1957:
The Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic established annual prizes for the best scientific works.
MAY 25, 1957:
The largest Soviet hotel Ukraina opened in Moscow.
NOVEMBER 6, 1957:
The Eternal Glory Park in honor of the Victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and the Soviet heroes, who defeated German fascism, with a well-proportioned obelisk at the grave of the Unknown Soldier opened in Kiev.
JULY 10, 1958:
Construction of the 80-kilometer gas pipeline Amvrosievka-Stalino (Donetsk)-Makeevka commenced in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. It was the branch of a main pipeline between the cities of Stavropol and Moscow.
JANUARY 23, 1959:
The world largest whale factory ship Soviet Ukraine was launched in the city of Nikolaev.
FEBRUARY 14, 1965:
The air route between the cities of Kirovograd and Moscow opened in the Soviet Union. A direct flight took three hours, using the airplane Antonov-24.
MAY 8, 1965:
Kiev, Moscow and the Byelorussian city of Brest were given the title of “Hero-City [of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945]”.
APRIL 29, 1966:
The Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine established, by its ordinance, the Institute of Strength Problems under the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.
OCTOBER 30, 1967:
The Soviet Union was the first in the world to perform the unmanned docking of the spacecraft Kosmos-186 and Kosmos-188.
JULY 9, 1970:
The literary-memorial museum of Russian writer Alexander Green opened in the Crimean resort town of Feodosiya. It must be noted that Green is the assumed name of Alexander Stepanovich Grinevsky (1880-1932).
JULY 2, 1976:
A monument to victims murdered by German fascist invaders in the ravine Babiy Yar during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) was inaugurated in Kiev. More than 100,000 peaceful residents of Kiev, prisoners of war, hostages, prisoners of Gestapo and the Syrets concentration camp were killed and buried in the ravine and trenches around it.
MARCH 28, 1979:
The hotel complex Yalta opened in the Massandra park of this Crimean seaport. The hotel was constructed by Soviet and Yugoslav builders for the All-Union joint-stock company Inturist.
JUNE 6, 1984:
The Finance Ministry of the State Bank of the U.S.S.R. put the one-ruble coin into circulation, which was dedicated to the 185th anniversary of the birth of Russia’s greatest poet Alexander Pushkin.
DECEMBER 21, 1988:
The world largest transport airplane Antonov-225 Mria took to the air for the first time. The Ukrainian-built airplane has a carrying capacity of 250 tons.
AUGUST 1991:
Visiting Kiev, then U.S. president George Bush lectured Ukrainian parliamentarians on the virtues of remaining in the U.S.S.R. and warned them not to be tempted by dangerous nationalism into the ridiculous project of trying to form their own state.
AUGUST 24, 1991:
The Supreme Council adopts the Act on the Declaration of State Independence of Ukraine. Today, however, most citizens of Ukraine are wishing for a reunion with Russia, Byelorussia and other former Soviet republics.
OCTOBER 24, 1991:
The Supreme Council proclaimed nuclear [weapon]-free status of Ukraine.
MAY 30, 1998:
The reconstructed bell tower of the St. Michael Golden Domed Cathedral was inaugurated and consecrated in Kiev. Since the 12th century, majestic domes of the Cathedral have inspired warriors to defend Kiev Rus from foreign invaders.
SEPTEMBER 26, 2000:
A Dnepr-1 rocket blasted off from the cosmodrome Baikonur in Kazakhstan and put five commercial satellites into orbit. It is important to note that Dnepr-1 was designed by the Ukrainian-Russian company Kosmotras.
MARCH 16, 2014:
More than 96% of the Crimea’s population voted in favor of secession from Ukraine and joining Russia. The referendum attracted 83% voter turnout. Importantly, opinion polls showed that 91% of citizens of Russia approved of the reunification of Crimea with their country.
An ancient legend has it that three brothers, namely Kiy, Schek and Khoriv along with their sister Lebed founded a settlement on the slopes of the Dnepr River and called it Kiev after the eldest brother. It did not take long for this settlement to become the political center for Eastern Slavic tribes.
The formation of Kiev Rus, powerful medieval state unifying Eastern Slavic nations in the expanse from the Baltics to the Black Sea, from the Volga to Tisza rivers.
JULY 28, 988:
Russian Grand Prince Vladimir adopts Christianity as the official religion of Kiev Rus. This act has a positive impact on the development of political and cultural relations with Byzantium and other European and Middle East countries. Kiev becomes one of the most famous centers of Christian civilization.
The formation of Zaporozhskaya Sech, sociopolitical and military-administrative organization of Cossacks. The Cossacks provided resistance to the invasions of the Turks, the Tatars and the domination of Polish nobility.
OCTOBER 23, 1545:
Cossacks took the Turkish fortress Achi-kali (Ochakov, Nikolaev region).
The Liberation War of the Ukrainian people led by Hetman Bogdan Khmelnitsky against Poland.
OCTOBER 6, 1648:
Troops under command of Bogdan Khmelnitsky laid siege to the city of Lvov.
AUGUST 16, 1649:
The Cossack army led by Bogdan Khmelnitsky won a battle against Polish troops near the town of Zborov, Ternopol region.
JANUARY 8, 1654:
Fighting against Polish oppression, Bogdan Khmelnitsky turns to Russian Tsar Alexei for help and enters into an alliance with Russia in the Ukrainian town of Pereyaslav; Ukraine, or Malorossia (Little Russia), becomes a protectorate of Russia. Kiev keeps its role as the economic and cultural center of Ukrainian lands. In the 18th century Kiev becomes an Orthodox symbol for the entire Russian Empire.
MARCH 16, 1686:
In Moscow Russian prince Vasiliy Galitzine and Polish envoys signed the Eternal Peace Treaty between the Tsardom of Russia and Poland. The treaty secured Russia’s possession of left-bank Ukraine plus the right-bank city of Kiev. The region of Zaporozhskaya Sech, Severian Lands, cities of Chernigov and Starodub were also ceded to Russia. The treaty was a major success for Russian diplomacy.
NOVEMBER 23, 1708:
The Russian Orthodox Church declared an anathema on Ukrainian hetman Ivan Mazepa who betrayed Czar Peter the Great.
DECEMBER 12, 1764:
Russian Empress Catherine the Great abolished hetmanate, rule by a hetman, in Ukraine, or Malorossia (Little Russia).
FEBRUARY 13, 1784:
In accordance with a decree issued by Russian Empress Catherine the Great, the Tavria oblast (region) was formed. The oblast included the Crimean peninsula, Taman and the modern Kherson region.
FEBRUARY 21, 1784:
In accordance with a decree issued by Russian Empress Catherine the Great, the fortress Akhtiar in the Crimea was renamed Sevastopol.
NOVEMBER 22, 1801:
Vladimir Dal, Russian scientist, writer, lexicographer and dialectologist, was born in the city of Lugansk. He is famous as the author of the unique Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language.
FEBRUARY 17, 1852:
Art collections at the Hermitage in St. Petersburg were opened to the public by Russian czar Nicholas I. The “Hermitage” pavilion adjoining the Winter Palace was built for Catherine II (the Great) as a private gallery for treasured collections. The museum is now housed in five interconnected buildings, including the Winter Palace and the Small, Old, and New Hermitages. Along with thousands of art objects from Central Asia, India, China, Egypt, the pre-Columbian Americas, Greece and Rome, the Hermitage houses outstanding collections of Western painting. Russian history is represented by archaeological material from prehistoric times onward.
APRIL 11, 1857:
Czar Alexander II approved the National Emblem of the Russian Empire, namely the double-headed eagle.
NOVEMBER 30, 1867:
The Vorontsov lighthouse was put into operation in Odessa. It became the first signal tower in the Russian Empire, which was equipped with electric lamps.
APRIL 17, 1877:
Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer and one of the world’s greatest novelists, finished writing the novel Anna Karenina. His great novel (1875-77) concerns the aristocratic woman, who deserts her husband for a lover, and the search for meaning by another autobiographical character Levin.
FEBRUARY 26, 1886:
For the first time in history of the Russian Empire mercury was produced at the cinnabar processing plant based in the city of Gorlovka, Donetsk region.
MAY 21, 1892:
For the first time in history of the Russian Empire an electric streetcar entered service in Kiev.
OCTOBER 25, 1897:
The first football match took place in the Russian Empire.
SEPTEMBER 12, 1898:
In accordance with a decree issued by Russian czar Nicholas II, the Polytechnic Institute opened in Kiev.
JANUARY 12, 1906:
The first number of the Russian-language newspaper Kievskaya Mysl was published in Kiev.
FEBRUARY 12, 1914:
The first bomber Ilya Muromets with 16 passengers took to the air for the first time. The airplane was designed by Kiev engineer Igor Sikorsky and manufactured by the Russian-Baltic railroad car building plant.
MARCH 14, 1914:
Russian pilot Peotr Nesterov made the first flight from Kiev to Odessa.
FEBRUARY 27, 1918:
In Kiev Central Draft Headquarters started full mobilization of the Red Army.
NOVEMBER 3, 1918:
A public assembly (veche) in the city of Chernovtsy passed a decision to make Northern Bukovina a part of the Soviet Ukraine.
NOVEMBER 14, 1918:
Vladimir Vernadsky was elected first president of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.
APRIL 6, 1919:
Soviet troops won back Odessa from Entente forces that included British and French invaders.
APRIL 9, 1921:
The country-house museum of Russian dramatist and short-story writer Anton Chekhov opened in the Crimean port city of Yalta.
DECEMBER 4, 1921:
More than 108,000 residents of lands along the Volga River migrated to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.
MARCH 21, 1922:
The Council of People’s Commissars of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic established, by its ordinance, 32 ore mining managements in the Donbas region. They came within jurisdiction of the State Coal Industry Administration.
The formation of the U.S.S.R. incorporating the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic as part of the Soviet Union.
DECEMBER 28, 1922:
The Workers-Inventors Society was set up in Odessa.
SEPTEMBER 25, 1923:
The Council of People’s Commissars of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic allocated 12 million rubles to the first state reserve Askania-Nova in the Kherson region.
OCTOBER 1, 1923:
A sea route between Odessa and Rostov-on-Don via the ports of Yevpatoria, Sevastopol, Feodosiya, Kerch, Berdyansk, Mariupol and Taganrog reopened in the Soviet Union.
FEBRUARY 28, 1924:
A new telephone line with Nizhniy Novgorod entered service in the city of Kharkov.
APRIL 30, 1925:
In Moscow the Soviet of Labor and Defense adopted a program for the construction of a bakery in Kiev. It had a capacity to produce 4,500 poods of baked goods per day. A pood is the old Russian unit of weight equal to 16.38 kilograms.
OCTOBER 15, 1926:
The Russian Drama Theater opened its first season in Kiev.
SEPTEMBER 18, 1929:
The Zaporozhye-based plant Kommunar manufactured the first Soviet combine harvester.
NOVEMBER 17, 1933:
The Academic Russian Drama Theater named after Alexander Pushkin was established in the city of Kharkov.
APRIL 20, 1938:
A decision about the compulsory learning of the Russian language in all schools was passed in Ukraine.
DECEMBER 20, 1938:
Work-record books were introduced in the Soviet Union. They are still valid in Ukraine.
JANUARY 6, 1939:
Valeriy Lobanovskiy, distinguished Soviet footballer and merited coach of the U.S.S.R., was born.
JUNE 4, 1939:
The Ukrainian Arts Committee invited a group of experts of the Moscow-based Tretyakov Gallery to restore 11th-century mural frescoes at the St. Michael chancel of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev.
OCTOBER 10, 1939:
The Moscow-based Library of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. supplied 100,000 books on various subjects to the Western Ukraine and Western Byelorussia by free gift.
OCTOBER 12, 1939:
The People’s Assembly of Western Ukraine issued declarations aimed to join the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.
The Nazi German occupation of Ukraine, including the capital of Kiev from 1941-1943, during the Great Patriotic War.
OCTOBER 26, 1941:
A municipal committee on a defense was formed in the port city of Sevastopol. The committee played an important role in the organization of the defense against German fascist invaders.
MAY 20, 1942:
The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. established, by its decree, the Order of the Patriotic War (First and Second Class). It was the first decoration awarded to heroic defenders of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War against German fascist invaders.
OCTOBER 17, 1943:
The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. conferred, by its decree, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on 306 generals, officers, sergeants and soldiers of the Red Army for the successful forcing of the Dnepr River during the Great Patriotic War against German fascist invaders.
NOVEMBER 6, 1943:
Troops of the First Ukrainian Front under command of General Nikolai Vatutin took Kiev by assault, liberating the capital city of Soviet Ukraine from German fascist invaders.
NOVEMBER 7, 1943:
The 3rd Guards tank army liberated the town of Fastov, Kiev region, from German fascist invaders during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).
OCTOBER 8, 1944:
Victorious Soviet forces took the village of Lavochnoe, Lvov region, thus driving last German fascist invaders from the Ukrainian territory.
Ukraine, together with 50 other states, becomes a U.N. Charter member.
JULY 6, 1952:
A monument to Pavel Nakhimov, gifted Russian naval commander, was founded in the port city of Sevastopol on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth. Today Sevastopol is the home of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet.
JANUARY 25, 1957:
The Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic established annual prizes for the best scientific works.
MAY 25, 1957:
The largest Soviet hotel Ukraina opened in Moscow.
NOVEMBER 6, 1957:
The Eternal Glory Park in honor of the Victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and the Soviet heroes, who defeated German fascism, with a well-proportioned obelisk at the grave of the Unknown Soldier opened in Kiev.
JULY 10, 1958:
Construction of the 80-kilometer gas pipeline Amvrosievka-Stalino (Donetsk)-Makeevka commenced in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. It was the branch of a main pipeline between the cities of Stavropol and Moscow.
JANUARY 23, 1959:
The world largest whale factory ship Soviet Ukraine was launched in the city of Nikolaev.
FEBRUARY 14, 1965:
The air route between the cities of Kirovograd and Moscow opened in the Soviet Union. A direct flight took three hours, using the airplane Antonov-24.
MAY 8, 1965:
Kiev, Moscow and the Byelorussian city of Brest were given the title of “Hero-City [of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945]”.
APRIL 29, 1966:
The Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine established, by its ordinance, the Institute of Strength Problems under the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.
OCTOBER 30, 1967:
The Soviet Union was the first in the world to perform the unmanned docking of the spacecraft Kosmos-186 and Kosmos-188.
JULY 9, 1970:
The literary-memorial museum of Russian writer Alexander Green opened in the Crimean resort town of Feodosiya. It must be noted that Green is the assumed name of Alexander Stepanovich Grinevsky (1880-1932).
JULY 2, 1976:
A monument to victims murdered by German fascist invaders in the ravine Babiy Yar during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) was inaugurated in Kiev. More than 100,000 peaceful residents of Kiev, prisoners of war, hostages, prisoners of Gestapo and the Syrets concentration camp were killed and buried in the ravine and trenches around it.
MARCH 28, 1979:
The hotel complex Yalta opened in the Massandra park of this Crimean seaport. The hotel was constructed by Soviet and Yugoslav builders for the All-Union joint-stock company Inturist.
JUNE 6, 1984:
The Finance Ministry of the State Bank of the U.S.S.R. put the one-ruble coin into circulation, which was dedicated to the 185th anniversary of the birth of Russia’s greatest poet Alexander Pushkin.
DECEMBER 21, 1988:
The world largest transport airplane Antonov-225 Mria took to the air for the first time. The Ukrainian-built airplane has a carrying capacity of 250 tons.
AUGUST 1991:
Visiting Kiev, then U.S. president George Bush lectured Ukrainian parliamentarians on the virtues of remaining in the U.S.S.R. and warned them not to be tempted by dangerous nationalism into the ridiculous project of trying to form their own state.
AUGUST 24, 1991:
The Supreme Council adopts the Act on the Declaration of State Independence of Ukraine. Today, however, most citizens of Ukraine are wishing for a reunion with Russia, Byelorussia and other former Soviet republics.
OCTOBER 24, 1991:
The Supreme Council proclaimed nuclear [weapon]-free status of Ukraine.
MAY 30, 1998:
The reconstructed bell tower of the St. Michael Golden Domed Cathedral was inaugurated and consecrated in Kiev. Since the 12th century, majestic domes of the Cathedral have inspired warriors to defend Kiev Rus from foreign invaders.
SEPTEMBER 26, 2000:
A Dnepr-1 rocket blasted off from the cosmodrome Baikonur in Kazakhstan and put five commercial satellites into orbit. It is important to note that Dnepr-1 was designed by the Ukrainian-Russian company Kosmotras.
MARCH 16, 2014:
More than 96% of the Crimea’s population voted in favor of secession from Ukraine and joining Russia. The referendum attracted 83% voter turnout. Importantly, opinion polls showed that 91% of citizens of Russia approved of the reunification of Crimea with their country.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Transitional period of entry of Crimea into Russia completed, says Medvedev
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev (pictured) has visited Crimea of late to conduct a conference on small business development. He stated that the transitional period of the entry of Crimea into Russia had reached completion.
“Overall, a basis for functioning of the Crimean economy in accordance with Russian laws has been formed,” Mr. Medvedev said. “This doesn’t mean that we won’t make pinpoint changes because full-value interlocking requires a longer period of time in terms of life and business development in the peninsula.”
Previously, the government of Russia permitted the Crimean fleet to fish for Black Sea anchovies, or khamsa, near the Republic of Abkhazia. In particular, Moscow and Sukhumi have agreed that the Crimean fishing fleet may bring in 15% of a total potential catch of khamsa. The agreement will allow the Crimean fishing fleet to participate in the winter season for khamsa near Abkhazia next year.
“Overall, a basis for functioning of the Crimean economy in accordance with Russian laws has been formed,” Mr. Medvedev said. “This doesn’t mean that we won’t make pinpoint changes because full-value interlocking requires a longer period of time in terms of life and business development in the peninsula.”
Previously, the government of Russia permitted the Crimean fleet to fish for Black Sea anchovies, or khamsa, near the Republic of Abkhazia. In particular, Moscow and Sukhumi have agreed that the Crimean fishing fleet may bring in 15% of a total potential catch of khamsa. The agreement will allow the Crimean fishing fleet to participate in the winter season for khamsa near Abkhazia next year.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
JICA allocates $870 million for Bortnichi station as kamikaze finance story continues in Japan
By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
The so-called government of Ukraine and the Japanese international cooperation agency JICA have signed a credit agreement worth 108.193 billion yen ($870 million) on June 15. The funds will be used to modernize the Bortnichi aeration station on the outskirts of Kiev by means of Japanese techniques and equipment.
The above agreement is a part of financial assistance in the total amount of $1.5 billion, which Japan renders to Ukraine.
According to observers, today Japan limps along after 25 years of stimulation with the economy that is not a yen larger than it was two decades ago. Its government debt/GDP ratio is estimated at a crushing 235%. Government deficits are still running at 8% of GDP.
Japan’s debts have grown so large that 43% of tax receipts are required just to service past debts, to say nothing of the amounts needed for current and future deficits. Try living on 57% of what you earn (the rest goes to pay your creditors), while still spending more than your income. Experts think Japan’s public finances are doomed.
The Ukrainian Times
The so-called government of Ukraine and the Japanese international cooperation agency JICA have signed a credit agreement worth 108.193 billion yen ($870 million) on June 15. The funds will be used to modernize the Bortnichi aeration station on the outskirts of Kiev by means of Japanese techniques and equipment.
The above agreement is a part of financial assistance in the total amount of $1.5 billion, which Japan renders to Ukraine.
According to observers, today Japan limps along after 25 years of stimulation with the economy that is not a yen larger than it was two decades ago. Its government debt/GDP ratio is estimated at a crushing 235%. Government deficits are still running at 8% of GDP.
Japan’s debts have grown so large that 43% of tax receipts are required just to service past debts, to say nothing of the amounts needed for current and future deficits. Try living on 57% of what you earn (the rest goes to pay your creditors), while still spending more than your income. Experts think Japan’s public finances are doomed.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Janitors, drivers are in great demand in Moscow
The officially registered unemployed number more than 35,000 in Moscow. There are over 106,000 vacancies in a municipal data bank.
Janitors, odd-jobbers and drivers are in great demand in the Russian capital city. Their monthly wages range between 16,000 and 33,000 rubles.
Janitors, odd-jobbers and drivers are in great demand in the Russian capital city. Their monthly wages range between 16,000 and 33,000 rubles.
Monday, June 15, 2015
In Kiev, boycott of Russian goods backfires
Boycotting Russian goods has met with a complete failure in Kiev. Disposable nappies, instant coffee and chocolate made in Russia, among other things, are selling well at local supermarkets.
In particular, Lesnoi Balzam toothpaste, Chistaya Liniya deodorants, Mayskiy tea, Bely Medved and Baltika beer go like hot cakes in the mother of Russian cities.
According to many observers, Kiev consumers have much more confidence in Russian products than comparable goods made in Poland and Romania. Experts in retail marketing think the Ukrofascists’ promotional stunt “Don’t buy Russian [goods]” backfired.
In particular, Lesnoi Balzam toothpaste, Chistaya Liniya deodorants, Mayskiy tea, Bely Medved and Baltika beer go like hot cakes in the mother of Russian cities.
According to many observers, Kiev consumers have much more confidence in Russian products than comparable goods made in Poland and Romania. Experts in retail marketing think the Ukrofascists’ promotional stunt “Don’t buy Russian [goods]” backfired.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Nicaragua shares Russia’s opinion about world politics
By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
According to the Ambassador of Nicaragua to Russia, Sevastopol is a tourist city with a great number of travelers. He also told municipal authorities of the Crimean seaport that Nicaragua shares Russia’s opinion about world politics.
The diplomat stated that Managua was the first to recognize the sovereignty of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, as well as to support Moscow in the United Nations in terms of the reunification of Crimea with Russia.
It is worth recalling that more than 96% of the Crimea’s population voted in favor of secession from Ukraine and joining Russia. The referendum attracted 83% voter turnout on March 16, 2014. Importantly, opinion polls showed that 91% of citizens of Russia approved of the reunification of Crimea with their country.
Also, readers of The Ukrainian Times know that in August 2008 Georgian war criminal Mikhail Saakashvili or Misha the Tie-Chewer, as the joke has it, had resorted to overt armed aggression against South Ossetia that neighbors on Abkhazia. Happily, Russia defeated Georgia competently and brilliantly, notwithstanding the Saakashvili regime had U.S. support, aid and 130 military advisers, among others, and was widely seen as being under American protection. As many analysts rightly pointed out, the Kremlin taught the American evil empire and the pro-fascist regime of Saakashvili a good lesson and kicked out Georgian invaders. Today South Ossetia and Abkhazia are independent republics, thanks to Russia.
The Ukrainian Times
According to the Ambassador of Nicaragua to Russia, Sevastopol is a tourist city with a great number of travelers. He also told municipal authorities of the Crimean seaport that Nicaragua shares Russia’s opinion about world politics.
The diplomat stated that Managua was the first to recognize the sovereignty of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, as well as to support Moscow in the United Nations in terms of the reunification of Crimea with Russia.
It is worth recalling that more than 96% of the Crimea’s population voted in favor of secession from Ukraine and joining Russia. The referendum attracted 83% voter turnout on March 16, 2014. Importantly, opinion polls showed that 91% of citizens of Russia approved of the reunification of Crimea with their country.
Also, readers of The Ukrainian Times know that in August 2008 Georgian war criminal Mikhail Saakashvili or Misha the Tie-Chewer, as the joke has it, had resorted to overt armed aggression against South Ossetia that neighbors on Abkhazia. Happily, Russia defeated Georgia competently and brilliantly, notwithstanding the Saakashvili regime had U.S. support, aid and 130 military advisers, among others, and was widely seen as being under American protection. As many analysts rightly pointed out, the Kremlin taught the American evil empire and the pro-fascist regime of Saakashvili a good lesson and kicked out Georgian invaders. Today South Ossetia and Abkhazia are independent republics, thanks to Russia.
Friday, June 12, 2015
Khmelnitskiy oblast conducts brisk trade with Russia
By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
The greater part of goods worth 367 million grivnas has been exported from the Khmelnitskiy region to Russia since the start of this year. In particular, transformers, rolled products made from carbon steel and sanitary ware appeal to the Russian market.
If you believe the official data (which admittedly are imprecise at best), export from the Khmelnitskiy oblast to the Russian Federation fell by 100 million grn, compared with last year. Overall, a foreign trade turnover of this region has exceeded 2.7 billion grn, more than a third of the last year’s figure.
The Ukrainian Times
The greater part of goods worth 367 million grivnas has been exported from the Khmelnitskiy region to Russia since the start of this year. In particular, transformers, rolled products made from carbon steel and sanitary ware appeal to the Russian market.
If you believe the official data (which admittedly are imprecise at best), export from the Khmelnitskiy oblast to the Russian Federation fell by 100 million grn, compared with last year. Overall, a foreign trade turnover of this region has exceeded 2.7 billion grn, more than a third of the last year’s figure.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
В Николаеве в Центральной городской библиотеке была представлена книга из серии «Истории для истории». Авторы книги отец и сын Горбуровы включили
в неё очерки об исторических событиях XX столетия на юге Украины. В частности, в книге представлены малоизвестные и совсем неизвестные факты и события, которые произошли во время Первой мировой войны и Великой Отечественной войны.
Герой одной из публикаций николаевец Степан Беляев служил капитаном на корабле «Декабрист». Во время Великой Отечественной войны 1941-1945 годов
он доставил первый груз в Мурманск по договору ленд-лиза. Вызывает интерес история ещё одного героя – николаевца Владимира Апанасевича,
который был выпускником первого набора Соловецкой школы юнг 1943 года, куда набирали физически здоровых и грамотных детей со всего Советского Союза.
Герои других очерков – это корабелы, педагоги, строители, лётчики и моряки – все, кто внёс весомый вклад в экономическое, культурное и духовное развитие Николаева.
в неё очерки об исторических событиях XX столетия на юге Украины. В частности, в книге представлены малоизвестные и совсем неизвестные факты и события, которые произошли во время Первой мировой войны и Великой Отечественной войны.
Герой одной из публикаций николаевец Степан Беляев служил капитаном на корабле «Декабрист». Во время Великой Отечественной войны 1941-1945 годов
он доставил первый груз в Мурманск по договору ленд-лиза. Вызывает интерес история ещё одного героя – николаевца Владимира Апанасевича,
который был выпускником первого набора Соловецкой школы юнг 1943 года, куда набирали физически здоровых и грамотных детей со всего Советского Союза.
Герои других очерков – это корабелы, педагоги, строители, лётчики и моряки – все, кто внёс весомый вклад в экономическое, культурное и духовное развитие Николаева.
Technique developed by Ukrainian scientists extends knowledge of properties of surrounding world
It is believed that in the main, the man perceives the surrounding world by means of visual recording of radiation, which has traveled through objects about him or reflected from them. However, the partial polarization of radiation that always takes place, keeps a secret inaccessible to the eye of the man.
Inability of the eye to discriminate a state of the polarization of a light limits full-value perception of the real world. Thanks to special physical devices, the man can observe a state of the polarization of a light and use it for his purposes.
The one, who is capable of recording the polarized light, sees the surrounding world in a new quality. Objects look different in that world and materials assume unheard-of properties. For instance, transparent bodies become opaque in the polarized light and vice versa.
Researchers of the Institute of Semiconductor Physics under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine developed the physical devices that enable recording of the polarized part of radiation. The technique of polarized modulation of electromagnetic radiation has been developed on the basis of these devices. It helps uncover the secrets of properties of a substance, which are kept in the parameters of radiation.
This sets a new trend in experimental science, namely the polarimetry of a high information capacity. And there appears a possibility of observing the unheard-of properties of many substances in all states of aggregation, as well as using these properties for practical purposes.
Today the Institute has devices operating on the basis of the new technique. Some of them have already been introduced into production, and some are going through a phase-in.
In particular, a laser tensometer is designed to determine the values of internal tension of nontransparent bodies in space and time. This instrument surpasses comparable X-ray devices in safety and efficiency.
Using the properties of plasmon resonance, a modulation polarimeter has a recording capacity up to world standards. It is designed for research on biological reactions in medicine.
A line of biosensors is seen as the top of polarimetric instrument-making. Perfection of the latest version of the Plasmon-8 biosensor ensures a demand for it not only in Ukraine but also abroad. Testing of the biosensors at medical and biological institutes to diagnose a glioma of the brain and the danger of thrombosis as well as to monitor a treatment of the blood circulation system and to gauge the efficacy of the drugs, which are being developed, opens up entirely new horizons in medicine.
Scientific and practical importance of the results produced by Ukrainian scientists has allowed the Institute of Semiconductor Physics to submit a cycle of works of a creative group of researchers led by Dr. Boris Serdega for the 2015 Ukraine’s State Prize in the Fields of Science and Technology. The cycle of their works is entitled “Polarimetry of High Information Capacity and Products Based on It”.
Inability of the eye to discriminate a state of the polarization of a light limits full-value perception of the real world. Thanks to special physical devices, the man can observe a state of the polarization of a light and use it for his purposes.
The one, who is capable of recording the polarized light, sees the surrounding world in a new quality. Objects look different in that world and materials assume unheard-of properties. For instance, transparent bodies become opaque in the polarized light and vice versa.
Researchers of the Institute of Semiconductor Physics under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine developed the physical devices that enable recording of the polarized part of radiation. The technique of polarized modulation of electromagnetic radiation has been developed on the basis of these devices. It helps uncover the secrets of properties of a substance, which are kept in the parameters of radiation.
This sets a new trend in experimental science, namely the polarimetry of a high information capacity. And there appears a possibility of observing the unheard-of properties of many substances in all states of aggregation, as well as using these properties for practical purposes.
Today the Institute has devices operating on the basis of the new technique. Some of them have already been introduced into production, and some are going through a phase-in.
In particular, a laser tensometer is designed to determine the values of internal tension of nontransparent bodies in space and time. This instrument surpasses comparable X-ray devices in safety and efficiency.
Using the properties of plasmon resonance, a modulation polarimeter has a recording capacity up to world standards. It is designed for research on biological reactions in medicine.
A line of biosensors is seen as the top of polarimetric instrument-making. Perfection of the latest version of the Plasmon-8 biosensor ensures a demand for it not only in Ukraine but also abroad. Testing of the biosensors at medical and biological institutes to diagnose a glioma of the brain and the danger of thrombosis as well as to monitor a treatment of the blood circulation system and to gauge the efficacy of the drugs, which are being developed, opens up entirely new horizons in medicine.
Scientific and practical importance of the results produced by Ukrainian scientists has allowed the Institute of Semiconductor Physics to submit a cycle of works of a creative group of researchers led by Dr. Boris Serdega for the 2015 Ukraine’s State Prize in the Fields of Science and Technology. The cycle of their works is entitled “Polarimetry of High Information Capacity and Products Based on It”.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Учёные Института физики полупроводников Национальной академии наук Украины разработали физические устройства, позволяющие регистрировать только поляризованную часть излучения. На их основе создана технология поляризационной модуляции электромагнитного излучения, которая позволяет раскрывать секреты свойств вещества, содержащихся в параметрах электромагнитного излучения. Это открывает новое направление в экспериментальной науке – поляриметрия высокой информативной способности. Появляется возможность увидеть неизвестные ранее свойства множества веществ во всех агрегатных состояниях и использовать эти свойства на практике.
Уже сегодня в институте имеются приборы, функционирующие на основе новой технологии, которые внедрены в производство или находятся на стадии внедрения. В частности, лазерный тензометр, предназначенный для определения в пространстве и во времени величины внутренних напряжений в непрозрачных твёрдых телах. По безопасности и оперативности он намного превосходит используемые для этого рентгеновские установки. Модуляционный биополяриметр, использующий свойства плазмоного резонанса, обладает регистрационной способностью на уровне мировых разработок. Он предназначен для исследования биологических реакций в медицине.
Вершиной поляриметрического приборостроения является серия биосенсоров, в которой совершенство последнего варианта типа «Плазмон-8» обеспечивает ему спрос не только в Украине, но и за рубежом. Испытания биосенсоров, проведённые в медико-биологических институтах при диагностике рака головного мозга, угрозы тромбообразования и мониторинга лечения системы кровообращения, а также при оценке эффективности разрабатываемых лекарств, открывают абсолютно новые перспективы в медицине.
Научная и практическая значимость результатов, полученных украинскими учёными, позволила Институту физики полупроводников выдвинуть цикл работ
творческого коллектива под руководством доктора физико-математических наук, профессора Б.К. Сердеги (на снимке) «Поляриметрия высокой информативной способности и продукты на её основе» на соискание Государственной премии Украины в области науки и техники за 2015 год.
Economic indicators: output
The latest numbers from the State Committee for Statistics of Ukraine show that mining industries decreased output by 26.7% in January-April, compared with the same period last year.
The enterprises that produce food, tobacco and drinks decreased output by 11.6%.
Woodworking enterprises, pulp and paper, printing industries and publishing houses decreased output by 12.3%.
Chemical industries decreased output by 22.8% in January-April from the year-earlier period.
Metallurgical plants and metalworking industry enterprises decreased output by 25.9%.
Overall, the whole economy in this country is already twisted up as a pretzel, thanks to the Ukrainian neo-Nazi junta.
The enterprises that produce food, tobacco and drinks decreased output by 11.6%.
Woodworking enterprises, pulp and paper, printing industries and publishing houses decreased output by 12.3%.
Chemical industries decreased output by 22.8% in January-April from the year-earlier period.
Metallurgical plants and metalworking industry enterprises decreased output by 25.9%.
Overall, the whole economy in this country is already twisted up as a pretzel, thanks to the Ukrainian neo-Nazi junta.
Monday, June 8, 2015
Информационное агентство The Ukrainian Times («Юкрейниан Таймс») предоставляет услуги по редактированию на английском языке статей учёных
для зарубежных специализированных изданий (peer-reviewed journals) и размещает их тезисы на своих интернет ресурсах (имеется опыт работы
с учёными Института физики полупроводников, Киевского политехнического института и Института нейрохирургии). Возможно также оказание помощи
в подготовке к презентации докладов на английском языке.
Согласно данным о посещаемости сайтов, предоставленным статистами портала, информацию The Ukrainian Times читают в 58 странах.
Обращаться к Сытиной Светлане Владимировне, директору агентства, по тел.: 418-84-23, мобильный: 097-207-31-22, email:
для зарубежных специализированных изданий (peer-reviewed journals) и размещает их тезисы на своих интернет ресурсах (имеется опыт работы
с учёными Института физики полупроводников, Киевского политехнического института и Института нейрохирургии). Возможно также оказание помощи
в подготовке к презентации докладов на английском языке.
Согласно данным о посещаемости сайтов, предоставленным статистами портала, информацию The Ukrainian Times читают в 58 странах.
Обращаться к Сытиной Светлане Владимировне, директору агентства, по тел.: 418-84-23, мобильный: 097-207-31-22, email:
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Kazakhstan, Russia disseminate idea of Eurasian integration
Today more than 10,500 Russian firms and representative offices operate in Kazakhstan. Together with Russia, Kazakhstan explores space and disseminates the idea of Eurasian integration, among other things.
Kazakhstan cooperates with China in laying oil and gas pipelines, as well as building a modern highway from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean. Together with the Turkmen and Iranians, the Kazakhs have completed a railroad running along the Caspian coast.
It is important to note that Kazakhstan is one of the world’s top ten producers of grain. Over the last four years export of finished products from the republic has increased twofold. Volume of foreign investments in Kazakhstan amounted to $126 billion that is the highest indicator within the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Kazakhstan cooperates with China in laying oil and gas pipelines, as well as building a modern highway from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean. Together with the Turkmen and Iranians, the Kazakhs have completed a railroad running along the Caspian coast.
It is important to note that Kazakhstan is one of the world’s top ten producers of grain. Over the last four years export of finished products from the republic has increased twofold. Volume of foreign investments in Kazakhstan amounted to $126 billion that is the highest indicator within the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Friday, June 5, 2015
Former president of Georgia downgraded to governor of Odessa oblast
By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
The so-called president of Ukraine, Peotr Poroshenko, has appointed Georgian war criminal and former president Mikhail Saakashvili chairman of the Odessa regional administration. According to Poroshenko, Saakashvili can change the entire country. Oh, really?
Readers of The Ukrainian Times know that the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Georgia brought accusations of engineering of attacks on political opponents in 2005 against Saakashvili. Previously, a prosecutor-general initiated proceedings against Saakashvili or Misha the Tie-Chewer, as the joke has it, charging him with exceeding of his authority, the brutal suppression of anti-government protests in Tbilisi in November 2007 and seizure of the TV channel Imedi. The Tbilisi city court passed a decision about a Saakashvili’s arrest in his absence.
Not surprisingly, the meddlesome United States and European Union expressed concern that the accusations against their bootlick might be politically motivated. Huh?
In this context it is important to note that the decadent U.S. has locked up more people than any other country: a half million more than China,
which has a population five times greater than the American evil empire. Statistics reveal that the U.S. holds 25% of the world’s prison population. According to former senator Jim Webb, the U.S. has the incarceration rate that is five times as high as the average incarceration rate of the rest of the world. The U.S. Progressive Labor Party accuses the American prison industry of being the imitation of Nazi Germany with respect to forced slave labor and concentration camps.
And last but not least, it is worth recalling that in August 2008 Saakashvili resorted to overt armed aggression against South Ossetia that neighbors on Abkhazia. Happily, Russia defeated Georgia competently and brilliantly, notwithstanding the Saakashvili regime had U.S. support, aid and 130 military advisers, among others, and was widely seen as being under American protection. As many analysts rightly pointed out, the Kremlin taught the American evil empire and the pro-fascist regime of Saakashvili a good lesson and kicked out Georgian invaders.
In fact, challenging the new Russia can have grave consequences. Today South Ossetia and Abkhazia are independent republics, thanks to Russia.
The Ukrainian Times
The so-called president of Ukraine, Peotr Poroshenko, has appointed Georgian war criminal and former president Mikhail Saakashvili chairman of the Odessa regional administration. According to Poroshenko, Saakashvili can change the entire country. Oh, really?
Readers of The Ukrainian Times know that the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Georgia brought accusations of engineering of attacks on political opponents in 2005 against Saakashvili. Previously, a prosecutor-general initiated proceedings against Saakashvili or Misha the Tie-Chewer, as the joke has it, charging him with exceeding of his authority, the brutal suppression of anti-government protests in Tbilisi in November 2007 and seizure of the TV channel Imedi. The Tbilisi city court passed a decision about a Saakashvili’s arrest in his absence.
Not surprisingly, the meddlesome United States and European Union expressed concern that the accusations against their bootlick might be politically motivated. Huh?
In this context it is important to note that the decadent U.S. has locked up more people than any other country: a half million more than China,
which has a population five times greater than the American evil empire. Statistics reveal that the U.S. holds 25% of the world’s prison population. According to former senator Jim Webb, the U.S. has the incarceration rate that is five times as high as the average incarceration rate of the rest of the world. The U.S. Progressive Labor Party accuses the American prison industry of being the imitation of Nazi Germany with respect to forced slave labor and concentration camps.
And last but not least, it is worth recalling that in August 2008 Saakashvili resorted to overt armed aggression against South Ossetia that neighbors on Abkhazia. Happily, Russia defeated Georgia competently and brilliantly, notwithstanding the Saakashvili regime had U.S. support, aid and 130 military advisers, among others, and was widely seen as being under American protection. As many analysts rightly pointed out, the Kremlin taught the American evil empire and the pro-fascist regime of Saakashvili a good lesson and kicked out Georgian invaders.
In fact, challenging the new Russia can have grave consequences. Today South Ossetia and Abkhazia are independent republics, thanks to Russia.
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Ukrainians earn lowest wages in Europe as unemployment goes thru the roof
An average monthly wage earned by Ukrainians last year was lowest in Europe. In December 2014 it amounted to only 150 euros.
This year a monthly wage averages EUR234 in Kiev. At the same time, prices of bread have risen by 30% in the mother of Russian cities. An average workers’ and employees’ income works out to about EUR100 per month in the Chernovtsy and Ternopol regions.
According to parliamentary opposition leader Yuri Boiko, impoverishment of the population and social plundering of pensioners continue in this country while unemployment is going thru the roof. A fall in Ukraine’s GDP accounted for 15% in the first quarter, inflation made up 38% and prices of utilities increased sevenfold.
This year a monthly wage averages EUR234 in Kiev. At the same time, prices of bread have risen by 30% in the mother of Russian cities. An average workers’ and employees’ income works out to about EUR100 per month in the Chernovtsy and Ternopol regions.
According to parliamentary opposition leader Yuri Boiko, impoverishment of the population and social plundering of pensioners continue in this country while unemployment is going thru the roof. A fall in Ukraine’s GDP accounted for 15% in the first quarter, inflation made up 38% and prices of utilities increased sevenfold.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Knowledge of Russian facilitates job placement
By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
Migrants from the countries, which made Russian the second official language, will not take a comprehensive examination to get a job in Russia. This amendment is provided for in a bill drafted by the Federal Migration Service.
The countries, where Russian has status of the second national language, include Byelorussia, Kirghizia, South Ossetia and Transdniestria.
Incidentally, data from the Kiev-based International Institute of Sociology show that 71% of citizens of Ukraine think Russian should have status of the second national language in this country. In everyday life Ukrainians are mainly speaking Russian or the so-called “surzhik” (Russian words and phrases adopted into the Ukrainian dialect).
For instance, stroll about one of the Kiev parks filled with picnickers on weekends and holidays and you could hear Russian speech everywhere.
According to Western observers, after 1991 Ukrainian leaders made the profound mistake of imposing Ukrainian ethnicity upon a large Russian population. This was in stark contrast to Byelorussia and Kazakhstan, where the government made Russian the second official language.
They believe the West should encourage Kiev to establish a federation, ideally, or at least a confederation. Citizens of Ukraine would benefit from living in a federated or confederated state. In the south and east portions of Ukraine (also known as Novorossia) the arrangement could provide a home base for Russian self-expression, which is currently stifled by the Ukrainian neo-Nazi junta.
The Ukrainian Times
Migrants from the countries, which made Russian the second official language, will not take a comprehensive examination to get a job in Russia. This amendment is provided for in a bill drafted by the Federal Migration Service.
The countries, where Russian has status of the second national language, include Byelorussia, Kirghizia, South Ossetia and Transdniestria.
Incidentally, data from the Kiev-based International Institute of Sociology show that 71% of citizens of Ukraine think Russian should have status of the second national language in this country. In everyday life Ukrainians are mainly speaking Russian or the so-called “surzhik” (Russian words and phrases adopted into the Ukrainian dialect).
For instance, stroll about one of the Kiev parks filled with picnickers on weekends and holidays and you could hear Russian speech everywhere.
According to Western observers, after 1991 Ukrainian leaders made the profound mistake of imposing Ukrainian ethnicity upon a large Russian population. This was in stark contrast to Byelorussia and Kazakhstan, where the government made Russian the second official language.
They believe the West should encourage Kiev to establish a federation, ideally, or at least a confederation. Citizens of Ukraine would benefit from living in a federated or confederated state. In the south and east portions of Ukraine (also known as Novorossia) the arrangement could provide a home base for Russian self-expression, which is currently stifled by the Ukrainian neo-Nazi junta.
Poroshenko can’t sell his business because of civil war in Donbas, lack of bidders
By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
The so-called president of Ukraine, Peotr Poroshenko, cannot sell his business because of a civil war in the Donbas region and lack of bidders, so he alleges.
Last year the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe required Poroshenko to sell the television channel 5 Kanal that belongs to the Ukrainian oligarch. OSCE officials are indignant at his unwillingness to part with the media business.
In addition to 5 Kanal and the chocolate group Roshen, Poroshenko owns the Kiev-based shipyard Leninskaya Kuznitsa, bus and automobile factories. According to analysts, Roshen is estimated at $2 billion and it could be sold for $1.2 billion or so.
In 2014 Forbes ranked Poroshenko sixth with assets worth $1.3 billion among Ukrainian tycoons.
The Ukrainian Times
The so-called president of Ukraine, Peotr Poroshenko, cannot sell his business because of a civil war in the Donbas region and lack of bidders, so he alleges.
Last year the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe required Poroshenko to sell the television channel 5 Kanal that belongs to the Ukrainian oligarch. OSCE officials are indignant at his unwillingness to part with the media business.
In addition to 5 Kanal and the chocolate group Roshen, Poroshenko owns the Kiev-based shipyard Leninskaya Kuznitsa, bus and automobile factories. According to analysts, Roshen is estimated at $2 billion and it could be sold for $1.2 billion or so.
In 2014 Forbes ranked Poroshenko sixth with assets worth $1.3 billion among Ukrainian tycoons.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
В Коктебеле с 25 по 31 мая проходили XVIII Волошинские чтения, посвящённые 40-летию основания Дома-музея Максимилиана Волошина и Году литературы в России. Недавно вышел в свет 12-ый том собрания сочинений М. Волошина, в который вошли его письма родным и друзьям за 1918-1924 годы – самые трагические в истории Крыма. Русский полуостров оказался тогда в эпицентре не только Гражданской войны, но и глобального противостояния.
Максимилиан Волошин был единственным литератором в Крыму, открыто выступающим против братоубийства. Для этого он использовал всё своё обаяние и природный дар убеждения.
В письме к Я.А. Глотову в октябре 1919 года Волошин писал, что, относясь ко всем партиям с глубоким снисхождением, как к отдельным видам коллективного безумия, ни к одной из них он не питает враждебности. Человек для Максимилиана Волошина был важнее его убеждений, и поэтому единственной формой активной деятельности, которую литератор себе позволял – это мешать людям расстреливать друг друга.
Максимилиан Волошин был единственным литератором в Крыму, открыто выступающим против братоубийства. Для этого он использовал всё своё обаяние и природный дар убеждения.
В письме к Я.А. Глотову в октябре 1919 года Волошин писал, что, относясь ко всем партиям с глубоким снисхождением, как к отдельным видам коллективного безумия, ни к одной из них он не питает враждебности. Человек для Максимилиана Волошина был важнее его убеждений, и поэтому единственной формой активной деятельности, которую литератор себе позволял – это мешать людям расстреливать друг друга.
Monday, June 1, 2015
Недавно в Сумском областном академическом театре драмы и музыкальной комедии имени известного русского актёра Щепкина состоялась премьера балета-сказки «Необычные приключения доктора Айболита и его друзей». Для Сум это новый духовный продукт.
Последнее театральное представление было ещё четверть столетия назад, когда в труппу театра входило 20 артистов, а сегодня только девять. Однако, по мнению директора театра заслуженного деятеля искусств Николая Юдина, главное не количество, а профессионализм.
Полуторачасовое действие для юных зрителей предстаёт захватывающим, красочным и поучительным. «Звери! Не ешьте друг друга», - гласит надпись на больнице доктора Айболита.
Последнее театральное представление было ещё четверть столетия назад, когда в труппу театра входило 20 артистов, а сегодня только девять. Однако, по мнению директора театра заслуженного деятеля искусств Николая Юдина, главное не количество, а профессионализм.
Полуторачасовое действие для юных зрителей предстаёт захватывающим, красочным и поучительным. «Звери! Не ешьте друг друга», - гласит надпись на больнице доктора Айболита.
Sevastopol to develop as southern home for residents of Russia
The concept of a master plan for development of the city of Sevastopol, which has been framed by the regional planning institute Urbanika, provides for the conversion of the Crimean seaport into the third capital of Russia. Anton Finogenov, head of the institute, thinks small business should be the driving force of city’s development in the first instance. The very important aspect of the concept is that Sevastopol will develop as southern home to residents of the Russian Federation.
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