By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
According to recent opinion polls, Russians give President Vladimir Putin the record approving rating of 88%, compared with 85.9% a year ago. In addition, 88% of citizens of the Russian Federation say they do not want to emigrate from the country.
The unemployment rate accounts for about 5.3% in Russia today, compared with 7.8% at the start of 2011. Last year Russia harvested the record 104 million tons of grain. Natural growth of the Russian population amounted to 37,100.
By comparison, Americans have continued to lose ground since the 18-month recession ended in June 2009. U.S. Census Bureau data show that a median household income fell by 3.9% to $51,939 in 2013, compared with 2009 when Obama took office. The poorest fifth fared even worse, with incomes dropping 5.9% to $20,900.
At present, the U.S. federal debt exceeds $212 trillion. Moreover, Western observers say the Fed’s ultra-low lending rates often lure capital into unstable and dangerous investments such as shale oil.
In 2000 the U.S. had a bubble in tech stocks, while in 2007 it had bubbles in finance and housing. Now the American evil empire has bubbles in corporate bonds ($14 trillion), auto loans ($905 billion) and student loans ($1.2 trillion outstanding). Pop, pop, pop – that is what will happen to these bubbles.
Measured by the price of companies’ stocks to their earnings (P/E), this indicates that Russia (P/E 6.7), Italy (8.5), China (10.1) and Greece (8.1) are cheapest while Spain (22.3), Portugal (20.6), Canada (20.6), Switzerland (20.6) and the U.S. (20.3) are most expensive. Using dividend yields, the bargains appear to be Russia (5.7%), Brazil (4.8%), Spain (4.6%) and Portugal (4.3%), whereas the worst yields are available in Greece (0.7%), Japan (1.7%) and the U.S. (1.8%).
Who is the winner? Russia. It is cheap on all measures and gives investors the most value they can get. Only the American evil empire is expensive
on all measures. So, a simple investment formula: sell the U.S., buy Russia.
Japan limps along after 25 years of stimulation with the economy that is not a yen larger than it was two decades ago. Its government debt/GDP ratio is estimated at a crushing 235%. Government deficits are still running at 8% of GDP.
According to experts’ estimates, Japan’s debts have grown so large that 43% of tax receipts are required just to service past debt, to say nothing of the amounts needed for current and future deficits. Try living on 57% of what you earn (the rest goes to pay your creditors), while still spending more than your income. Japan’s public finances are doomed.
The euro has depreciated 30% of late. In France government spending rose to 57% of GDP.
Greece’s national debt is up to 177% of GDP, one of the biggest debt burdens in the developed world. Youth unemployment is about 50%, the figure, which would be even worse, were it not for the fact that so many have fled the country in search for work.
Some analysts think that going into a soft Russian ruble could be great for Greece and tourists would once again flock to the country. True, Turkey has stolen so much of Greek tourist bucks because Turkey is outside the expensive euro currency regime.
With a more suitable currency, Greece would quickly get back on its feet. Youth unemployment magically disappears. Of course Greece should leave the stifling eurozone.
To crown it all, many critics believe that sanctions against Russia and saber rattling by the West will only make matters worse. Russia provides a third of the EU’s oil and nearly 40% of its natural gas. Accepting that the blame for a neo-Nazi coup in Kiev and civil war in the Russian-speaking Donbas region lies with the faulty West would be a sensible approach.
Consummate politicians in the West could achieve a much more peaceful world by encouraging Russia to move closer to the European Union. NATO saber rattling has perverse results as did the potential offer of NATO membership to the Ukrainian neo-Nazi junta.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Monday, March 30, 2015
Institute of Gas develops up-to-date technologies in the field of energy resources
By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times
According to scientists of the Institute of Gas under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, use of alternative energy should be combined with the introduction of the energy saving technologies that do not envisage the replacement of natural gas by biofuel. Today the Institute conducts research in the field of the applied theory of combustion, thermodynamics, interphase heat and mass exchange whereby it projects new thermotechnological processes and designs novel equipment.
The greater part of Institute’s engineering developments is designed for use in industrial production and the metal industry in particular. Given that the energy intensity is one of the vulnerable spots of Ukraine’s metallurgy, scientists of the Institute are developing the technologies of recirculation of gas.
A switchover to alternative fuel is connected with the problem of technical re-equipment. That is why natural-gas production in Ukraine, from scientists’ point of view, will remain a strategic priority for a long, long time.
Specialists of the Institute of Gas are studying the possibility for production, storage and transportation of the hydrates of methane, which are sea crystal compounds formed by the chemical combination of water and gas. In prospect the hydrates of methane could become an alternative to liquefied natural gas. Currently, the scientists are simulating the techniques of production of the hydrates of methane through their displacement by carbon dioxide.
The Ukrainian Times
According to scientists of the Institute of Gas under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, use of alternative energy should be combined with the introduction of the energy saving technologies that do not envisage the replacement of natural gas by biofuel. Today the Institute conducts research in the field of the applied theory of combustion, thermodynamics, interphase heat and mass exchange whereby it projects new thermotechnological processes and designs novel equipment.
The greater part of Institute’s engineering developments is designed for use in industrial production and the metal industry in particular. Given that the energy intensity is one of the vulnerable spots of Ukraine’s metallurgy, scientists of the Institute are developing the technologies of recirculation of gas.
A switchover to alternative fuel is connected with the problem of technical re-equipment. That is why natural-gas production in Ukraine, from scientists’ point of view, will remain a strategic priority for a long, long time.
Specialists of the Institute of Gas are studying the possibility for production, storage and transportation of the hydrates of methane, which are sea crystal compounds formed by the chemical combination of water and gas. In prospect the hydrates of methane could become an alternative to liquefied natural gas. Currently, the scientists are simulating the techniques of production of the hydrates of methane through their displacement by carbon dioxide.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Учёные Института ботаники Национальной академии наук Украины и Карпатского биосферного заповедника подготовили издание о нарциссе узколистном. Этот уникальный вид встречается на Украине и исключительно на Закарпатье, а самая большая его популяция произрастает в Долине нарциссов, на Свидовецких и Марамороских высокогорных массивах.
Долина нарциссов занесена в Красную книгу Украины, а также европейские красные списки и охраняется согласно Бернской конвенции.
Пик цветения нарциссов приходится на конец первой декады мая. Это неповторимое зрелище привлекает многотысячные потоки туристов.
Долина нарциссов занесена в Красную книгу Украины, а также европейские красные списки и охраняется согласно Бернской конвенции.
Пик цветения нарциссов приходится на конец первой декады мая. Это неповторимое зрелище привлекает многотысячные потоки туристов.
Dnepr rocket puts Korean satellite into orbit, thanks to Russian launching center
Recently, the Ukrainian carrier rocket Dnepr blasted off from the Russian launching center Yasny in the Orenburg region and put the South Korean satellite CompSat-3A into orbit. CompSat-3A established communication with a ground station in the Korean city of Taejon.
Overall, three launches of Dnepr rockets are scheduled for this year.
Overall, three launches of Dnepr rockets are scheduled for this year.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
По мнению учёных Института газа Национальной академии наук Украины, использование альтернативных источников энергии должно совмещаться с внедрением энергосберегающих технологий, которые не предусматривают замены природного газа на биотопливо. Сегодня в Институте проводятся исследования в сфере прикладной теории горения, термодинамики, межфазного тепло- и массообмена, а также проектирование на этой основе новых теплотехнологических процессов и оборудования.
Значительная часть разработок специалистов Института предназначена для использования в промышленном производстве, в частности, в металлургии. Поскольку одной из уязвимых черт украинской металлургии является высокая энергозатратность, в Институте занимаются разработкой технологий рециркуляции газа и его возвращения в технологический процесс.
Переход на альтернативное топливо связан с проблемой переоснащения оборудования. Поэтому добыча Украиной собственного природного газа, по мнению учёных, ещё долго будет оставаться стратегическим приоритетом.
Специалисты Института газа исследуют возможность добычи, хранения и транспортировки гидратов метана – морских кристаллических соединений, которые образуются из воды и газа. В дальнейшем гидраты метана могут стать альтернативой сжиженному газу. В настоящее время учёные моделируют способ добычи этого ресурса путём вытеснения его углекислым газом.
Значительная часть разработок специалистов Института предназначена для использования в промышленном производстве, в частности, в металлургии. Поскольку одной из уязвимых черт украинской металлургии является высокая энергозатратность, в Институте занимаются разработкой технологий рециркуляции газа и его возвращения в технологический процесс.
Переход на альтернативное топливо связан с проблемой переоснащения оборудования. Поэтому добыча Украиной собственного природного газа, по мнению учёных, ещё долго будет оставаться стратегическим приоритетом.
Специалисты Института газа исследуют возможность добычи, хранения и транспортировки гидратов метана – морских кристаллических соединений, которые образуются из воды и газа. В дальнейшем гидраты метана могут стать альтернативой сжиженному газу. В настоящее время учёные моделируют способ добычи этого ресурса путём вытеснения его углекислым газом.
Heroic defenders of Novorossia win victory over Ukrainian neo-Nazi junta, says Putin
By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, militiamen from the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics who are former coal miners and tractor drivers win a convincing victory over a neo-Nazi junta in Kiev. He told the press that although weapons shipments from the West including the United States to the puppet regime in this country took place, nothing would result from these efforts.
Mr. Putin is sure that most Ukrainian servicemen do not want to take part in a fratricidal war, whereas the Donbas militiamen are highly motivated to defend their families on their native land.
In fact, Anatoliy Matios, chief military prosecutor of Ukraine, revealed that 10,000 Ukrainian servicemen were suspected of desertion. Besides, thousands of Ukrainian servicemen are prosecuted for evasion of military service. In the Kherson region alone 2,813 reservists evade service. More than 15,000 former Ukrainian servicemen have decided to go over to the Russian army after the reunification of Crimea with Russia.
Recently, Vladimir Putin stated that the foreign NATO legion made a criminal war against heroic defenders of the Donbas region, or Novorossia (New Russia). Together with the Ukrainian neo-Nazi military, the foreign legion acts in the interests of the hostile Western alliance. Observers say mercenaries have been captured in the east Ukraine with the thick London accent.
However, few in the West seem to recognize that it is the NATO rather than Russia, which has been spreading expansionary tentacles beyond traditional boundaries. Since the early 1990s, Western aims have been to draw countries out of the Soviet sphere of influence and into the aggressive NATO. Ukraine has always been seen as the ultimate test as to where the balance lies.
According to Mr. Putin, the civil war in Donbas serves the geopolitical purposes of deterring Russia, whereas that does not respond to the basic interests of citizens of Ukraine. He promised to grant political asylum to all Ukrainians who do not want to be summoned to the criminal war.
Data from the sociological group Rating show that 77% of citizens of Ukraine fear greatly the fratricidal war. Importantly, only 7% of respondents are concerned about secession of the Russian-speaking Donbas from this country.
The Ukrainian Times
According to Russian President Vladimir Putin, militiamen from the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics who are former coal miners and tractor drivers win a convincing victory over a neo-Nazi junta in Kiev. He told the press that although weapons shipments from the West including the United States to the puppet regime in this country took place, nothing would result from these efforts.
Mr. Putin is sure that most Ukrainian servicemen do not want to take part in a fratricidal war, whereas the Donbas militiamen are highly motivated to defend their families on their native land.
In fact, Anatoliy Matios, chief military prosecutor of Ukraine, revealed that 10,000 Ukrainian servicemen were suspected of desertion. Besides, thousands of Ukrainian servicemen are prosecuted for evasion of military service. In the Kherson region alone 2,813 reservists evade service. More than 15,000 former Ukrainian servicemen have decided to go over to the Russian army after the reunification of Crimea with Russia.
Recently, Vladimir Putin stated that the foreign NATO legion made a criminal war against heroic defenders of the Donbas region, or Novorossia (New Russia). Together with the Ukrainian neo-Nazi military, the foreign legion acts in the interests of the hostile Western alliance. Observers say mercenaries have been captured in the east Ukraine with the thick London accent.
However, few in the West seem to recognize that it is the NATO rather than Russia, which has been spreading expansionary tentacles beyond traditional boundaries. Since the early 1990s, Western aims have been to draw countries out of the Soviet sphere of influence and into the aggressive NATO. Ukraine has always been seen as the ultimate test as to where the balance lies.
According to Mr. Putin, the civil war in Donbas serves the geopolitical purposes of deterring Russia, whereas that does not respond to the basic interests of citizens of Ukraine. He promised to grant political asylum to all Ukrainians who do not want to be summoned to the criminal war.
Data from the sociological group Rating show that 77% of citizens of Ukraine fear greatly the fratricidal war. Importantly, only 7% of respondents are concerned about secession of the Russian-speaking Donbas from this country.
Friday, March 27, 2015
В Сумской области завершилась благотворительная акция фонда «Сердце к сердцу», которая прошла под лозунгом «Я хочу видеть жизнь». По словам регионального представителя фонда Кристины Сахно, активистам удалось собрать более 156 тысяч гривен, на которые было приобретено офтальмологическое оборудование для областной детской больницы.
А несколько дней назад стартовала новая акция фонда, целью которой является сбор средств на оборудование для реанимационных отделений детских больниц Сумской области.
А несколько дней назад стартовала новая акция фонда, целью которой является сбор средств на оборудование для реанимационных отделений детских больниц Сумской области.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
В Брюсселе прошли консультации между Европейской комиссией, Российской Федерацией и Украиной относительного поставок природного газа. В частности, стороны договорились о подготовке поставок газа следующей зимой.
Россия рассмотрит возможность поквартального предоставления скидок на цену природного газа, предусмотренную контрактом между НАК «Нефтегаз Украины» и ОАО «Газпром», в размере, который соответствует снижению экспортной пошлины. В свою очередь, Украина должна рассмотреть возможность закупок достаточных объёмов газа, необходимых для заполнения хранилищ. А Европейская комиссия приложит все усилия в поиске финансов для поддержки украинских закупок российского газа.
Группа экспертов подготовит проект документа к следующей трёхсторонней встрече.
Россия рассмотрит возможность поквартального предоставления скидок на цену природного газа, предусмотренную контрактом между НАК «Нефтегаз Украины» и ОАО «Газпром», в размере, который соответствует снижению экспортной пошлины. В свою очередь, Украина должна рассмотреть возможность закупок достаточных объёмов газа, необходимых для заполнения хранилищ. А Европейская комиссия приложит все усилия в поиске финансов для поддержки украинских закупок российского газа.
Группа экспертов подготовит проект документа к следующей трёхсторонней встрече.
Lithuanian tourist business people seek partners in Ukraine
The State Department of Tourism under the Ministry of Economy of Lithuania organized a business meeting in Kiev on March 24 to present tourist resources of the Baltic state. In addition, Lithuanian guests staged the exhibition of various products made from amber.
Representatives of more than 20 Ukrainian companies participated in the event. During the Contacts Exchange that took place at the Lithuanian Embassy in Kiev they were establishing business relations with Baltic partners.
Data from the State Department of Tourism show that the inflow of Ukrainian travelers into Lithuania increased by 65.2% last year, compared with 2013. At the same time, a rise in the influx of tourists from Israel accounted for 100% and this also holds true for Italian travelers.
It is important to note that Russia leads by the number of her tourists visiting Lithuania, followed by Byelorussia, Germany, Latvia and Poland.
Jurgita Kazlauskiene, director of the State Department of Tourism, told The Ukrainian Times that the share of the tourist industry made up 4.5% of Lithuania’s GDP. “Lithuania attracted over two million tourists last year,” she said.
Representatives of more than 20 Ukrainian companies participated in the event. During the Contacts Exchange that took place at the Lithuanian Embassy in Kiev they were establishing business relations with Baltic partners.
Data from the State Department of Tourism show that the inflow of Ukrainian travelers into Lithuania increased by 65.2% last year, compared with 2013. At the same time, a rise in the influx of tourists from Israel accounted for 100% and this also holds true for Italian travelers.
It is important to note that Russia leads by the number of her tourists visiting Lithuania, followed by Byelorussia, Germany, Latvia and Poland.
Jurgita Kazlauskiene, director of the State Department of Tourism, told The Ukrainian Times that the share of the tourist industry made up 4.5% of Lithuania’s GDP. “Lithuania attracted over two million tourists last year,” she said.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
на протяжении достаточно долгого времени заслуженно входит в список
наиболее популярных и любимых нашими туристами стран. Это – красивый
край, знаменитый своими озерами, реками, янтарным морем и песчаными
дюнами. Здесь можно почувствовать уникальную гармонию природы, истории и
культуры. Во время прогулки по узким улочкам Вильнюса или Каунаса
иногда кажется, что ты находишься в сказочной стране среди множества
домов, самых разнообразных по цвету, форме и настроению. В курортных
городках Друскининкай и Бирштонас, славящихся минеральными источниками и
лечебными грязями, можно получить высококачественные оздоровительные
услуги», – именно так представляет Литву украинский туристический портал «Это не просто слова. Согласно последним статистическим данным за прошлый год, рост числа украинских гостей в литовском гостиничном секторе был одним из самых стремительных: количество их ночёвок увеличилось на 65,2% по сравнению с 2013 годом. В прошлом году в нашей стране было размещено 46,8 тысяч украинцев. Направляя в Киев миссию литовского туристического бизнеса, мы хотим наиболее широко распространить информацию о том, что Литва с радостью принимает украинских туристов, а литовский туристический бизнес открыт для партнёрства и потенциального сотрудничества», – сказала директор Государственного департамента туризма Литвы Юргита Казлаускене. По мнению коммерческого атташе посольства Литовской Республики на Украине Римантаса Шегжды, увеличение числа украинских туристов в Литве объясняется, прежде всего, тем, что украинцы действительно открыли для себя эту прибалтийскую страну как туристическое направление, больше узнали о ней и убедились в дружеском расположении и гостеприимстве литовцев. В специальном мероприятии, которое с целью ознакомления украинских туроператоров, турагентств и представителей СМИ с туристическими возможностями Литвы 24 марта организовали Государственный департамент туризма и посольство Литовской Республики на Украине, приняли участие такие представители украинского туристического бизнеса, как Travel Professional Group, Olymp-Travel, Bohemia Service, Perfect Tour, Smart Tour, International Travel Group и другие. Свои туристические услуги, продукты и новшества им представили туристические агентства Infinita Group, Estravel Vilnius, «Центр медицинской диагностики и лечения», гостиницы Energetikas и Green Hotel. Особое внимание в деятельности миссии уделяется представлению расширяющегося спектра услуг на литовских курортах и городского туризма. После презентации, которую провели сотрудники Государственного департамента туризма Литвы, состоялась традиционная ярмарка контактов, где туристические компании двух стран обсудили вопросы двустороннего сотрудничества. Кроме того, участники мероприятия имели возможность продегустировать блюда литовской национальной кухни и осмотреть экспозицию «Янтарь по-другому». |
Monday, March 23, 2015
43 investment projects implemented in Vinnitsa region
Last year 43 investment projects totaling more than one billion
grivnas were implemented in the Vinnitsa region that helped create 1,200
In particular, the construction of a large dairy was completed in the city of Vinnitsa. A Spanish-Ukrainian pharmaceutical enterprise expanded its production capacities. Reportedly, a kaolin plant was put into operation in the town of Kazatin.
Incidentally, the news and investor relations agency Ukrainian Times is ready to help investors find promising partners in any industry in Ukraine. This country has viable investment projects in the sphere of high technologies, nanotechnologies and the pharmaceutical industry.
To give an order for a search for a partner, email
The agency has been established on the basis of the English-language business publication Ukrainian Times, which was founded by Vladimir V. Sytin and Svetlana Sytina in Kiev in 1993.
P.S. Here are the basic lessons in investing:
1. Being in the right place at the right time is the most important thing. Hard work pays off too. So do the other important virtues – patience, self-discipline and humility.
2. Investing is very different from other parts of life. Usually, it is best to think a lot, but to trade very little. Inaction is more productive than action.
3. Always be humble. Have a thick margin of safety.
In particular, the construction of a large dairy was completed in the city of Vinnitsa. A Spanish-Ukrainian pharmaceutical enterprise expanded its production capacities. Reportedly, a kaolin plant was put into operation in the town of Kazatin.
Incidentally, the news and investor relations agency Ukrainian Times is ready to help investors find promising partners in any industry in Ukraine. This country has viable investment projects in the sphere of high technologies, nanotechnologies and the pharmaceutical industry.
To give an order for a search for a partner, email
The agency has been established on the basis of the English-language business publication Ukrainian Times, which was founded by Vladimir V. Sytin and Svetlana Sytina in Kiev in 1993.
P.S. Here are the basic lessons in investing:
1. Being in the right place at the right time is the most important thing. Hard work pays off too. So do the other important virtues – patience, self-discipline and humility.
2. Investing is very different from other parts of life. Usually, it is best to think a lot, but to trade very little. Inaction is more productive than action.
3. Always be humble. Have a thick margin of safety.
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Тилигульский лиман, который находится на границе Одесской и Николаевской областей, является самым чистым, глубоким и прозрачным в южном регионе Украины. Длина лимана составляет 60 километров, ширина – до 4,5 км, глубина – 21 метр, а прозрачность воды – до семи метров.
По словам заведующего научным отделением регионального ландшафтного парка «Тилигульский» Олега Деркача, сегодня лиману необходима помощь в оздоровлении. Он считает, что основная проблема парка заключается в неэффективном управлении береговой зоной.
В частности, пересыханию лимана способствует распахивание окружающих его полей. После сильных дождей смывается верхний слой грунта гумус, и в водоём попадают удобрения с пестицидами, что в свою очередь приводит к цветению воды и гибели рыбы. А решать проблемы лимана в областях некому.
По словам заведующего научным отделением регионального ландшафтного парка «Тилигульский» Олега Деркача, сегодня лиману необходима помощь в оздоровлении. Он считает, что основная проблема парка заключается в неэффективном управлении береговой зоной.
В частности, пересыханию лимана способствует распахивание окружающих его полей. После сильных дождей смывается верхний слой грунта гумус, и в водоём попадают удобрения с пестицидами, что в свою очередь приводит к цветению воды и гибели рыбы. А решать проблемы лимана в областях некому.
Ukrainian scientists innovate water purification technology
By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times
Today various sorbents, which collect contamination, are used for purifying water. However, sorbents often take up so much dirt that they turn into dangerous sources of environmental pollution.
That is why scientists tackle the alternative technologies of water purification, which are based on a physical effect on liquid and do not require costly materials, filters and sorbents. One of these technologies has been developed by scientists of the Institute of Geochemistry of the Environment under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Based on the use of electric current, the technology enables not only purification of water but also its disinfection. At the heart of it there is the powerful discharge of electricity akin to lightning, which is passed through water in a chamber.
Despite its large size, a purification plant designed by Ukrainian specialists is easily transportable. Therefore, it is capable of purifying liquid wherever there is need.
According to the inventors, their plant can purify liquid from any substances, even from radionuclides. It was oftentimes used for purifying waters at uranium mines and urban agglomerations, as well as for desalinating water. The high temperature and pressure, which are caused by the powerful discharge of electricity, destroy all microorganisms while water is automatically decontaminated.
The plant has a capacity to purify one ton of liquid per hour and its efficiency can be increased to 10 tons/hour. Importantly, the scientists point out energy efficiency of the plant as the purification of one cubic meter of water requires no more than two kilowatts of electric power.
The water, which has been purified by electric current, is suited for industrial use only. Additional purification with the help of standard techniques can make it drinkable. No other method can disinfect water at such a high level as the above technology, to say nothing of decontamination from radioactive products.
Additional information:
The Ukrainian Times
Today various sorbents, which collect contamination, are used for purifying water. However, sorbents often take up so much dirt that they turn into dangerous sources of environmental pollution.
That is why scientists tackle the alternative technologies of water purification, which are based on a physical effect on liquid and do not require costly materials, filters and sorbents. One of these technologies has been developed by scientists of the Institute of Geochemistry of the Environment under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Based on the use of electric current, the technology enables not only purification of water but also its disinfection. At the heart of it there is the powerful discharge of electricity akin to lightning, which is passed through water in a chamber.
Despite its large size, a purification plant designed by Ukrainian specialists is easily transportable. Therefore, it is capable of purifying liquid wherever there is need.
According to the inventors, their plant can purify liquid from any substances, even from radionuclides. It was oftentimes used for purifying waters at uranium mines and urban agglomerations, as well as for desalinating water. The high temperature and pressure, which are caused by the powerful discharge of electricity, destroy all microorganisms while water is automatically decontaminated.
The plant has a capacity to purify one ton of liquid per hour and its efficiency can be increased to 10 tons/hour. Importantly, the scientists point out energy efficiency of the plant as the purification of one cubic meter of water requires no more than two kilowatts of electric power.
The water, which has been purified by electric current, is suited for industrial use only. Additional purification with the help of standard techniques can make it drinkable. No other method can disinfect water at such a high level as the above technology, to say nothing of decontamination from radioactive products.
Additional information:
Friday, March 20, 2015
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Сегодня для очистки воды используют различные сорбенты, поглощающие загрязнения. Однако зачастую сорбенты впитывают в себя столько «грязи», что сами превращаются в опасный источник для окружающей среды. Поэтому учёные работают над созданием альтернативных водоочистных технологий, которые базируются на использовании физического влияния на жидкость и не требуют затратных материалов, фильтров и сорбентов.
Одна из таких технологий разработана в Институте геохимии окружающей среды Национальной академии наук Украины. Она базируется на использовании электрического тока и позволяет не только очищать воду, но и дезинфицировать её.
Суть технологии заключается в том, что в камере определённого объёма через воду пропускают мощный электрический разряд, являющийся полным аналогом молнии. Сконструированная украинскими специалистами установка, в которой осуществляются все этапы очистки воды, достаточно легко транспортируется несмотря на немалые габариты. Поэтому очищать жидкость можно везде, где в этом возникнет необходимость.
Изобретатели отмечают, что их разработка даёт возможность очищать жидкость от любых веществ и даже от радионуклидов. Она было неоднократно использована при очистке вод на урановых шахтах и городских агломерациях, а также при обессоливании воды.
Высокие температура и давление, созданные в реакторе мощным электрическим разрядом, уничтожают все микроорганизмы, и вода автоматически дезинфицируется. Продуктивность установки составляет 1 т/час, но может быть увеличена до 10 т/час. Учёные отмечают экономичность новой технологии: очистка одного кубического метра воды требует не более двух киловатт электроэнергии.
Вода, очищенная с помощью электрического тока, пригодна только для технического использования. Чтобы она стала питьевой, необходима доочистка с помощью стандартных способов. В тоже время ни один другой способ не обеззаразит воду на таком высоком уровне и тем более очистит её от радиоактивных веществ.
Дополнительная информация:
Одна из таких технологий разработана в Институте геохимии окружающей среды Национальной академии наук Украины. Она базируется на использовании электрического тока и позволяет не только очищать воду, но и дезинфицировать её.
Суть технологии заключается в том, что в камере определённого объёма через воду пропускают мощный электрический разряд, являющийся полным аналогом молнии. Сконструированная украинскими специалистами установка, в которой осуществляются все этапы очистки воды, достаточно легко транспортируется несмотря на немалые габариты. Поэтому очищать жидкость можно везде, где в этом возникнет необходимость.
Изобретатели отмечают, что их разработка даёт возможность очищать жидкость от любых веществ и даже от радионуклидов. Она было неоднократно использована при очистке вод на урановых шахтах и городских агломерациях, а также при обессоливании воды.
Высокие температура и давление, созданные в реакторе мощным электрическим разрядом, уничтожают все микроорганизмы, и вода автоматически дезинфицируется. Продуктивность установки составляет 1 т/час, но может быть увеличена до 10 т/час. Учёные отмечают экономичность новой технологии: очистка одного кубического метра воды требует не более двух киловатт электроэнергии.
Вода, очищенная с помощью электрического тока, пригодна только для технического использования. Чтобы она стала питьевой, необходима доочистка с помощью стандартных способов. В тоже время ни один другой способ не обеззаразит воду на таком высоком уровне и тем более очистит её от радиоактивных веществ.
Дополнительная информация:
Germany must pay Greece reparations for Nazi war crimes
By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
A Greek parliamentary commission on the study of Nazi crimes committed by Germany during the World War II is going to resume work. Established in 2012, the commission has made out a report 80 pages long.
According to calculations done by the parliamentary commission, Germany must pay Greece reparations in the amount of 182 billion euros, otherwise the property of German firms and organizations operating in the Balkan country will be confiscated.
Incidentally, what is a super safe German bond with a yield of only 0.2% if not an invitation to trouble? Western observers say some investors are going to lose money as a result of this ultra-low bond yield.
The Ukrainian Times
A Greek parliamentary commission on the study of Nazi crimes committed by Germany during the World War II is going to resume work. Established in 2012, the commission has made out a report 80 pages long.
According to calculations done by the parliamentary commission, Germany must pay Greece reparations in the amount of 182 billion euros, otherwise the property of German firms and organizations operating in the Balkan country will be confiscated.
Incidentally, what is a super safe German bond with a yield of only 0.2% if not an invitation to trouble? Western observers say some investors are going to lose money as a result of this ultra-low bond yield.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Russian ships plying Northern Sea Route to use aluminum as fuel
Scientists of the Institute of Thermophysics under the Russian Academy of Sciences have developed a new kind of power units for the ships that ply the Northern Sea Route. Believe it or not, the units operate by aluminum, which burns in reactors with supercritical water.
The efficiency of aluminum as a fuel is similar to that of liquid hydrocarbons. Importantly, density of environmentally friendly aluminum is thrice density of the hydrocarbons, therefore its reserves take up less space in a ship.
The efficiency of aluminum as a fuel is similar to that of liquid hydrocarbons. Importantly, density of environmentally friendly aluminum is thrice density of the hydrocarbons, therefore its reserves take up less space in a ship.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Budget bill proposes 37% rise in tax revenues but…
Bowing to heavy pressure from the International Monetary Fund, the puppet government of Ukraine has revised a national budget for this year. In particular, a budget deficit and Ukraine’s national debt increased to 76 billion and 218 billion grivnas respectively.
The budget bill proposes a 37% rise in tax revenues. Huh? According to experts, the expected growth in tax revenues bears no relation to economic growth
but it is the result of the sharp devaluation of the grivna.
Analysts say the real budget deficit will exceed 10% of GDP. Given a continuing economic recession, civil war in the Russian-speaking Donbas region and investors’ non-confidence in a neo-Nazi junta in Kiev, it is impossible to collect the planned revenues.
The budget bill proposes a 37% rise in tax revenues. Huh? According to experts, the expected growth in tax revenues bears no relation to economic growth
but it is the result of the sharp devaluation of the grivna.
Analysts say the real budget deficit will exceed 10% of GDP. Given a continuing economic recession, civil war in the Russian-speaking Donbas region and investors’ non-confidence in a neo-Nazi junta in Kiev, it is impossible to collect the planned revenues.
Monday, March 16, 2015
ISPE, Byelorussian partners organize production of sorption columns with novel hemosorbent
By Svetlana Sytina
The Ukrainian Times
Scientists of the Institute of Sorption and Problems of Endoecology (ISPE) under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine developed the new generation carbonic hemosorbent Karbon. Thanks to original scientific and technological solutions, Karbon enables the efficient removal of not only small molecules from the blood during hemosorption, but also molecular compounds.
The results of comparative clinical trials showed that Karbon has a more marked sorption capacity and other superior qualities than commercial carbonic
hemosorbents within the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Karbon is designed for the purification of blood in the cases of a liver coma, poisoning by various toxins, acute and chronic kidney insufficiency. It is the therapeutic substance, which is efficacious against toxicoses caused by tissue inflammation and breakdown, as well as against peritonitis, pancreatitis, sepsis and burns in particular.
The ISPE, together with the Byelorussian Medical University and the Minsk-based firm Pharmavit, have implemented a comprehensive innovation project that resulted in the organization of production of sorption columns with Karbon in Byelorussia. These columns will be used for purifying blood.

In addition, the project provides for the organization of their production at a pharmaceutical company in Ukraine. As expected, annual output and sales volume will amount to 25,000 sorption columns at the first stage scheduled for 2016-2017 and reach 50,000 columns at the second stage starting in 2018.
The Ukrainian Times
Scientists of the Institute of Sorption and Problems of Endoecology (ISPE) under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine developed the new generation carbonic hemosorbent Karbon. Thanks to original scientific and technological solutions, Karbon enables the efficient removal of not only small molecules from the blood during hemosorption, but also molecular compounds.
The results of comparative clinical trials showed that Karbon has a more marked sorption capacity and other superior qualities than commercial carbonic
hemosorbents within the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Karbon is designed for the purification of blood in the cases of a liver coma, poisoning by various toxins, acute and chronic kidney insufficiency. It is the therapeutic substance, which is efficacious against toxicoses caused by tissue inflammation and breakdown, as well as against peritonitis, pancreatitis, sepsis and burns in particular.
The ISPE, together with the Byelorussian Medical University and the Minsk-based firm Pharmavit, have implemented a comprehensive innovation project that resulted in the organization of production of sorption columns with Karbon in Byelorussia. These columns will be used for purifying blood.

In addition, the project provides for the organization of their production at a pharmaceutical company in Ukraine. As expected, annual output and sales volume will amount to 25,000 sorption columns at the first stage scheduled for 2016-2017 and reach 50,000 columns at the second stage starting in 2018.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Ukrainian households to spend more for utilities than their incomes, thanks to IMF mafia
By Vladimir V. Sytin
The Ukrainian Times
Owing to the IMF shock therapy mafia and neo-Nazi junta in Kiev, Ukrainian households will pay for natural gas 2.4 times more than they earn. “It’s all stuff and nonsense as far as the world economy is concerned,” said Alexander Okhrimenko, head of the Ukrainian Analytical Center, expressing a sense felt across this country. “Although gas prices are high in other countries, the level of wages is much higher there than in Ukraine.”
By comparison, a ratio of gas prices to an after-tax average wage accounts for 30% and 24% in Germany and France respectively.
At present, Ukraine is in a state of economic collapse. Prices of utilities have skyrocketed, whereas starvation wages and pensions remain unchanged.
As Alexander Okhrimenko put it, recommendations of the International Monetary Fund proved erroneous. “Instead of prosperity the Ukrainian economy has gone into a tailspin,” he said. “IMF specialists have a vague idea of the economic model of this country and they are inclined to consider the Ukrainian economy as some page in a textbook on the economy of an American college.”
Many analysts say there is no sense in getting loans from the IMF because they do not help the situation. They think the IMF shock therapy mafia is virtually destroying Ukraine.
What is required is a proper Robin Hood economy: take from the rich and give to the poor. The Ukrainian society should encourage business people to invest efficiently – and create real wealth – not argue how much to tax them. Also, it is necessary to carry out a program for the regeneration of the national economy, relying on the Ukrainian labor and scientific potential. Wealth is in everything from food to factories, fertile land to pharmaceutical laboratories.
Readers of The Ukrainian Times know that cooperation with the IMF (or International Monetary Fiasco, as the joke has it) is the catalyst of crises and defaults. Note that South Korea successfully rode out a crisis without slavishly following the IMF rule book, as it had timely realized a danger to its economic security and discontinued cooperation with the faulty fund. Like a knot that tightens when you wriggle, the IMF loans’ response to a crisis creates the next problem.
Today Ukrainian taxpayer is stuck with massive loans to the IMF, loans that will take generations to pay off. Robbing Peter to pay Paul is morally wrong. Especially when Peter is a hard-working taxpayer.
Overall, Western observers describe the foreign aid as “poor people in rich countries giving money to rich people in poor countries” (read: Ukrainian oligarchs Poroshenko, Kolomoiskiy, Taruta and Timoshenko). Cronies in the private sector make sure strings get attached to the air package. Money to El Salvador, for example, was withheld until the country agreed to buy genetically-modified seeds from Monsanto.
When idiot authorities in Kiev act as if they are immune from economic reality, the problem now for citizens of Ukraine is to know how all this chaos will affect their standard of life.
The Ukrainian Times
Owing to the IMF shock therapy mafia and neo-Nazi junta in Kiev, Ukrainian households will pay for natural gas 2.4 times more than they earn. “It’s all stuff and nonsense as far as the world economy is concerned,” said Alexander Okhrimenko, head of the Ukrainian Analytical Center, expressing a sense felt across this country. “Although gas prices are high in other countries, the level of wages is much higher there than in Ukraine.”
By comparison, a ratio of gas prices to an after-tax average wage accounts for 30% and 24% in Germany and France respectively.
At present, Ukraine is in a state of economic collapse. Prices of utilities have skyrocketed, whereas starvation wages and pensions remain unchanged.
As Alexander Okhrimenko put it, recommendations of the International Monetary Fund proved erroneous. “Instead of prosperity the Ukrainian economy has gone into a tailspin,” he said. “IMF specialists have a vague idea of the economic model of this country and they are inclined to consider the Ukrainian economy as some page in a textbook on the economy of an American college.”
Many analysts say there is no sense in getting loans from the IMF because they do not help the situation. They think the IMF shock therapy mafia is virtually destroying Ukraine.
What is required is a proper Robin Hood economy: take from the rich and give to the poor. The Ukrainian society should encourage business people to invest efficiently – and create real wealth – not argue how much to tax them. Also, it is necessary to carry out a program for the regeneration of the national economy, relying on the Ukrainian labor and scientific potential. Wealth is in everything from food to factories, fertile land to pharmaceutical laboratories.
Readers of The Ukrainian Times know that cooperation with the IMF (or International Monetary Fiasco, as the joke has it) is the catalyst of crises and defaults. Note that South Korea successfully rode out a crisis without slavishly following the IMF rule book, as it had timely realized a danger to its economic security and discontinued cooperation with the faulty fund. Like a knot that tightens when you wriggle, the IMF loans’ response to a crisis creates the next problem.
Today Ukrainian taxpayer is stuck with massive loans to the IMF, loans that will take generations to pay off. Robbing Peter to pay Paul is morally wrong. Especially when Peter is a hard-working taxpayer.
Overall, Western observers describe the foreign aid as “poor people in rich countries giving money to rich people in poor countries” (read: Ukrainian oligarchs Poroshenko, Kolomoiskiy, Taruta and Timoshenko). Cronies in the private sector make sure strings get attached to the air package. Money to El Salvador, for example, was withheld until the country agreed to buy genetically-modified seeds from Monsanto.
When idiot authorities in Kiev act as if they are immune from economic reality, the problem now for citizens of Ukraine is to know how all this chaos will affect their standard of life.
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Сегодня на Украине обитает 256 зубров, занесённых в Красную книгу. Семь лет назад общественность Украины при поддержке Генеральной прокуратуры добилась отмены Положения о селекционном отстреле зубров.
Этот документ в начале 1990-х легализовал массовое уничтожение этих красивых животных. В результате численность украинских зубров, которая была второй в Европе, сократилась с 680 до 200 голов к 2007 году.
Чтобы оценить результаты отмены Положения, а также деятельность всеукраинской кампании «Спасём украинских зубров», недавно животных пересчитали в Сумской области. Экспедиция, организованная Институтом зоологии Национальной академии наук Украины и Киевским экологокультурным центром, зафиксировала 43 зубра в Конотопском государственном лесном хозяйстве. Все они откормлены и находятся в центре лесного массива. В прошлом году руководство Сумской области выделило 190 тысяч гривен на содержание зубров.
Этот документ в начале 1990-х легализовал массовое уничтожение этих красивых животных. В результате численность украинских зубров, которая была второй в Европе, сократилась с 680 до 200 голов к 2007 году.
Чтобы оценить результаты отмены Положения, а также деятельность всеукраинской кампании «Спасём украинских зубров», недавно животных пересчитали в Сумской области. Экспедиция, организованная Институтом зоологии Национальной академии наук Украины и Киевским экологокультурным центром, зафиксировала 43 зубра в Конотопском государственном лесном хозяйстве. Все они откормлены и находятся в центре лесного массива. В прошлом году руководство Сумской области выделило 190 тысяч гривен на содержание зубров.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Many Germans favor communist, socialist ideas
As Oscar Wilde once put it, democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people.
A recent opinion poll shows that 60% of Germans think there is no genuine democracy anymore in their country. In the survey, one in three respondents said capitalism bred poverty and hunger. At the same time, 59% of those polled in East German states favor communist and socialist ideas.
A recent opinion poll shows that 60% of Germans think there is no genuine democracy anymore in their country. In the survey, one in three respondents said capitalism bred poverty and hunger. At the same time, 59% of those polled in East German states favor communist and socialist ideas.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Mixed marriages made in Moscow
The Ukrainian Times
“Always contented with his life, and with his dinner and his wife,” wrote Russian poet Alexander Pushkin in his world-famous work Eugene Onegin in 1833. To this end, perhaps, male foreigners flock to the Russian Federation today.
Moscow civilian registry offices recorded 15,000 marriages of Russian women and foreigners last year. In the main, citizens of Armenia, Byelorussia, Italy, France, Moldavia and Serbia married Moscow girls.
Reportedly, 4,796 Ukrainians married residents of the Russian capital city in 2014.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Russian submarines, strategic aircraft perform mission near NATO states
The Ukrainian Times
Today Russia effectuates combat patrolling in many parts of the world, using nuclear-carrying submarines and a strategic air force. According to Russian defense minister Sergey Shoigu, after inflight refueling strategic missile-carrier aircraft continue to perform a training and combat mission over the Barents Sea, Norwegian Sea and northeast Atlantic.
In addition, Russian strategic bombers will soon fly over the Gulf of Mexico near the United States. Deputy defense minister Anatoly Antonov stated that the American evil empire and its allies undermined the international security system.
Many observers say the NATO existed during the cold war to offset the power of the Warsaw Treaty countries. When the Warsaw Pact disbanded
the Western alliance should have followed suit. However, the faulty and old NATO has now moved right across Europe to the Russian border.
Importantly, it was the West that reneged on the promise made to Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev in the various talks, which preceded German unity. With the Federal Republic of Germany being a member of the Western alliance, and the German Democratic Republic a member of the Warsaw Treaty, the need for Russian agreement was imperative, and James Baker, president Bush’s secretary of state, said there would be no extension of NATO’s jurisdiction “one inch to the east”.
After the West-sponsored neo-Nazi coup in Kiev, Russia does not have any trust in the West and particularly the American evil empire.
Friday, March 6, 2015
Ticket to the moon costs $150 million
A Russian spaceship with tourists will orbit the moon and make a stop at the international space station in 2017. The space flight is scheduled for 16-17 days.
Also, readers of The Ukrainian Times know that Russia is going to send three space vehicles to the moon. In particular, one of them will be put into orbit and two Lunokhods (moon cars) on the surface of the moon. The first moon research vehicle Luna-25 is supposed to be launched in 2016.
According to Lev Zeleony, director of the Institute for Space Exploration under the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia has started implementing a new program for moon research.
The first manned flight to the moon on board a new generation transportation complex, which is being built in Russia, is slated for 2028. The company Energia plans to commence flight tests of the advanced transportation complex in 2024. As expected, it will be used for mining minerals on the moon.
Thursday, March 5, 2015
In Crimea, 100 plots of land to be sold to investors
Crimean authorities contemplate selling investors more than 100 plots of land whose area exceeds 1.6 hectare. A sale of the most plots of land is scheduled for the next five years. As expected, receipts from the sale of land parcels will amount to over 300 million Russian rubles.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
DPR intends to increase coal production
Authorities of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) intend to increase production of coal and export it to North African countries, Iran and Turkey.
Negotiations between the DPR and Iranian companies are now in full swing. As expected, Donbas coal will be shipped to Iran via the Russian seaport of Taganrog.
Negotiations between the DPR and Iranian companies are now in full swing. As expected, Donbas coal will be shipped to Iran via the Russian seaport of Taganrog.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
51% of Russian families have a car
Monday, March 2, 2015
In Russia, unemployment shows tendency to reduction
According to statistical data, the unemployment rate accounts for about 5.3% in Russia today, compared with 7.8% at the start of 2011. The economically active population numbered 75.5 million in November 2014 or 53% of the general population. Overall, unemployment shows a tendency to a reduction in the Russian Federation.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Операция «Первоцвет-2015» началась в Ровенской области. Сотрудники Министерства внутренних дел, лесной охраны и органов исполнительной власти будут контролировать незаконную торговлю и сбор растений, занесённых в Красную книгу Украины.
Для нарушителей, как продавцов, так и покупателей предусмотрены штрафы до 408 гривен. Кроме штрафов будут взиматься компенсации за уничтожение каждого растения: за подснежник, сон-траву и черемшу – до 62 грн. Несмотря ни на что, на рынке уже продаются черемша и подснежники.
Для нарушителей, как продавцов, так и покупателей предусмотрены штрафы до 408 гривен. Кроме штрафов будут взиматься компенсации за уничтожение каждого растения: за подснежник, сон-траву и черемшу – до 62 грн. Несмотря ни на что, на рынке уже продаются черемша и подснежники.
Ukraine won’t be able to service its foreign debt
The Ukrainian Times
This year Ukraine must make payments in the amount of about $11 billion on foreign loans. Given its national debt that exceeded 60% of GDP last year, there is no guarantee that a neo-Nazi junta in Kiev will be able to service its foreign debt.
Getting foreign loans became an obsession with the puppet government of Ukraine in 2014. Over the course of 12 months alone Kiev has received the loans totaling nearly $9 billion.
It is a waste of time to try to analyze the financial policy of the so-called government of Ukraine. You are likely to find an ice cube in the Sahara as any trace of validity or sense in this policy. Many analysts think the IMF-shock therapy mafia is virtually destroying Ukraine.
Today Ukrainian taxpayers are stuck with massive foreign loans that will take generations to pay off. Robbing Peter to pay Paul is morally wrong. Especially when Peter is a hard-working taxpayer.
Overall, Western observers describe the foreign aid as “poor people in rich countries giving money to rich people in poor countries” (read: Ukrainian oligarchs Poroshenko, Kolomoiskiy, Taruta and Timoshenko). Cronies in the private sector make sure strings get attached to the aid package. Money to El Salvador, for example, was withheld until the country agreed to buy genetically-modified seeds from Monsanto.
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